Sunday, September 25, 2011

Links to Corruption, Tyranny and Trends Toward a New World Order, Part I

Overall Contents for All Blogs and Posts
  Most posts are alphabetized by subject starting at the bottom of each blog except for the first one.  To get a feel of the overall intent of the blogs and posts please read the first post below. 
Introduction and an Idea of how to navigate through the blogs and posts.
Contents for Sources of Funding for New World Order
From Soft to Hard Tyranny  
Government Officials Speak out on Corruption and/or the New World Order Part 1
Government Officials Speak out on Corruption and/or the New World Order Part 2
Contents for Health Care Trends  
Contents for Hidden Powers, Hidden Interests
Links to Corruption, Tyranny and Trends Toward A New World Order Part 1
Links to Corruption, Tyranny and Trends Toward A New World Order Part 2
Links to Corruption, Tyranny and Trends Toward A New World Order Part 3
National Debt
The above 3 posts Links to Corruption, Tyranny and Trends Toward a New World Order, Part 1, 2 and 3 contain just the links from all the posts with very little political commentary or analysis.
News About the Fed, Banking and Finance Part 1
News About the Fed, Banking and Finance Part 2
Quotes Over Time About Monetary Policy and Banking and Finance in Relationship to Liberty and Tyranny
Slow Response/Gulf Oil Spill
Social Security and Other Entitlements
Symbols of Occult Power
The Modern Art and Science of Enslaving Others
The Constitution Verses Tyranny
The Relationship Between The Military Industrial Media Complex, Defense Spending, Semi-permanent and Permanent War and the Rise of Tyranny
Trends Toward a Tyrannical New World Order Part 1
Trends Toward a Tyrannical New World Order Part 2
Trends Toward a Tyrannical New World Order Part 3
The United Nations in Relationship to the New World Order Part 1
The United Nations in Relationship to the New World Order Part 2
Barter and Local Currency Survey
Members, Activities and Meeting Times
The War on Food
The War on Food Part  2  This section has a lot more in depth scientific studies.

In all the blogs the titles for each of the articles are colored coded red, orange, green or black based on my subjective belief of how likely they are to be true.
Red title and bold font means I believe the article is very likely to be true and is very important!
Red title and regular font means I believe the article is very likely to be true but is less important.
Orange title and bold font means the article is likely to be true and is important!
Orange title and regular font means the article is likely to be true but is less important.
Green title and bold font means I believe the article could be true and is very important!
Green title and regular font means I believe the article could be true but is less important.
Black title and bold font means I have no opinion on the article because I have not researched it so I have no opinion on its veracity.  However it is important!
Black title and regular font means I have no opinion on the article because I have not researched it so I have no opinion on its veracity or truthfulness.  It is of lesser importance.  

Links To Corruption, Tyranny and Trends Toward a New World Order Part 1
Page 1
Overall Table of Contents Part A                                               1

Part A Section 1 Links Most Influential for Me                             2
Part A Section 2  This Section Contains the 20% of the
Most Important Links or Super Links in my Opinion in
Each of my Files
  Super links about Banking, Finances and News About the
  Fed                                         10
  Super Links to the Constitution and Tyranny         14 
  Super Links to Corruption in Government Entitlements    15
  Super Links Funding For New World Order              16
  Super Links For Government Officials Imply or Speak
  Out About Corruption and/or New World Order                    16
  Super Links for Health Care Trends                   21
  Super Links for Hidden Powers Hidden Interests                   23
  Super Links for National Debt                          24
  Super Links for Slow Gulf Response                 25
  Super Links for Symbols of the Occult                25
  Super Links to the Relationship Between the Industrial
  Military Complex, Defense Spending, Semi-permanent
  Or Permanent War and The Rise of Tyranny                          27
  Links to Corruption, Tyranny and Trends Toward A
  New World Order                                             28
  Super Links for the United Nations in Relationship
  To the New World Order                               36

Part A Section 3.  This section provides links to all the
Links from all of my files with very little comment or
analysis from myself
  Contents Show Files of all the Links                   43/44

Part B  Various Files or Posts with Links Including My
Summaries, Analysis and Comments and the Same
From Other Authors.  This is not in this File or Post

Page 2               

Links Most Influential for Me
 Looking back at history we have been warned about the elites and their plans since the time of the Ancient Greeks.  At the following post are powerful quotes from some famous individuals relating to control of money, banking and finance, and their relationship to freedom, tyranny and the New World Order. Go to   Go to the post, Quotes over time about Monetary Policy and Banking and Finance in Relationship to Liberty and Tyranny.  Below I list some of the people and the page numbers where their quotes can be found.  The quotes are more less in chronological order.
Plato                        1          Vladimir                      Dwight
Ancient Greeks                  Lenin           14           Eisenhower  21
And Romans          1          Pope                             Douglas
Founding                             Pius XI        15            MacArthur   22
Fathers                    2          Louis T                        J. Edgar
Nathan                                 McFadden  16           Hoover          22
Rothschild              5          Winston                     Milton
Andrew                                Churchill     17          Friedman     22
Jackson                    6          Franklin D                 Louis T
Abraham                              Roosevelt   17         McFadden    23
Lincoln                     6          Aldous                   Supreme Ct
James                                    Huxley         18        Justice Felix
Garfield                   10        H. G. Wells  18        Frankfurter     23
Pope                                      Joseph                       Joseph
Leo XIII                    10        Stalin            18       Kennedy        23
Thomas                                Jacques                     Barry       
Edison                      10       Cousteau     19        Goldwater     24
Theodore                             BF Skinner  20       Senator Daniel
Roosevelt                11        George                     K Inouye         24
Woodrow                             Will              20       Rep Wright
Wilson                     13        Mao Tse-                 Patman           24
Henry                                   Tung             20       Nelson
Ford                         13        John Dulles  21     Rockefeller    25
Grover                                  John F
Cleveland               14          Kennedy      26    
Senator J William                William                 Strobe
Fulbright                26             Colby       28      Talbot    32
Governor John                      Barry                   Robert
Conally                  27           Goldwater  28       Reich     33

Page 3
Sen Daniel                              Henry                  Janet Reno  34
Inouye                   27             Kissinger     29     Bill Moyers  35
Willy Brandt        27              Mikhail                    David
Zbigniew                                Gorbachev  30     Rockefeller    35
Brzezinski             27              George                  George W.           
Richard Nixon     28              Bush Sr.      31     Bush       38
                                               William            A. Greenspan  39
                                                Clinton      33      B. Obama     39

      I subjectively color-coded the titles of the articles in the various tables of contents in the different files or Posts, redorangegreen or black.  It is a subjective system based on my evaluation of the research that I have done.  Red means I believe it is 90 to 100% likely to be true.  Orange means 80 to 90% likely to be true.  Green means it is more likely to be true than not so perhaps 60 to 80% probability of being true.  Finally black means I don’t know and have not done any reading or research on the article or topic.  If the title is in bold I figure the topic is highly important.  If the title is in regular type it is not as important.  This coding system is in all of my files.
     I listened to a fascinating NPR program called, To the Best of Our Knowledge, describing the intelligence of bees and how in some ways their hives are democratic in relation to how they arrive at decisions affecting their hives.  The most powerful concept I retained from the program is the importance of individuals arriving at their own conclusions about a problem before discussing the problem with others.  So I have organized my materials honoring this concept.  Below is the link to the NPR interview
     In this file, Links to Corruption I provide all the links found in the other files without my analysis, commentary or summary.  Of course this system is not perfect because my biases influenced the information I put into the files  However this file perhaps will allow you to draw your own conclusions.  In some of the links I provided my own brief summary so you would have some idea what the links covered.  So this particular file I call part A.  In part B, I provide the same links as found in Part A but I and other authors provide our analysis, opinions and summarize what we believe is important in each article.  I divided part A

