Overall Contents for All Blogs and Posts
Most posts are alphabetized by subject starting at the bottom of each blog except for the first one. To get a feel of the overall intent of the blogs and posts please read the first post below.
Introduction and an Idea of how to navigate through the blogs and posts.
Contents for Sources of Funding for New World Order
From Soft to Hard Tyranny
Government Officials Speak out on Corruption and/or the New World Order Part 1
Government Officials Speak out on Corruption and/or the New World Order Part 2
Contents for Health Care Trends
Contents for Hidden Powers, Hidden Interests
Links to Corruption, Tyranny and Trends Toward A New World Order Part 1
Links to Corruption, Tyranny and Trends Toward A New World Order Part 2
Links to Corruption, Tyranny and Trends Toward A New World Order Part 3
National Debt
The above 3 posts Links to Corruption, Tyranny and Trends Toward a New World Order, Part 1, 2 and 3 contain just the links from all the posts with very little political commentary or analysis.
News About the Fed, Banking and Finance Part 1
News About the Fed, Banking and Finance Part 2
Quotes Over Time About Monetary Policy and Banking and Finance in Relationship to Liberty and Tyranny
Slow Response/Gulf Oil Spill
Social Security and Other Entitlements
Symbols of Occult Power
The Modern Art and Science of Enslaving Others
The Constitution Verses Tyranny
The Relationship Between The Military Industrial Media Complex, Defense Spending, Semi-permanent and Permanent War and the Rise of Tyranny
Trends Toward a Tyrannical New World Order Part 1
Trends Toward a Tyrannical New World Order Part 2
Trends Toward a Tyrannical New World Order Part 3
The United Nations in Relationship to the New World Order Part 1
The United Nations in Relationship to the New World Order Part 2
Barter and Local Currency Survey
Members, Activities and Meeting Times
The War on Food
The War on Food Part 2 This section has a lot more in depth scientific studies.
In all the blogs the titles for each of the articles are colored coded red, orange, green or black based on my subjective belief of how likely they are to be true.
Red title and bold font means I believe the article is very likely to be true and is very important!
Red title and regular font means I believe the article is very likely to be true but is less important.
Orange title and bold font means the article is likely to be true and is important!
Orange title and regular font means the article is likely to be true but is less important.
Green title and bold font means I believe the article could be true and is very important!
Green title and regular font means I believe the article could be true but is less important.
Black title and bold font means I have no opinion on the article because I have not researched it so I have no opinion on its veracity. However it is important!
Black title and regular font means I have no opinion on the article because I have not researched it so I have no opinion on its veracity or truthfulness. It is of lesser importance.
Government Officials Speak Out On Corruption and/or The New World Order Part II
Arizona Cochise County Sheriff: Border Patrol has Retreated From Parts of Border 2
The Truth Behind the Murder of Robert Krentz 2
California Representative Pete Stark Mocks Constituents Over Immigration 4
Senators Challenge Obama on Rumors of Amnesty Through Executive Action 4
Department of Justice Attorney Resigns Over Alledged Rascism 4
Obama Justice Department Refused to Prosecute Blatant Voter Intimidation 6
CFR Report/Illegals Help Economy 8
Murdock Supports Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants 8
Fox News now joins MSNBC, CNN, CBS, and ABC Supporting Amnesty for Illegal Aliens 8
Declaring People Terrorists to Limit Gun Ownership Congressional Evidence 9
Ice Border Agent Shares Classified Info With Cartels 12
CIA and Drug Smuggling Rodney Stich, Michael Ruppert, Judge Robert C Bonner and Catherine Austin Fitts 12
NPR/Need to Know/Banks and Drug Money Laundering 18
CIA Mind Control Techniques MK-Ultra 18
CIA Secret Heart Attack Gun Described in Senate Testimony 18
Banks Filing Fraudulent Foreclosure Notices. FBI Director Robert Mueller States Fraudulent Loans Rise 5% in 2009. 14 Billion in Fraudulent Loans Originate in 2009 20
Alex Jones Interviews Lou Dobbs Discuss North American Union, Banking and World Wide Government 4/15/2011 20
Cochise County AZ Sheriff: Border Patrol Retreats From
Dangerous Parts of Mexican Border Friday August 13, 2010
· According to the Cochise County Sheriff, middle and upper level management in the Border Patrol are withdrawing the Border Patrol from dangerous parts of the border as well as dangerous drug trafficking corridors up to 70 miles from the border.
