Sunday, September 25, 2011


Overall Contents for All Blogs and Posts
  Most posts are alphabetized by subject starting at the bottom of each blog except for the first one.  To get a feel of the overall intent of the blogs and posts please read the first post below. 
Introduction and an Idea of how to navigate through the blogs and posts.
Contents for Sources of Funding for New World Order
From Soft to Hard Tyranny  
Government Officials Speak out on Corruption and/or the New World Order Part 1
Government Officials Speak out on Corruption and/or the New World Order Part 2
Contents for Health Care Trends  
Contents for Hidden Powers, Hidden Interests
Links to Corruption, Tyranny and Trends Toward A New World Order Part 1
Links to Corruption, Tyranny and Trends Toward A New World Order Part 2
Links to Corruption, Tyranny and Trends Toward A New World Order Part 3
National Debt
The above 3 posts Links to Corruption, Tyranny and Trends Toward a New World Order, Part 1, 2 and 3 contain just the links from all the posts with very little political commentary or analysis.
News About the Fed, Banking and Finance Part 1
News About the Fed, Banking and Finance Part 2
Quotes Over Time About Monetary Policy and Banking and Finance in Relationship to Liberty and Tyranny
Slow Response/Gulf Oil Spill
Social Security and Other Entitlements
Symbols of Occult Power
The Modern Art and Science of Enslaving Others
The Constitution Verses Tyranny
The Relationship Between The Military Industrial Media Complex, Defense Spending, Semi-permanent and Permanent War and the Rise of Tyranny
Trends Toward a Tyrannical New World Order Part 1
Trends Toward a Tyrannical New World Order Part 2
Trends Toward a Tyrannical New World Order Part 3
The United Nations in Relationship to the New World Order Part 1
The United Nations in Relationship to the New World Order Part 2
Barter and Local Currency Survey
Members, Activities and Meeting Times
The War on Food
The War on Food Part  2  This section has a lot more in depth scientific studies.

In all the blogs the titles for each of the articles are colored coded red, orange, green or black based on my subjective belief of how likely they are to be true.
Red title and bold font means I believe the article is very likely to be true and is very important!
Red title and regular font means I believe the article is very likely to be true but is less important.
Orange title and bold font means the article is likely to be true and is important!
Orange title and regular font means the article is likely to be true but is less important.
Green title and bold font means I believe the article could be true and is very important!
Green title and regular font means I believe the article could be true but is less important.
Black title and bold font means I have no opinion on the article because I have not researched it so I have no opinion on its veracity.  However it is important!
Black title and regular font means I have no opinion on the article because I have not researched it so I have no opinion on its veracity or truthfulness.  It is of lesser importance.  

     Dear Uncle Sam and my fellow cousins, we live in interesting times.  I believe we confront a great choice.  Speaking for myself I believe that through my thoughts and actions I have the opportunity to contribute to the most powerful totalitarian government of all time or I can chose to embrace what I feel is the greatest commandment of all time, “Love God with all my mind heart and soul and love my neighbor as oneself.”  I request my cousins and countrymen that you pray for me, my Uncle Sam and one another for now I believe through our ignorance, we are building an immense tyranny that defies the imagination. The lengthy evidence I present in the files or posts, I feel overwhelmingly supports my conclusions and sense of urgency!  I challenge you to investigate my sources before you judge the veracity of my statements!  I hope you will challenge me for I am not all knowing and I can learn from listening to you.
    If you have read this far consider yourself warned!  I believe with every fiber of my being that that I, my children, future grand children, friends and countrymen live in peril and if I refuse to consider this possibility in my humble opinion I will be guilty of banal evil and thus responsible for the hell that may befall us.  I plead, investigate this hypothesis by reading the material in these files or posts or investigate this possibility in your own way.  Then how you respond is between you and your God.
     I would like to put this in a simplistic way.  If the price of liberty is eternal vigilance but I am unwilling to pay the price, then my children and grandchildren will inherit the government I deserve!
     Using logic and publicly known information, I believe I see the process of how this monstrous government is emerging.  If you have differing ideas please share them with me.  I will listen.  Answer the following questions and perhaps you will also see the abyss about to swallow our Uncle Sam or the United States and his cousins the citizens of our former constitutional representative republic.