Page 4 
into 3 parts depending on your time and how deeply you want to investigate the data.  The first section is that shortest and would take the shortest amount of time to study, probably 8 hours or so.  However, the material is powerful and very interesting.   In Part A Section 2, I subjectively decided and picked what I thought were the most important 20% of the links in each of the files.  In some of my files I only selected 5 or 10% of the links while in others I may have picked close to half of them but over all I attempted only to pick the top 20% of my links from the various files to put in Part A Section 2.  If you went through each of these links for an hour a day it might take six months to a year to get through these links but you would still find a lot of interesting things.  The third section of Part A, has all the links in all the files and might take you 2 or more years to get through if you decided to go through each link working for an hour or so a day.  However this would be much more in depth.  Again in the Part A, I try to keep my opinions out of it and provide you with the links so you can draw your own conclusion.  Part B contains all of the links found here in approximately 18 or 19 files or posts plus the opinions, analysis and commentary of myself and other authors.

Part A Section 1
In this section I am only going to give you the links that I found the most powerful for me.  The first is the 40 pages of quotes found at   At the website go to the tab more then click on files then click on the title Anti-corporate quotes from famous people.  Use the list of names and the page numbers on pages 1 and 2 in this file if you want to look at specific people.   These quotes will also be found on the post in this blog called Quotes From Famous People From Ancient Times Until the Present Concerning Monetary Policy and Banking and Finance and their Relationship to Tyranny and Liberty. 

If you want to see a film that in a clear but entertaining way describes how the banking system works view Pual Grignon’s Money as Debt at     If you do a little research on your own about what you discover in the above video, I believe the research backs up what is stated in the video.
To grasp how powerful the Fed has become and their relationship to the rest of the government observe Jim Lehrer’s interview with Alan Greenspan or google Greenspan Admits The Federal Reserve is Above the Law Around the 7 minute mark Greenspan talks about his view of the Federal Reserves relationship with the to the other branches of the government. 
Page 5
Many Libertarian leaning types my self included believed that the private banking interests seized control of the Constitutional government in 1913 with the passage of the Federal Reserve Act and the Act instituting the Income Tax.

However, they may have seized control long before that as long ago as 1871 when the following act was passed and made part of the Constitution.
The 14th Amendment Section 4, Calls for No Questioning of the National Debt!
This Amendment passed shortly after the Civil War.

The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned.
See for yourself Google the 14th Amendment and read it!

Former Secretary of the Treasury/Paul O’neill Proclaims If You Oppose Raising Debt Ceiling then You Are Al Qaeda 4/28/2011

Page 6

U.S. funding for future promises lags by trillions           By Dennis Cauchon, USA TODAY  June 13, 2011
U.S Government owes obligations of over 62 Trillion dollars, $528,000 per American adult.

Brainwashed and/or My Devilish Impulse What the Politicians and the Media Are Not Telling Us About the Debt  Write down the number for the latest debt they have figures for.  Underneath write the debt for exactly a year earlier.  Subtract the second number from the first.  The debt has increased in one year more than Congress plans to cut in 10 years.
See the following link to view the video of Bill Moyer’s interview with William Black, discussing the nature of fraudulent banking activity during the 1980tes   See also interviews with William Black where he describes how the laws are much more favorable to the banks during the 2007 Great recession as he describes in his book, The best Way to Rob a Bank is to Own One.  Under Obama, the ones in the financial institutions presided over the creation of the greatest banking heist in human history, according to William Black, the director of the Institute for Fraud Prevention during the Savings and Loans debacle which occurred during the Clinton administration.

Every so often Democrats are swept into office to impose regulations against predatory interests fraudulently ripping off Americans.  Eventually Republicans sweep into power because of over regulating government.  Check out these links.  First, Democrats set up agencies and regulators to over see the predators but neither party provides enough regulators or money to pay the regulators to do their jobs.
Federal Government Does Not Have Enough Workers
To Oversee Private Contractors Who Oversee Most Federal
Programs NPR’s Market Place 9/9/10

Lack of Accountability for Private Contractors/NPR/10/7/2007  The title of this is Oversight of Blackwater a 'Grey Zone,' Author Says.   This talks about the lack of accountability for Black Water.
Page 7
60 Minutes/Banks Lose Mortgages Then Create Fraudulent Documents to Complete Foreclosures!!                                 ;mostpopvideo   This is the video link to the April 3, 2011 60 Minutes Segment;contentBody  This is a transcript of the video. 

Death By Medicine 783,936 per Year

How to Set up Global Financial Order Mostly Nonviolently John Perkins-Economic Hit Man    

Looting of Social Security and Other Entitlement
Programs Quotes from Hollings and other Senators
in the 1998 Congressional Record 

George Bush II Regarding Looting of Social Security

U.S. Government Considers Nationalizing and
Controlling 401(K)/IRA Retirement Accounts to Gain
Revenue Streams  See Niel Boortz Show 6/24/2010
Could Terrorist be Crossing Our Borders 2 Videos
According to the Border Patrol the public is being mislead as to WHO is coming into the US from Mexico . This IS THE TRUTH. as reported by WSBTV in  Atlanta .

Video 1

Video 2

Page 8

CIA and Drug Smuggling Rodney Stich, Michael Ruppert,

NPR/Need to Know/Banks and Drug Money Laundering               

CIA Secret Heart Attack Gun Described in Senate Testimony     
Banks Filing Fraudulent Foreclosure Notices.  FBI
Director Robert Mueller States Fraudulent Loans Rise
5% in 2009.  14 Billion in Fraudulent Loans Originate in

CIA and Media Connections Church Senate Investigation
Health Care is it really better or are we robbing Peter to pay Paul.
Doctors Turning Away Medicare Patients Because Of Lower Reimbursements

Doctors and Prescribed Drugs May Be Leading Cause of  Death In U.S.
Depending on who you talk to, doctors and drugs could be the first, third, fourth or fifth leading cause of death in the U.S. according to prominent medical journals
Page 9
These are just a few of the literally hundreds of studies exposing this problem.  According to one article over 250,000 deaths occur a year because of these types of medical errors.

Risky Medical Devices Untested By FDA In Patients  Account For Many Recalls/Deaths/NPR 2/14/11
According to the article because of limited staff and funding, FDA is unable to fully test all devices submitted to them.

Lawmakers Read the Bills Before You Vote                                                                            Jeff Jacoby can be reached at jacoby@globe.comdingbat_story_end_icon.                                                                                                                                                                  Here is a link that will take you to the article if you are willing to pay for the article.                                         
Why Lawmakers Don’t Read the Bills and Why are They
Getting so Long and Complex

Page 10
The Shrinking American Middle Class   83 percent of all U.S. stocks are in the hands of 1 percent of the people. Source: ACS, Lending Report via
Mostly Classified Executive Order May Allow President
Dictatorial Powers but Congressional Homeland Security not
Allowed to View It/Youtube Video of Congressional Testimony 

Congressmen Speak out on Threats of Martial Law if 700 Billion Bailout is Turned Down by House

Soon One Person May Control What Foods We Grow and Eat According to a Bill Passed By Congress in 2010
The following link discusses concerns with the bill.   This is the text of the bill that passed the Senate here is a link to the bill passed by the Senate from the Library of Congress Thomas.