Arizona Cochise County Sheriff: Border Patrol has Retreated From Parts of the Border Because it is Dangerous August 14, 2010 http://www.prisonplanet.com/arizona-sheriff-border-patrol-has-retreated-from-parts-of-border-because-it%e2%80%99s-%e2%80%98too-dangerous%e2%80%99.html Same video different source
The Truth Behind the Murder of Robert Krentz
This article was sent to me from a group opposing illegal immigration. If it is true, it his highly disturbing. It shows that once drug dealers establish themselves in your neighborhood it may cost your life if you defy them. According to the article ranchers are constantly repairing fences that drug dealers are cutting. In this case the Rancher removed drugs from his land after being told that he would be killed if he touched them. Allegedly the article was written by one of Krentz’s neighbors.
This came today, here is the truth of why Robert Krentz, the Arizona Rancher died. It makes
me sick our Federal Government is still not sending help. What are they waiting for? More
victims? This is an invasion! We are at war right on our borders!
Subj: [Fwd: Ranchers beware!]
From one of my neighbor ranchers!
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I received this e-mail from a friend and fellow resident of Santa Cruz County. He is trustworthy and honest. I believe the content to be true. It gives me great cause for concern. I have sent a copy of this to Senator Kyl's office and Senator McCain. Unfortunately McCain must be contacted through a mail "form" and it's questionable if anyone will read it.
Forwarded to me by a friend who recently retired from border patrol.........
As you know, one of the local ranchers was murdered in Douglas two weeks ago. His funeral is tomorrow. I received three messages similar to the one below from different officers within the Rangers and law enforcement.
Yesterday afternoon I talked to another rancher near us who is a friend of ours and whose great grandfather started their ranch here in 1880. These are good people.
He told me what really happened out at the Krentz ranch and what you won't read in the papers. The Border Patrol is afraid of starting a small war between civilians here and the drug cartels in Mexico.
Bob Krentz was checking his water like he does every evening and came upon an illegal who was lying on the ground telling him he was sick. Bob called the Border Patrol and asked for a medical helicopter evac. As he turned to go back to his ATV he was shot in the side. The round came from down and angled up so they know the shooter was on the ground. Bob's firearm was in the ATV so he had no chance.
Wounded he called the Cochise County Sherriff and asked for help. Bleeding in the lungs he called his brother but the line was bad so he called his wife but again the line was bad. Several ranchers heard the radio call and drove to his location. Bob was dead by this time. The ranchers tracked the shooter 8 miles back towards Mexico and cornered him in a brushy draw. This was all at night. The Sherriff and Border Patrol arrived and told them not to go down and engage the murderer. They went around to the back side and if you can believe it the assassin managed to get by a BP helicopter and a Sherriff's posse and back to Mexico. So much for professional help when you need it.
One week before the murder Bob and his brother Phil (who I shoot with) hauled a huge quantity of drugs off the ranch that they found in trucks.
One week before that a rancher near Naco did the same thing. Two nights later gangs broke into his ranch house and beat him and his wife and told them that if they touched any drugs they found they would come back and kill them. The ranchers here deal with cut fences and haul drug deliveries off their ranches all the time. What ranchers think is that the drug cartels beat the one rancher and shot Bob because they wanted to send a message. Bob always gave food and water to illegals and so they think they sent the assassin to pose as an illegal who was hungry and thirsty knowing it would catch Bob off guard.
What is going on down here is NOT being reported. You need to tell people how bad it is along the border. Texas is worse. Near El Paso it's in a state of war. 5000 people were killed in Ciudad Juarez last year and it's over 2000 so far this year. Gun sales down here are through the roof and I get emails from people wanting firearms training.