     Do you agree with the following statement, Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely?  Next, if you have a mortgage how much more do you pay for the mortgage than the actual value of your house by the time you finish paying it off?  Then, who actually gets all the extra money you pay for your mortgage?  Lets look next at the national debt.  Who pays off the national debt and who gets the money?  Finally does money talk?  Who listens and who does the bidding of the talking money?
     Let’s answer the questions.  I am convinced power corrupts.  Even in my slightly more than half a century of life I have heard of bloody conflicts in Latin America and else where small powerful elites violently suppress populations to protect their monopolies on power.  I have been told that historians document this phenomenon over and over.
     For a mortgage, bonds or other government debt my research shows the taxpayers usually pay 2 and ½ or more of the value of the original loan.   So if I take out a $100,000 mortgage, over the life of the loan including interest I will pay 250,000 or more. Who gets the extra money generated in paying off mortgages and loans over time?  The simple answer is the banks.  But who at the banks receive the money?  The investors who invest in the banks?  Who are these investors?  I believe we do not know because by law the investors especially at the Federal Reserve Banks are secret?  What does this mean?  Every time I take out a loan or a mortgage, 1 part of that mortgage I pay goes to the people who actually build my house.  1 and ½ parts of the money I generate to pay the mortgage I pay to the banks!!!  Here’s a different way of looking at this process.  For every dollar I pay to the people that create my house, I pay $1.50 or more depending on interest rates to banks over the life of the loan!   So the next question is, who provides you with the most economic benefit, the people who build your house or the people who lend you the money to build your house?  Who do you think you should be sending most of your money to?
     Can’t I ask this same question for any other type of loan such as for a car, education, business loan, social program, educational program or government defense?  Should the people who provide the actual goods or services get most of the money or should the banks who lend the money at very little risk to themselves, get most of the money?  Who is actually providing the most economic good?
     When governments need money for programs they raise revenues through taxes or they borrow from the banks.  The government does not create money.  If they did then they could create money and us tax payers would not have to pay interests on the deficit and national debt.  But government debt is created for all Federal government programs and it is paid off in the same way as I pay my mortgage using my tax money.  Like my mortgage or other loan, every dollar we spend in taxes to enjoy the goods and services the government provides to us, a dollar fifty or more goes to pay the investors that hold the debt.  The difference here involves trillions of dollars.  Again I ask you where should most of your money go?  Should most of it be for those who provide the actual goods and services or should it go to the hidden investors at the banks who create very low risk money for you to borrow?  Can you see why countries like ours who have our kind of monetary system slowly destroy their economies becoming bankrupt?  I am told that history is littered with such nations.  All world powers as far as I know bankrupted themselves attempting to maintain this power. 
     Around 1971 under President Richard Nixon, the nation completely went off the gold standard and became completely reliant on a fiat money system.  I challenge you to go on line and google successful fiat monetary systems and let me know what you discover!  Fiat money is money that is not backed up by a commodity like gold or silver.  Here is  an interesting little aside since we are talking about money changers. (the banks).  I just realized that in all my exposure to Christian teachers, the only time I heard that Jesus ever used force in his ministry occurred when he threw out the moneychangers from the temple?  If this is true, have you ever wondered why this was the only time he used force?
     So let’s pretend that we are buying a mortgage for 14 trillion dollars now in early 2011 because this is the size of our national debt.  Remember I am not including the hundred trillion or more in our unfunded mandates.  How much will we end up paying the secret investors at the banks?  We know talking to people who pay mortgages that they often pay at least 2.5 the value of the mortgage so 14 trillion X 2.5 = 35 trillion dollars.  Therefore I, my children, grandchildren and great grandchildren will pay the 14 trillion for the debt, or actual goods and services provided to us by the government yet in addition, the bankers and their hidden investor elites will receive an additional 21 trillion in interest payments.  Now considering the behavior of the banks since 2007 I don’t really think they deserve this substantial payment from us?  Do you?  Just another note along these lines, do you know that 42 cent of every dollar that our government spends is borrowed?  Think about the implications in your life if 42 cents of every dollar you spent was borrowed?
     I believe the above massive transfer of wealth is unacceptable but if I project the current trends into the future, the implications of allowing tiny elites, to seize control of a nation’s wealth and resources allows them in my opinion to close in on absolute power.  Tyranny cannot be far behind!  Again I am told that history is littered with such nations.  The monster that I, ignorantly create today vastly differs from tyrannies of the pass in that we are constructing a world wide global monstrosity controlled by tiny elites!  Just imagine the possibilities for abuse!