More 9/11 Info
Go to and click on first Zeitgeist movie.  In about the middle third it goes through lots of inconsistencies about 9/11 using newscasts, government officials and government documents.  Here is a link to the movie,

They’re Here, Drone Humming Birds and Insects!   The title of the article is That curious bird or insect just might be a spy drone.  It was carried by the associated press

60 Minutes/4/4/10/Should Biotech Firms Be Able to Own Human Genes

Page 11
Genetically Modified Cows Produce Human Milk

Animal-Human Hybrids Spark Controversy/National Geographic News 1/25/2005

Human Animal Hybrids!
Here are a couple of links but if you google the title you will get a lot of articles.

Does Rihanna’s Music Contribute to the Our Moral Decay?  You can google Cause I may be bad, but I’m perfectly good at it, to get a slew of other videos.

Part A Section 2

     In this section I went through my files and picked roughly the 20% of links in each file that I thought were the most powerful.  As in the last section I tried to keep my opinions out only commenting to briefly let you know what the links were about.  I call these links the super links.
Super Links About Banking Finance and News About The Fed!
The 14th Amendment Section 4, Calls for No Questioning of the National Debt!
This Amendment passed shortly after the Civil War.
 See for yourself Google the 14th Amendment and read it!

Page 12 Money as Debt Part 1 Paul Grignon.  This 5 part video gives entertaining visuals to help you understand money and it shows how the banks skim huge profits from the American people with very little risk to themselves.

The next video also highly entertaining and informative is called Money masters.  It discusses banking throughout history and illustrates the vast power of the banks now and throughout history!

If you are like me, you will find the claims made in the previous links hard to believe but mainstream media and government documents back up the videos concerning the commercial banks and the Fed from the research I have done.

First time in History Federal Reserve buys Mortgages NPR/Money Planet Video

How I Know Fed Reserve/Banks Killing U.S.
·      Collusion by banks, Wall Street and government agencies occurs generating massive corruption and fraud on a scale never seen before. HTTP://LEVIN.SENATE.GOV/SENATE/INVESTIGATIONS/INDEX.HTML The following link takes you Carl Levin’s U.S. Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations.  It explores the role that Wall Street and Goldman Sachs played in the most recent economic melt down. See the following link to view the video of Bill Moyer’s interview with William Black, discussing the nature of fraudulent banking activity during the 1980tes See also interviews with William Black where he describes how the laws are much more favorable to the banks during the 2007 Great recession as he describes in his book, The best Way to Rob a Bank is to Own One 
·      See NPR’s interview with Charles Ferguson creator of the renown documentary movie about Wall Street called Inside Job.
·      No one has been prosecuted or fired for fraudulent activities except Bernie Madoff during the present economic crisis.  The previous wave of fraudulent activity caused far less damage according to William Black during the Savings and Loan crisis in the 1980ties Clinton administration.  However, over a thousand people were prosecuted and jailed for these types of
Page 13
      criminal activities during that time.  Perhaps the banks, Wall Street, and the elites that own them have become far more powerful now and can now protect themselves.  AIG executives off the hook/CBS report;contentBody
·      The highly toxic derivatives that fueled the crisis have not been outlawed or regulated as of 2010.
·      Fed keeps pouring out created $.  Both parties economic policy could bankrupt nation. Here in Congressional testimony Congressman Ron Paul asks, Is the Fed Monetizing the Debt?  This means is the Fed printing new money to pay for debt leading to economic collapse.
·      The leaders who created the conditions for the crisis under Bush were hired under Obama.
·      The financial leaders hired by both Obama and Bush are members of Goldman Sachs one of the major players who brought on the crisis.  See  Go to V, The Goldman Sachs Obama Illusion to see how Obama is closely associated with Goldman Sachs and other bankers.
·      Normally business leaders who fail in a company are fired.  Very few of these people who brought on the present economic crisis have been fired in our government.  This is because they own the government and dictate financial policy.  
·      The tax payers have had to bail out the criminals who initiated the economic crisis.  Far more money was spent to protect these criminals than was spent on other U.S. citizens.  While the criminal businesses are protected millions of Americans lose their jobs and are thrown out of their houses.
·      9/28/2008, The House of Representatives voted down the 700 Billion dollar Bailout Bill.  On 9/29/2008 the Stock Market suffers its highest point drop ever wiping out 1.2 trillion in market value and its biggest percentage drop since the crash of 1987 according to The Washington Post.  The bail out was passed shortly after this drop.
·      In May of 2010 Congress was considering breaking up the Big banks and a bill to Audit the Federal Reserve.  On May 6, 2010 the market dropped over 700 points in 10 minutes.  Some claim it was faulty computer program errors.  Others claim it was precision guided High Frequency Trading.  The next day on 5/7/2010, the Congress rejected the plan to break up the banks and gutted the bill to Audit the Fed.

Page 14
·      Other issues do not make sense.  A majority of Americans are against illegal aliens sneaking into the country yet members of both parties do nothing to stop it saying these people should be citizens.
·      Arizona passes laws to support the Federal law enforcing our immigration laws but the Federal government sues Arizona over it’s immigration laws.

Former Secretary of the Treasury/Paul O’neill Proclaims If You Oppose Raising Debt Ceiling then You Are Al Qaeda 4/28/2011

60 Minutes/Banks Lose Mortgages Then Create Fraudulent Documents to Complete Foreclosures!!;mostpopvideo   This is the video link to the April 3, 2011 60 Minutes Segment;contentBody  This is a transcript of the video. 

Wall Street Aristocracy Obtains 1.2 Trillion From Federal Reserve   Half of all Money Lent By Fed Went to Foreign Banks According to Recently Released Freedom of Information Documents!

Super Links to The Constitution and Tyranny
Are there 3 Equal branches of Government?/Greenspan and Obama                                                         

Page 15
On the website you can type in Jim Lehrer interviews Alan Greenspan on 9/18/2007 and get the transcript of the interview.  For Obama’s quote go to’s_president-elect_press_conference_-_16_December_2008   About half way down the transcript he opens the press conference to questions.  The first question from Barbara Pinto concerns the Fed.  At paragraph 50 he indicates that he does not second guess the Fed which is an independent body!

Emergency Powers Statutes (Senate Report 93-549): In this 1973 official report, the U.S. Senate admits that the Emergency Powers given to the President (Franklin D. Roosevelt) under the pretense of the National Emergency of 1933 have remained in force and that the normal function of the Federal government has been suspended. [93d Congress, SENATE Report No. 93-549, 1st Session]. See War Powers Act.
Indiana Supreme Court Eats Away at 4th Amendment
In cases where Police illegally enter your home the court ruled that citizens are not allowed to resist.

Supreme Court Allows Exception to 4th Amendment
Pollice can enter homes if they believe evidence is being tampered or destroyed without search warrants 800511198/?eiid=&rmid=2011_05_20_PLA_[P11820120]&rrid=238461665

The 14th Amendment Section 4, Calls for No Questioning of the National Debt!
This Amendment passed shortly after the Civil War.

The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned.
See for yourself Google the 14th Amendment and read it!

Page 16
Super Links For Corruption in Government Entitlements
Medical Congressional Testimony Trying to Stop Looting of Social Security and Remove it From the General Fund.  Also spoke about looting of entitlement programs. 