Something has to be done but I don't hold out much hope. These gangs have groups in almost every city in the US. Please read below. This is serious business. The Barrio Azteca and their sub gangs are like Mexican Corporations and organized extremely well. If this doesn't get dealt with down here you guys will deal with it on your streets. Bud
California Democratic Representative Pete Stark mocks constituents regarding immigration. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O1NYLnQxLNA&NR=1
This website below has a slew of links relating to immigration and border news.
Senators Challenge President Obama on Rumors of Amnesty Through Executive Action 6/23/10
The following senators, Hatch (R-Utah), Vitter (R-LA), Bunning (R-Ky), Chamblis (R-Ga), Inhofe (R-Okla) and Cochran (R-Miss) fearing that Obama was planning on taking Executive action to grant amnesty to illegal aliens, composed a letter warning him not to take such action. http://www.numbersusa.com/content/news/june-21-2010/senators-challenge-pres-obama-rumors-executive-order-amnesty.html The next link shows a copy of the letters from the Senators to President Obama. www.numbersusa.com/content/files/Letter_to_President_Obama.pdf
Department of Justice Attorney Resigns over alleged Racism Sent
6/26/2010 Department of Justice attorney J. Christian Adams has now officially resigned over Obama's refusal to allow the prosecution of armed Black Panthers who openly intimidated voters during Election 2008.
In a letter to the Washington Times, he called the case "the simplest and most obvious violation of federal law" he had ever seen in his entire career at the Justice Department and condemned Obama's bigoted, dishonest handling of the case as "corrupt" and "indefensible."
From the letter:
Based on my firsthand experiences, I believe the dismissal of the Black Panther case was motivated by a lawless hostility toward equal enforcement of the law. Others still within the department share my assessment. The department abetted wrongdoers and abandoned law-abiding citizens victimized by the New Black Panthers. The dismissal raises serious questions about the department's enforcement neutrality in upcoming midterm elections and the subsequent 2012 presidential election.
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Obama’s Department of Justice Refuses to Prosecute Blatant Voter Intimidation According to U.S. Commission on Civil Rights Hearing Beginning 4/23/10
Here are some bulleted highlights based on the first 5 of 19 you tube videos of actual testimony.
· The first two witnesses were lawyers whom encountered the men from the New Black Panther Party stated that the Panthers were calling the whites racial slurs. According to 1 of the witnesses, poll watchers who observe the voting were driven out of 4 or 5 polling stations by these two black panthers. The 2 Panthers stood in front of the polling booth entrances shoulder to shoulder. One of the man was slapping a night stick into his palm. Several intimidated voters observing the men barricading the entrances decided not to vote.
· One lawyer was called by one of the poll workers who was threatened by one of the Panthers and was terribly upset by his encounter. The lawyer had to push his way through the two men to get inside the polling place to talk to the poll worker.
· The other retired lawyer who had been involved in several prominent democratic campaigns decided he wanted to help prosecute the two men. He was warned that these individuals had intimidated and injured several police in an incident earlier but he wanted to help as long as the case was not dropped. This witness was shocked that such a blatant case would be dropped by the Justice Department.
· Representative Frank Wolf from Virginia repeatedly wrote or requested information from the Department of Justice concerning this case but his letters and requests have been completely ignored. He has requested that the U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder re-open the case based on its merits.
· According to the Congressman, career attorneys have put their careers at risk attempting to pursue the New Black Panther Party case but higher up political appointees in the Department of Justice have vetoed their wishes. Below is a link to this Congressional testimony in front of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SA4CQX1nXWE You will be taken to a series of 19 videos. If the above link becomes unusable then on you tube google, US Commission on Civil Rights: New Black Panther Party Hearing on April 23, 2010.
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· This link below has a short video showing the police responding to the two Black Panthers. It also discusses the double standard that is applied to voter intimidation by the present administration. www.electionjournal.org/
This action by the Department of Justice is highly disturbing because it sets the precedent that intimidation of voters is OK. Once that becomes acceptable than tyranny cannot be far behind.