     My last question is, does money talk?  Yes money talks and I believe the present evidence illustrates it has bought the best Federal legislative and executive branch of government that American elites and their foreign friends,  can buy.  When I look at my sources from mainstream news and government documents I see that our government allows massive criminal and fraudulent activities from the banks and hidden elites and has increased their power and placed in positions of power those whose criminal activities brought on the Great Recession.  To boot not a soul has been prosecuted for fraudulent acts!  My cousins or countrymen, I present evidence that the stock market was manipulated to force Congress to pass bail outs,  gut the Audit the Fed bill and forced it to veto the Too Big to Fail Banking Act!
     If you study my links, I believe you will also see how the executive branch of our government has gain massive power at the expense of the other branches of government. You will see that the executive branch of government in its reaction to 9/11 has set up a vast secret shadow government absorbing vast sums of money yet not accountable to any other branch of government.  Some backing their statements with evidence, claim we already are in a police state.  You will find government documents describing the secretive set up of detention camps through out the nation.  You will see voluminous government documents and countless government officials questioning the veracity of the official 9/11 inquiry.  With further investigation of my sources in the Constitutional file you will discover the video where the Federal Reserve Chairman of 30 years, Alan Greenspan, openly admitted on the PBS Lehrer News hour that the Federal Reserve Banking System is not accountable to any other branch of our government!
     Lets raise the stakes a bit   If you investigate further, you will discover government documents and mainline news discussing the possibility that genetically modified food, chemicals and covert vaccinations maybe utilized to secretly sterilize populations without their knowledge or consent?  You will discover vast numbers of scientific articles describing the existence of electro-magnetic weapons since the 1970tes and realize they are continuing to perfect them perhaps to be employed to modify the thoughts of vast populations without their knowledge or consent?
     So dear cousins, I believe our Uncle Sam is very ill unable to protect us against the predators and parasites whom plague us!  Do I believe that the vast majority of people in positions of power are traitors or idiotic?  A few are but for the vast majority I believe the reality is far more tragic!  For this reason and this reason alone I ask that you have compassion for my Uncle and for those who work in his name!  Many in Congress and in the executive branch broke their pledge to Audit the Fed, broke their pledge to reign in the banks and broke their pledge to uphold and defend the Constitution.  They committed this treasonous act I believe for a simple humane reason.  They knew if they stood up to the banks controlled by the hidden ones, these predators promised to crash the economy, declare martial law, shred the last vestiges of our Constitutional government and institute policies that could result in the deaths of millions of my countrymen.
     Dear Uncle I believe you with many who work in your name love us as parents love their children and would do anything to protect us from harm.  I believe your fear for our safety caused you to submit to the will of the hidden ones.  Yet I sense the hidden ones are on the Earth to test us and they are methodically preparing a hell for us that cannot be avoided.  One founding father once said if you trade freedom for security then you get neither!  Uncle, dear cousins, I prefer death to slavery and bondage!
     My cousins when I look at what I see in the media, the reality I see in our economy today, and combine it with my knowledge of how our monetary policies operate, I come to one startling conclusion.  I believe through my actions I am helping create the greatest totalitarian system of government of all time along with your help!  Much of the misery in the country and world today resulted by my contributions so I believe I am partly responsible for the birth of this fiend!  I do not wish to nurture such a creature anymore but almost any solution I come up with seems more dangerous than doing nothing at all so I offer this prayer for strength and wisdom.
     If God is willing, I call forth God, I call forth Jesus, Mary and all the Saints, I call forth God’s Angels, I call forth all righteous beings to pour down their love, wisdom and courage to my Uncle and his friends, my cousins and all humans and creatures of our world so again we can become one world under God with Liberty and Justice for all.  Amen.
     Truth is stranger than fiction.  For me this is absolutely true.  I enjoyed watching T.V., movies, reading science fiction, fantasy and other genres but I have found that history, science and technology possess far more amazing truths than I have found in any novel or movie.  More over these truths impact me now, so I am invested in understanding them and sometimes spend hours exploring them.  You to may find as you explore these links that you will spend far less time with T.V. and the movies because what is in these documents is real!
     If you wish to continue to explore using my links please go to the file Links to Corruption to start.   It will show you how the files are organized then you can decide how you want to read them.

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