Social Security and the Federal Budget: The Necessity of Maintaining a Comprehensive Long-Range Perspective
Huge Government liabilities For Entitlement Programs, Rep. PaulRyan on NPR
The Looting of Social Security to Balance the Federal Budget
Congressional Debate Senator Hollings and Chairman Greenspan  I tried to find this in the Congressional Record but could not.
Looting of Social Security and Other Entitlement Programs Quotes From Senator Hollings and other Senators in the 1998 Congressional Record 

George Bush II Regarding Looting of Social Security

U.S. Government Considers Nationalizing and Controlling 401(K)/IRA Retirement Accounts to Gain Revenue Streams
 See Niel Boortz Show 6/24/2010

Super Links Funding For New World Order

Page 17

United Nations Plans for World Wide Taxes Fox News

Super Links Government Officials Imply or Speak out on Corruption Tyranny  and/or The New World Order

Text of H.R. 645: National Emergency Centers Establishment Act used so FEMA can set up camps supposedly to help people in cases of catastrophe such as an influx of immigrants or refugees from nuclear bombings of cities.  The fear is these camps might also be used to house dissidents in times of economic collapse etc.

Former Congressional Representative Dan Hamburg Speaks Out About Halliburton Contract for Containment Camps in U.S.

National Guard/Army Advertize for Internment Specialists   Here’s a video giving a nice job description.  Click on video for military police 

Mostly Classified Executive Order May Allow President
Dictatorial Powers but Congressional Homeland Security not
Allowed to View It/Youtube Video of Congressional Testimony 

Congressmen Speak out on Threats of Martial Law if 700 Billion Bailout is Turned Down by House

Page 18
Former Director of Advanced Space Development Under Carterand Ford Speaks out on NWO

Senior Officers of Intelligence and Military who Claim that 9/11 was inside job 7 CIA Verterans  Challenge Congressional 9/11 Ivestigation

Senators, Congressmen and Other Government Officials Who Claim 9/11 Investigation flawed.  Investigate Sources Yourself                                                                                
Over 40 Senators, Congressmen, and high level government officials from attorney generals, Federal Reserve Officials believe that the Official 9/11 Commission is flawed and demand that a new 9/11 investigation be conducted. 

9/11 Commissioner Timothy Roemer said “We were extremely frustrated with the false statements we were getting” ttp://
A Washington Post article wonders if military experts mislead the 9/11 Commission. 

According to the NYTimes and AP, “WASHINGTON, Sept. 7 (AP) – Senator Bob Graham, the Florida Democrat who is a former chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, accused the White House on Tuesday of covering up evidence that might have linked Saudi Arabia to the Sept. 11 hijackers.”

A New York Times article authored by Thomas H. Kean and Lee H. Halmilton Chairman and Vice Chairman of the 9/11 Commission indicates that the CIA blocked assess to detainees and hid or destroyed hundred of hours of video taped interrogations of detainees after 9/11

Page 19
More 9/11 Info
Go to and click on first Zeitgeist movie.  In about the middle third it goes through lots of inconsistencies about 9/11 using newscasts, government officials and government documents.  Here is a link to the movie,

Illegal Immigrants and Government Officials Speak Out For
Nation of Atzlan in the Southwestern U.S                                        
Ford Foundation Funding Illegal Alien Organizations
Could Terrorist be Crossing Our Borders 2 Videos
According to the Border Patrol the public is being mislead as to WHO is coming into the US from Mexico . This IS THE TRUTH. As reported by WSBTV in  Atlanta .

Video 1

Video 2

Documents Showing Illegal Aliens From Middle
Eastern Nations  Border Special 1                                                                             Border Special 2                                                                                     Border Special 3 

Page 20                                       Border Special 4                                                                                  Border Special 5

Cochise County AZ Sheriff: Border Patrol Retreats From        
Dangerous Parts of Mexican Border  

Six Senators Challenge Obama on Possible Executive Illegal Alien Amnesty Move  The next link shows a copy of the letters from the Senators to President Obama.
Obama’s Department of Justice Refuses to Prosecute Blatant Acts of Voter Intimidation According to U.S. Commission On Civil Rights

CIA and Drug Smuggling Rodney Stich, Michael Ruppert,

NPR/Need to Know/Banks and Drug Money Laundering               

Page 21
CIA Mind Control Techniques MK-Ultra   
CIA Secret Heart Attack Gun Described in Senate Testimony     
Banks Filing Fraudulent Foreclosure Notices.  FBI Director Robert Mueller States Fraudulent Loans Rise 5% in 2009.  14 Billion in Fraudulent Loans Originate in 2009

Alex Jones Interviews Lou Dobbs Discuss North American Union, Banking and World Wide Government 4/15/2011                                                      For some reason if I try to click on the link it takes forever for my computer to load the link.  If I copy and paste it to the internet browser then it goes to the website.

 Super Links for Health Care Trends

Doctors and Prescribed Drugs May Be Leading Cause of Death In U.S.
Depending on who you talk to, doctors and drugs could be the first, third, fourth or fifth leading cause of death in the U.S. according to prominent medical journals
These are just a few of the literally hundreds of studies exposing this problem.  According to one article over 250,000 deaths occur a year because of these types of medical errors.

 Sixty Minutes Large Drug Company Adulterates Drugs.

Page 22
Risky Medical Devices Untested By FDA In Patients Account For Many Recalls/Deaths/NPR 2/14/11
According to the article because of limited staff and funding, FDA is unable to fully test all devices submitted to them.

Death By Medicine 783,936 per Year According to Some Medical Scientific Studies

Modern Life Style May Be Killing Us/NPR

U.S. Has Most Youth that Use/Abuse Prescription Drugs in the Free World

62% of all 2007 Bankruptcies Due to Catastrophic Illnesses

Peter Orszag Obama Budget Director indicates Special Panels Not Doctors and Patients Will Make Health Decisions

Doctors Turning Away Medicare Patients Because Of Lower Reimbursements
Page 23
Health Care Burdens Small Business/Gives Vast Powers to IRS   This part of law later rescinded by Congress because of Business Out Cry

Antibiotic Fed Cattle Cause 100,000 Thousand Deaths a Year/Union of Concerned Scientists

Did Vaccine Producers And Government Regulators Knowingly Contaminate Polio Vaccines With A Monkey Virus Known to Cause Cancer In Animals?
Two page easy to read oral document not only claiming above but that vaccine producers and regulators knowingly allowed tainted vaccines known to cause human cancers to be administered until the early 1990ties causing up to 100 million human cancers by some estimates.  She sites many sources for further study.

Alcoholism another Chronic Health Condition

Super Links for Hidden Powers Hidden Interests 

Peter Sutherland CEO BP interconnections with Goldman Sachs and other elite organizations   


Membership for the Council On Foreign Relations  

Page 24
Partial List of Members of Council On Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission and Bilderberg Group .  If the link becomes unusable google Roster of CFR/Trilateral Commission Members.

List of 33 Degree Masons This website lists Masons which have made the highest level 33 degrees.  If it is accurate it is highly interesting.  It includes such notables as Yasser Arafat, Stalin, Carter, Bush Senior, Amadinajad etc.

Masons Founders of Many Major Religions
Most Founding Fathers of Country were Masons
List of Presidents Who Were Masons or Illuminati

Has or Will the Anti-Corporate Tea Party Movement Be Corrupted By Corporate

Clear Channel Communications Owns the Most Radio Stations in Country 1 out of Every 10                              

George Carlin Speaks Out On the American Dream
Super Links For National Debt

National Debt Increase Over Time From U.S Treasury Department This Does not Include the Huge Debt From Unfunded Entitlements Data taken Directly from the Treasury Department.  Google Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application) or go to the link
The National Debt as a Percent of Gross National Product from 

U.S. funding for future promises lags by trillions           By Dennis Cauchon, USA TODAY  June 13, 2011
U.S Government owes obligations of over 62 Trillion dollars, $528,000 per American adult.