Reverse Racism in Enforcement of Voting Rights Act Christopher Coates Testimony for U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. September 24, 2010.
Christopher Coats became Chief of the Voting Section of the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice. Here are some high lights of the testimony.
· In December of 2009 the Commission served Coats a subpoena to testify about Department of Justice (DOJ) actions in the New Black Panther Party (NBPP) case. It has been alleged that Black Panthers intimidated voters in the prior election in 2008. The Department of Justice ordered Coats not to testify even though he wanted to do so. Eventually he decided to testify against the wishes of his superiors.
· Many in The Civil Rights Division and the Voting Section in the Department of Justice do not favor race neutral enforcement of the Voting Rights Act. There was opposition in the voting section to taking actions under the Voting Rights on behalf of white voters who complained in 2003 that elections had been administrated in a racially discriminatory manner. Coats investigating the allegations and agreed.
· Eventually he got an investigation into the case but faced wide spread opposition from career personnel in the voting section. One attorney informed him in no uncertain terms, “I did not come here to sue African American defendants.
· Many Civil Rights groups complained bitterly about the neutral enforcement of the Voting Rights Act preferring that the act be enforced in a way the mostly benefited minorities.
· Although this reverse racism has existed in this department for many years, with Obama’s election, many people who opposed equal enforcement of the Voting Rights Act obtained positions of power.
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· It was these newly selected people who decided to dismiss the voter intimidation case against the New Black Panther Party. According to Coats this resulted in the most blatant example of racial discrimination in prosecuting voting rights violations.
· http://pajamasmedia.com/files/2010/09/christopher_coates_testimony_9-24-10.pdf
Here is a synopsis of a report by the CFR concerning economic impact of illegal immigrants in Arizona done April 2007. Council Special Report
The Economic Logic of Illegal Immigration
This report examines the economics of illegal immigration and finds that the fiscal benefits of illegal immigration offset its costs. Further, the report finds that the flexibility provided by the illegal immigration system that benefits the U.S. economy cannot be provided by the legal immigration system.April 2, 2007
The Economic Logic of Illegal Immigration
This report examines the economics of illegal immigration and finds that the fiscal benefits of illegal immigration offset its costs. Further, the report finds that the flexibility provided by the illegal immigration system that benefits the U.S. economy cannot be provided by the legal immigration system.April 2, 2007
Rupert Murdock Owner of Fox News Comes out for Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants
Fox News Owner Rupert Murdoch Pushes for Amnesty for Illegal Aliensby William Gheen
President of Americans for Legal Immigration PAC ALIPAC
June 24, 2010
President of Americans for Legal Immigration PAC ALIPAC
June 24, 2010
A big question has been answered for those of us wondering why very few of the leaders of organizations fighting against illegal immigration are on Fox News anymore.
NYC mayor, major CEOs (Fox News) lobby for immigration reform Amnesty
Fox News now joins MSNBC, CNN, CBS, and ABC in their censorship and bias pushing for Amnesty for illegal aliens. The American public is now completely cut off from any national media avenues to represent their interests over the billionaires on the left and the right pushing to destroy our borders and sovereignty.
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Our Second Amendment Rights may be in peril according to this sources Congressional evidence.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Get the word out, people, along with the message -- we will not comply.
Just received this in via email. Don't know how they sneaked this in, but even long-time guardians of firearms rights were caught unawares by this announcement:
Little publicized hearing tomorrow. BOHICA!
How long till we hear "No, you can't purchase a firearm...I can't tell you why, it's a national security matter".
I not only see this ripe for abuse, but also see a glaring unintended consequence if passed. If I were a terrorist I would applaud this bill. I would only need to say buy a gun a week, and when I were denied, I'd know the government was on to me at that point.
Check out the witness list...less than balanced.