The Exponential Function By Doctor Bartlett   If the link does not work google, The Most Important Video You will ever See.

80 Billion Spent for Intelligence

Total Costs for Iraq and Afghanistan War

Brainwashed and/or My Devilish Impulse What the Politicians and the Media Are Not Telling Us About the Debt  Write down the number for the latest debt they have figures for.  Underneath write the debt for exactly a year earlier.  Subtract the second number from the first.  The debt has increased in one year more than Congress plans to cut in 10 years.

Page 26

Staggering Costs of 2 Wars Can Only Be Guessed AT Nancy A Youssef/McClatchy Newspapers
If you click on images, she has some incredible graphs.  Here’s some figures that help you understand the magnitude at a personal level.  In Afghanistan 2011 the annual average cost of the war in Afghanistan was $694,000 per service man.  In Iraq 2011 the average annual cost of the war per serviceman $802,000.

Super Links Slow Gulf Response

4 or 5 Inspect Rig Before Explosion

Is BP Involved in Release of Lockerbie Terrorist to Land Deal To Drill off Coast of Libya?
Scottland Releases Lockerbie Bomber Because of Threat of Economic Warfare From Libya According to Senate Report Given to NBC News on 12/21/2010 
There is a link to the report  from the 4 senators following NBC link

Mineral Management System Under Interior Department Waives Requirement that BP do Environmental Impact Study Before Drilling at Sight of Huge Gulf Spill Disaster

Google, The Asian Carp Invasion to see another example of Slow Federal Response

Super Links Symbols of the Occult
 The Metal of Honor and Satanic Symbols

 Page 27

Where do the Symbols on Our Money Come From?  What do Symbols on Money Mean?

Does Rihanna’s Music Contribute to the Our Moral Decay?  You can google Cause I may be bad, but I’m perfectly good at it, to get a slew of other videos.

Super Links to The Relationship Between The Military Industrial Complex, Defense Spending, Semi-permanent or Permanent War and the Rise of Tyranny

Beware the Military Industrial Complex Eisenhower’s Fair well Speech  This is a video link to the complete speech although after 12 minutes the audio breaks down

Top Secret America/Washington Post/Top Secret Activities Mushroomed after 9/11/01     See also Our Slippery  Slide to Tyranny p.5 of Trends Toward a New World Order                                  

Lack of Accountability for Private Contractors/NPR/10/7/2007  The title of this is Oversight of Blackwater a ‘Grey Zone,’ Author Says.   This talks about the lack of accountability for Black Water.   Contractors subject to U.S. law.  It  discusses incidents that happened with Black Water employees but it is not clear how they will be held accountable for their actions.  This interview discusses why private contractors are important in Iraq.

 There are several other links to articles from NPR concerning private contractors as well.

Page 28
How to Set up Global Financial Order Mostly Nonviolently John Perkins-Economic Hit Man    

HAARP Could it Be the Ultimate Weapon For Control? And/Or Amazing New Weapons Being Created by Our Military Industrial Scientific Technological State!                                     If the link becomes unusable google Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) Weapons as Powerful as the Atomic Bomb.   
They’re Here, Drone Humming Birds and Insects!   The title of the article is That curious bird or insect just might be a spy drone.  It was carried by the associated press

The Relationship of Monetary Policy to Tyranny and Representative Government                   

Super Links to Corruption, Tyranny and Trends Toward A New World Order
Other Articles Related to this topic                    

Our Slippery Slide to Tyranny: Czars, Executive orders, and Seizure of Money For Compensation From BP Without Due Process
Are Government Agencies Being Employed to Enforce Backdoor Amnesty Despite Congressional Refusal to Do So?
This is a memo sent out by the director of ICE, John Morton regarding prosecutorial guidelines June 17th 2011.

Emails From Houston Ice Attorneys Direct Attorneys to Dismiss Hundreds of Immigration Cases
Emails obtained through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) reveal that senior Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials attempted to cover-up a policy memo that directed ICE attorneys in Houston to dismiss hundreds of immigration cases. Internal memos released last week confirm that once the Houston Chronicle exposed the controversial directive and subsequent case dismissal, ICE officials attempted to publicly distance themselves from such lenient policies and deny that they ever existed.

Here are Ice internal documents and emails obtained through the Freedom of Information Act

 Erosion of Freedom of the Press/ Bill Moyers Speech                                                                                                     
Senator McCain’s Ties to International Banks/Free Trade And Globalism Senator’s Supporters Are Invited to Lunch With a Lord
BP Chief Has Ties to Goldman Sachs/Bilderbergs/Trilateral
Commission He is non-executive Chairman of Goldman Sachs International (a registered UK broker-dealer, a subsidiary of Goldman Sachs). He was previously non-executive chairman of BP and was a director of the Royal Bank of Scotland Group until he was asked to leave the board when it had to be taken over by the UK government to avoid bankruptcy. He also formerly served on the board of ABB.
      He is on the steering committee of the Bilderberg Group [1], a chairman of the Trilateral Commission[2] and vice chairman of the European Round Table of Industrialists.[3]
Page 30                                       
Obama Closely Tied to BP According to Liberal and Conservative Site

The Reform Banking Bill Destroys Far More Privacy than Ever Before

Little Brother is Also Watching/How You can Spy on Others/NPR Marketplace

Big Banks Laundering Drug Money                                                           
Government Officials Accuse CIA of Smuggling Drugs in Country
The Shrinking American Middle Class   83 percent of all U.S. stocks are in the hands of 1 percent of the people. Source: ACS, Lending Report via
The Cybersecurity Act Sponsored By Senator David Rockefeller
http://www.prisonpl new-bill- gives-obama- kill-switch- to-shut-down- the-internet. Html
Joe Lieberman one of co-sponsors of Internet Security Bill Defends Bill.

According to 1 source two separate Cyber security bills have been combined and they are much closer to
Only 21% Want Gov. Regulation of Internet                                                    

Page 31
Senator Rockefeller Takes Aim at First Amendment!  Wishes to Get Rid of Fox, MSNBC News Outlet See Video                                     

Cloward-Pivan Strategy Described by Authors                                           
Who Profited From Airline Stock Sold Prior to 9/11.  Documents Destroyed

William Black: How Both Parties Colluded to Pull Off The Greatest Banking Heist in Human History   See also interviews with William Black where he describes how the laws are much more favorable to the banks during the 2007 Great recession.

2010 Financial System Reform Act Fatally Flawed 61 Senators Perpetuate To Big to Fail

Congress’s watering down of the Audit the Federal Reserve went against the wishes of 75% of the American public according to July 2009 Ramussen Poll.
Obama has list of Americans to be Assassinated/MSNBC  .
Lawmakers Read the Bills Before You Vote   Jeff Jacoby can be reached at jacoby@globe.comdingbat_story_end_icon.                                                                                                                                                                  Here is a link that will take you to the article if you are willing to pay for the article.                                         
Why Lawmakers Don’t Read the Bills and Why are They Getting so Long and Complex

Page 32
FBI Bugging Cellphones                                                                            
Seizure of Emails and 6th Amendment to Constitution                 

Enemy Belligerent Act/Americans Could be Detained With No Due Process                                                                                                

Rule by Fear or Rule by Law.  Legislation and Actions Taken Which Could Lead to Martial Law                                                            
Global Small Arms Treaty May Threaten Your Right to Self Defense                                                                                                                                                                                             
Modifying or Creating Life/NPR                                                               Modifying life
There are many links to related articles
Genetically Engineering Food From Monsanto/FDA Scientists Express Concerns  Genetically Engineered Foods, Links for further Research   Video  Avoiding Genetically Modified Food

Scientific Studies indicating the harm genetic foods do to animals over the generations.

Rampant Conflicts of Interest Per Supreme Court Justice and FDA Secretary Put You and Your Family at Great Risk
        Page 33
Fooling With Food Arizona Daily Star                                        

60 Minutes/4/4/10/Should Biotech Firms Be Able to Own Human Genes

Genetically Modified Cows Produce Human Milk

Human Animal Hybrids!
Here are a couple of links but if you google the title you will get a lot of articles.

NASA’s Next Agenda/Better Relations With Muslims                           

 Blackjack, One Scenario for Unfolding I                                This video gives an idea of how utilizing crisis can help bring on a New World Order.

NASA/Google Create Singularity University Preparing Us for Exponential Change or New World Order. located on the campus of NASA Ames Research Center at Moffett Field, CA. More on the New York Times article can be found below.
Free to use for information purposes.

Here is John Mauldin’s video that he presented at the Singularity University.

Page 34
Here is a sight that has the slides that he used during his presentation.  A lot of the slides he took from reputable government sources like The Fed.

Scientists Dream of Creating Remarkable Plants and Other Incredible Ideas        

Arizona Prison Population Balloons                                                  

Federal Government Does Not Have Enough Workers To Oversee Private Contractors Who Oversee Most Federal Programs NPR’s Market Place 9/9/10

Interconnections Between Banks, MegaBusinesses, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group And Peter Sutherland (Chairman of BP during Most of Massive Gulf Oil Spill)
Government Corporate Complex Overrules Rule of Law and Morality In U.S.  Relatives of 9/11 Victims Say Bush/Obama Justice Department Support Saudi interests Over Damage Claims
filed by families

Ranchers support improving Border Patrol Access to Federal Lands and Links to Related Articles Tucson Citizen

Page 35
Tracking Gun Dealers Linked to Mexican Violence-NPR    NRA-Another Example Of an Out of Control Powerful Interest. James Grimaldi a reporter from the Washington Post has been investigating the hidden life of guns.                                                                                                      Go to for the article.  On the top of the page there is a link to an audio interview with Terry Gross and James Grimaldi,

According to Katie Couric at CBS News and Rush Limbaugh, ATF allowed gun smuggling into Mexico. One of guns utilized in murder of border agent Brian Terry
May 5, 2011 ... How Thousands Of U.S. Guns Fuel Crime In Mexico ... › News › US › Around the Nation

More Details ATF Gun Running Adventure: Justice Office in Panic Mode as Hearing Nears on Failed Anti-Gun Trafficking Program. 

ATF Director Testifies Before Congress/DEA and FBI Maybe Involved in Gun Smuggling Operation
Director states some of individuals involved may have been FBI and or DEA informants.

Mind Control Possibilities
CIA Mind Control Experiments: MK-Ultra Documentary/ABC News 1979

Page 36
Nonlethal weapons can be employed against us in ways that could impair our privacy and freedoms mind control symptoms &  Published Evidence   The article is titled Microwave Mind Control Symptoms & Published Evidence

Advances in Cerebral Imagining Make the Potential Scope for Invasion of Privacy Immense.   US News & World Report, Jan 3-10, 2000, Page 68, Rodolfo Llinas. “A grand unification theory of the brain”. The website supposedly copied the article from U.S. News & World Report

Wired magazine, April 2000 by Bill Joy The person the author writes about seems to be influenced by the tranhumanist philosophy.

U.S. News and World Report, July 7, 1997, Wonder Weapons” page 38;

The following source has hundreds of links relating to these kinds of weapons.  If you google Advances In Neuroscience Threaten Human Privacy  and Freedoms or a related phrase you will be taken to many websites.  This website claims that government agencies or private contractors representing them are conducting experiments on unwilling or unknowing human subjects using electromagnetic weapons or mind control techniques.

Our Descent Toward Bondage: The Tyler Cycle                                       Bondage-faith-courage-liberty-complacency-apathy-dependence-then back to bondage.    Scottish historian Alexander Tyler       
Google Alexander Tyler to see more related links

Despite Federal Laws to Protect Them Whistle Blowers Face Orwellian Courts Resulting in Little Protection According to NPR On the Media Report                                                                        

Page 37
Trends Toward Tyranny Employing Torture as National Policy
Senate Floor Statement on the Report of the Inquiry into the Treatment of Detainees in U.S. Custody.

The above report base their allegations on info below issued by the 110 Congress 2nd Session 10 pm Tuesday April 21, 2009.  Inquiry into the Treatment of Detainees in U.S. Custody.  Report of the Committee on Armed Services United States Senate.
A New World Order?/Historical, Political and Religious Connections                                                                                                                                             discusses legislation that is curtailing the constitution perhaps from a libertarian and or Christian perspective.

The New World Order agenda is detailed in documents from the Council of Foreign RelationsTrilateral CommissionBilderberg GroupClub of RomeUnited NationsWorld Bank, and the International Monetary Fund  About a quarter of the way down this link is a sub title called Fair and Balanced Propaganda giving a fairly sensible definition of the word propaganda.  This site claims the media is I corrupt and names various prominent members as members of the Bilderberg group.  This group is one of many secretive organizations that is alleged to be secretly setting up this oppressive world government.

Super Links to The United Nations in Relationship to the New World Order

One Founder of the U.N. was later Convicted of Prejury
UN charter written by Alger Hiss

82 Quotes About the New World Order From 1915 until the Present  Various World Leaders !

Page 38

Is the IRS Now a Part of the IMF that is a Part Of the U.N.?

The UN and Population Control Memorandum The National Security Study 200/Henry Kissinger You can read  National Security Study Memorandum 200, a 1974 geopolitical strategy document prepared by Rockefeller’s intimate friend and fellow Bilderberg member Henry Kissinger, which targeted thirteen countries for population reduction

A comprehensive outline of what is contained in the National Security Memorandum document can be read at

Depleted Uranium Utilized in U.S. Military Operations May Increase Infertility and Cancers
This link will take you to 153 pubmed government scientific studies of the effects of depleted uranium.   The following link found in the above link suggests that depleted uranium increases infertility in rats.

Soon One Person May Control What Foods We Grow and Eat According to a Bill Passed By Congress in 2010
The following link discusses concerns with the bill.   This is the text of the bill that passed the Senatehere is a link to the bill passed by the Senate from the Library of Congress Thomas.

Page 39
CDC FoodNet Surveys Found that Approximately 3% of Population of 10 States Consumed Raw Milk Within 7 Day Period During 2006-2007
The interviews occurred with 17,372 people, representing a total population of 45,883,553 Page 13 of the link contains the data concerning the raw milk consumption
According to the following websites, the FDA began its systematic crackdown on its consumption in 2006-2007.  These websites allege that until this time the consumption of unpasteurized raw milk was increasing rapidly causing the major diary companies to pressure the FDA to begin a crackdown..

Relationship Between GMO Foods, Monsanto and Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas Please visit  Cassandra Anderson’s website at <> for more information

Michael R Taylor Secretary of Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Formally Lawyer for Monsanto                                        The Food and Drug Administration put out a blurb about him when Obama rehired him back to work at the FDA.  There was no mention of his work with Monsanto.  
USDA Won’t Impose Restrictions On Biotech Alfalfa/Wall Street Journal 1/27/2011

Page 40
Population Reduction 2012 Codex Alimentarius

Toxic Chemicals Sprayed in the Air Might be One Method to Reduce Fertility  See also Monsanto Develops Genetically Modified Seeds  Resistant to Aluminum But Why? It is in this file.  
Estrogen Mimicking Chemicals Found in Cosmetics, Medicines, Cleaning Chemical and Pesticides Impair Animal and Human Fertility

Terry Gross on Fresh Air/NPR.  12/14/2010/Breast Cancer/Hormones

Do Scientists Now Have a Anti-fertility  Vaccine that can be Hidden in Food? 

1995 BBC Program Claims Women in Developing World used as Guinea Pigs to Test Various Anti-fertility Vaccines Including a Secretive Covert Vaccine!

Page 41
Scientific Evidence Exist Linking Covert Anti-fertility Vaccines to Secret use on Women in Nicaragua, the Philippines and Mexico   Click on the video link, Mercury, Autism and the Global Vaccine Agenda David Ayoub. M.D.  You will find this reference at 1 hour 15 minutes into the video. Kihura Nkuba gave speech at C Span 2 describing strange protocols for tetanus vaccination along with resulting miscarriages and nfertility of Ugandan women.  Here is another link to a talk by the same man.

National Institute of Health Pubmed Website Has Hundreds of Scientific Articles Discussing Anti-fertility Vaccines Going Back to the 1970ties
This is a government website  containing hundreds of articles about anti-fertility vaccines!

The Human Reproduction Journal is an Oxford Journal that Discusses Reproductive Issues Including Anti-fertility Vaccines. You can see the abstract for yourself and/or pay to see the full article at the following link.  The abstract describes the nature of the WHO’s research into Anti-fertility drugs over the previous 18 years.  One must pay to see the full article.  If you wish to pay to see the entire article go to this link.

According to the Economic and Political Weekly of February 19-26, 2000, The World Health Organization has Funded Research To Develop an Anti-fertility Vaccine Since the Early 1970ties.   Click on the video link, Mercury, Autism and the Global Vaccine Agenda David Ayoub. M.D. The whole video is absolutely fascinating but the part where he explains how the anti fertility vaccine described above, works, occurs between approximately 1 hour and 11 minutes and 1 hour and 14 minutes into the video.  Near the end of the video in the last 10 minutes or so he describes how doctors are using advances in using recombinant DNA.  The DNA that produces anti bodies to hCG the pregnancy hormone can be placed in viruses 

Page 42
that can be injected into a vaccine for a different purpose and the virus will take over some of the cells and produce anti-bodies in women that will work for the rest of the woman’s life!

UNICEF Speaks Up About Use and Benefits of Vaccines Dramatically shows that industrialized nation’s fertility rates are so low that they are no longer even coming close to replacing their population but intead are rapidly declining.

Humans Over Vaccinating Pets Resulting in Increased Autoimmune Disorders and Cancer.  

Over 70% of Aids Transmission in Africa May be Caused by Unsafe Hospital Practice or the Virus was Injected by Contaminated Needles          

Initial Congressional and Federal Drug Administration Testimony Stated Mercury Containing Vaccines Were or Could be Harmful    .

Eli Lilly Website Discusses Safety Data for Thimerosal (mercury containing compound or substance)

Page 43
Government Agencies Warn of Exposures to Mercury                                                                

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC) in Jully 1999 released a joint press conference concerning Thimerosal in

Bill Gates Implies Vaccines Could be Utilized as Strategy for Population Control

Nanotechnology May be Employed to Create a Sweat Triggered Anti-fertility Vaccine 

Ultrasound on Scrotums to Keep Men Infertile Up to Six Months Funded by Gates Foundation

Are you eating a Gasoline Additive?

Frank Fenner, emeritus professor of microbiology at the Australian National University and the man who helped eradicate smallpox Predicts Our Demise.

Some Surprising Findings Concerning Population Control
Whistleblower: Are Corporations and Top U.N. Officials Covering up or Supporting the Sex Trade From National Public Radio’s Dianne Rehm Show 1,11, 2011.  Here is a link to the transcript of the interview. Here is a link to the audio interview.  Once you get to the link look on the top left side of the page and

Page 44
click on the tab that says listen.
CNN Sexual Slavery in America’s Heartland CBN News  
Representative Cynthia McKinney Grills Secretary of Defense On Sex Slaves /DynCorp and Other Issues Related to 9/11

PBS Stories                                                                                                                                                      Department of Justice Statistics on Sexual Exploitation

Prosecutors Child Porn Cases Up Over 2,500% Associated Press
Part A Section 3
     In this part I went through each of my files and put in all of the links and tried to keep my opinions out of it.  Most of my comments only were to clarify the links.  This section would take the longest to get through but it is much more in depth covering a lot of important topics missed in the two shorter versions.  If you want to get a sense of the complexity of what is happening in our age please investigate these links.  Instead of watching your favorite T.V. show or sports event a couple of times a week investigate some of these links.  Some are scary but many are fascinating.  You may find after a while that you would rather do the investigations.  To make navigating this part easier I am providing a contents to let you know page numbers where each file begins.

Page 45
Part A Section 3 Contents of All Links In Each of the Files or Posts
Famous Quotes about Banking, Finance, Tyranny and Trends  Toward a New World Order                                                          45
Banking Finance and News About the Fed                46
The information below would not fit in this post.  It is located in the post, Links to Corruption, Tyranny and Trends Toward a New World Order, Part II
The Constitution and Tyranny                                         53
Government Entitlements                                              56
Funding Sources For the New World Order               58
Government Officials Speak out Against Corruption Tyranny and or The New World Order          
Health Care Trends                                                        71                                                          
Hidden Powers Hidden Interests                               75
The information below would not fit in this post.  It is located in the post, Links to Corruption, Tyranny and Trends Toward a New World Order, Part III
National Debt                                                                  78
Slow Response Gulf Oil Spill                                         80
Symbols of the Occult                                                     83
Relationship Between The Military Industrial Complex, Defense Spending, Permanent and or Semi-Permanent War and the Rise of Tyranny   84                                                                                                            
Trends Toward Tyranny and/or a Tyrannical New World Order  87
The United Nations in Relation to The New World Order             105

Contents For Corruption, Tyranny and Trends Toward a New World Order
The following link has 40 pages of quotes from famous people relating to banking, monetary policy, The Federal Reserve, Tyranny and the rise and establishment of a New World Order.   At the website go to the tab more then click on files then click on the title Anti-corporate quotes from famous people.  It is also one of the files or post that I have but it has very few links.

Page 46   
Contents Banking Finance and News About The Fed
Missing Details Amusing Video
Banking History For Idiots This 5 part video Money as Debt gives entertaining visuals to help you understand money.  If this link becomes unusable go to you tube and google Money as Debt Part 1 Paul Grignon.  The next link Money Masters, takes you to 22 videos lasting 3 and ½ hours.  It gives a much more detailed explanation of how banking has evolved through history and what is likely to occur in the future if it is not reformed.  Although it is long, it is fascinating and easy to understand.  
The following NPR link from an episode This American Life called The Invention of Money backs up what Money as Debt and Money Masters say about our Money System.

A Brief Synopsis on the Fed and Banking
Go to and click on first Zeitgeist movie.  In about the last third it gives a good synopsis of the Federal Reserve and the banks using newscasts, government officials and government documents.  Here is a link to the movie,

Good Books About Banking and the Fed, Recommended By Liberals and Conservatives
The Trillion Dollar Conspiracy by Gary Allen, Web of Debt by Ellen Brown (From her Website)., Lost Science of Money by Steven Zarlenga (From Moneyorg.), The End of Money Tom Grecco, Bad Money by Kevin Phillips
National Economy by Arian Nevin (
Secrets of the Temple by William Greider (thorough review of the Fed)
Creature From Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin also http.//

Treasury and Fed Profit on Wall Street Rescue                   

Lenders Agree to Prop up Shore Bank that Has Close Ties to Obama/Fox News

      Page 47                                                   

Assessing Impact of New Global Bank Rule Money Creation When Banks need to Keep 10% and 2% of Money they Lend on Reserve
Jean-Claude Trichet European Central Bank Chief Announces Formally Nazi Owned BIS to Become Primary Engine of Global Government

Uncontrolled Fed Printing of Money to Lead to Empty Store Shelves 
History of Fed Reserve/Creature From Jekyll Island Video

First time in History Federal Reserve buys Mortgages NPR/Money Planet Video

Page 48
Senate Rejects Plan to Break UP Banks/Includes List of Senators that voted For the Bill   See chilling article Fed/Large Banks Practice Economic Terrorism to Avoid Investigations p. 43 and How I know Fed Reserve/
Banks Killing U.S. to See How Wall Street Blackmailed Congress Into Submission.

Fed Lends Money to Greece and Other European Banks in Bail Out  If Ron Paul makes sense, you can call this number 888-322-1414 and get a new update every Monday.  Transcripts of his talks can be found at his website.  When I googled Federal Reserve and Greece Bailout over 540,000 results came up.

Amusing But Sad Video About European Bailouts

Senate Passages Regulations Allowing Broad Government Access to Our Private Financial Regulations in Treasury Controlled Agency Senate Democrats Pass Bill Allowing Govt to Collect Addresses, ATM Records of Bank Customers.

Fed/Large Banks Practice Economic Terrorism to Avoid Investigations   Research their statements on line.  Its true.

How I Know Fed Reserve/Banks Killing U.S.
·      Collusion by banks, Wall Street and government agencies occurs generating massive corruption and fraud on a scale never seen before. HTTP://LEVIN.SENATE.GOV/SENATE/INVESTIGATIONS/INDEX.HTML The following link takes you Carl Levin’s U.S. Senate Permanent Subcommittee on 
  Page 49
      Investigations.  It explores the role that Wall Street and Goldman Sachs played in the most recent economic melt down. See the following link to view the video of Bill Moyer’s interview with William Black, discussing the nature of fraudulent banking activity during the 1980ties.   See also interviews with William Black where he describes how the laws are much more favorable to the banks during the 2007 Great recession as he describes in his book, The best Way to Rob a Bank is to Own One  See NPR’s interview with Charles Ferguson creator of the renown documentary movie about Wall Street called Inside Job.
·      No one has been prosecuted or fired for fraudulent activities except Bernie Madoff during the present economic crisis.  The previous wave of fraudulent activity caused far less damage according to William Black during the Savings and Loan crisis in the 1980ties Clinton administration.  However, over a thousand people were prosecuted and jailed for these types of criminal activities during that time.  Perhaps the banks, Wall Street, and the elites that own them have become far more powerful now and can now protect themselves.  AIG executives off the hook/CBS report;contentBody
·      The highly toxic derivatives that fueled the crisis have not been outlawed or regulated as of 2010.
·      Fed keeps pouring out $ when that makes no sense.  Both parties seem hell bent on continuing economic policies which will bankrupt the country. Here in Congressional testimony Congressman Ron Paul asks, Is the Fed Monetizing the Debt?  This means is the Fed printing new money to pay for debt which will lead to economic collapse.
·      The leaders who created the conditions for the crisis under Bush were hired under Obama.
·      The financial leaders hired by both Obama and Bush are members of Goldman Sachs one of the major players who brought on the crisis.  See  Go to V, The Goldman Sachs Obama Illusion to see how Obama is closely associated with Goldman Sachs and other bankers.

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·      Normally business leaders who fail in a company are fired.  Very few of these people who brought on the present economic crisis have been fired in our government.  This is because they own the government and dictate financial policy.  
·      The tax payers have had to bail out those who initiated the economic crisis.  Far more money was spent to protect these individuals than was spent on other U.S. citizens.  While the these businesses are protected millions of Americans lose their jobs and are thrown out of their houses.
·      9/28/2008, The House of Representatives voted down the 700 Billion dollar Bailout Bill.  On 9/29/2008 the Stock Market suffers its highest point drop ever wiping out 1.2 trillion in market value and its biggest percentage drop since the crash of 1987 according to The Washington Post.  The bail out was passed shortly after this drop.
·      In May of 2010 Congress was considering breaking up the Big banks and a bill to Audit the Federal Reserve.  On May 6, 2010 the market dropped over 700 points in 10 minutes.  Some claim it was faulty computer program errors.  Others claim it was precision guided High Frequency Trading.  The next day on 5/7/2010, the Congress rejected the plan to break up the banks and gutted the bill to Audit the Fed.
·      Other issues do not make sense.  A majority of Americans are against illegal aliens sneaking into the country yet members of both parties do nothing to stop it saying these people should be citizens.
·      Arizona passes laws to support the Federal law enforcing our immigration laws but the Federal government sues Arizona over it’s immigration laws.
Why hasn’t anyone in our government vigorously protested or took a stand against the banks and the Fed?  Are they evil?  Are they stupid?  Most of them I don’t think so.  I think they know as you can deduce by the above the large banks, the Fed and the elites have us by the balls!  If Congress or the executive took a stand against the banks they will plunge us into deep depression or worse.
Inside Job: A Searing Look At Wall Streets Role in 2008 Meltdown


Congress Over Time Speaks Out on Fed

Banks Filing Fraudulent Foreclosure Notices.  FBI Director Robert Mueller States Fraudulent Loans Rise 5% in 2009.  14 Billion in Fraudulent Loans Originate in 2009.  Here is one of the 30,400,000 links that discuss various Federal Agencies that are investigating the banks for filing fraudulent or improperly filled out foreclosure notices

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William Black Author of, “Best Way to Rob a Bank is to Own One" Describes Epidemic Fraud in Banking System March 19, 2010

60 Minutes/Banks Lose Mortgages Then Create Fraudulent Documents to Complete Foreclosures!!                                 ;mostpopvideo                            

This is the video link to the April 3, 2011 60 Minutes Segment;contentBody    This is a transcript of the video. 

Powerful Banks And Elites Corrupting Government

IMF Calls for Global Currency SDR’s  to Replace dollar as World Reserve Currency  Thursday 2/10/11                               -

China Using Debt to Influence or Control Policy of U.S. Government/Reuters.  Info Obtained from Wiki Leaks on 2/17/2011

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Bloomberg News Wins This Round/Federal Reserve Must Disclose Where Fed Spent Trillions in Bailout

Wall Street Aristocracy Obtains 1.2 Trillion From Federal Reserve   Half of all Money Lent By Fed Went to Foreign Banks According to Recently Released Freedom of Information Documents!

Alex Jone’s Movie End Game/How the Banks Take Over the World to Set up the New World Order!  The Movie End Game  Full Length Version

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