Terrorists and Guns: The Nature of the Threat and Proposed Reforms
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
10:00 AM
Dirksen Senate Office Building, room 342
Panel 1
* The Honorable Frank R. Lautenberg, U.S. Senate
* The Honorable Peter T. King, U.S. House of Representatives
* The Honorable Michael R. Bloomberg, Mayor, City of New York
* The Honorable Raymond W. Kelly, Police Commissioner, City of New York
Panel 2
* Daniel D. Roberts, Assistant Director, Criminal Justice Information Services Division, Federal Bureau of Investigation, U.S. Department of Justice
* Eileen R. Larence, Director, Homeland Security and Justice, U.S. Government Accountability Office
* Sandy Jo MacArthur, Assistant Chief, Office of Administrative Services, Los Angeles Police Department
* Aaron Titus, Privacy Director, Liberty
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Background information:
In February 2004, then Attorney General Alberto Gonzales directed the Department of Justice (DOJ) Office of Legal Policy (OLP) to form a working group to review federal firearms and explosives laws*particularly in regard to NICS background checks*to determine whether additional authority should be sought from Congress to prevent firearms and explosives transfers to known and suspected terrorists. In the 111th Congress, Senator Frank Lautenberg and Representative Peter King have reintroduced a bill (S. 1317/H.R. 2159) that would authorize the Attorney General to deny the transfer of firearms or the issuance of firearms and explosives licenses to known or suspected terrorists. This bill reportedly reflects a legislative proposal developed by DOJ.
In general, this bill would amend the Gun Control Act (GCA) to grant the Attorney General the discretionary authority to deny a firearm transfer or state-issued firearms permit to any prospective transferee or permittee through Brady background checks, if the Attorney General determines that the prospective transferee is known (or appropriately suspected) to be or to have been engaged in conduct constituting, preparation for, in aid of, or related to terrorism, or providing material support or resources for terrorism, and has a reasonable belief that the prospective transferee may use the firearm in connection with terrorism (proposed 18 U.S.C. §§ 922A and B). The bill would make similar amendments to the provisions of the GCA governing the processes by which federal firearms dealer licenses are issued and revoked (18 U.S.C. §§ 923(d) and (e)).
The bill would also amend the GCA provision (18 U.S.C. § 922(g))
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that enumerates several classes of persons who are prohibited from shipping, transporting, possessing, or receiving a firearm or ammunition, so that it would include persons who were the subject of terrorism-related determinations (described above). The bill would amend the GCA provision (18 U.S.C. § 922(d)) that prohibits any person from transferring a firearm to any prohibited person to include any person who was the subject of a terrorism-related determination as well. In addition, the bill would amend the NICS background check provisions (18 U.S.C. § 922(t)) to reflect that the Attorney General would have this new discretionary authority under the proposed 18 U.S.C. §§ 922A and B.
With regard to NICS denials of firearms transfers or state-issued firearms permits based upon terrorist watch list hits and subsequent determinations by the Attorney General, the bill would amend the Brady Act (P.L. 103-159) to allow a denied prospective transferee to request from the Attorney General the reasons for the denial, but it would also give the Attorney General the authority to withhold those reasons if he determines that such a disclosure would compromise national security. The bill would make a similar amendment to the Brady Act in regard to correction of erroneous information.
Furthermore, the bill would amend the GCA provision that addresses erroneous denials (18 U.S.C. § 925A), to allow any person denied a firearms-related transfer or permit to challenge that determination in U.S. court within 60 days of that determination. This proposed amendment would require the court to sustain the Attorney General’s determination upon a showing by the U.S. Government a preponderance of evidence standard that the determination satisfied the proposed provisions described above (18 U.S.C. §§ 922A and B). The proposed amendment would also allow the court to rely upon summaries or redacted versions of documents underlying those determinations, if those documents contained information that could compromise national security, but it would also allow a court to review the full, undisclosed documents ex parte and in camera at the court’s option or on the motion of the petitioner (denied person). The proposed amendment would also allow the court to determine whether the summaries or redacted versions of the documents were fair and accurate representations of the underlying documents; however, it would not allow the court to overturn the Attorney General’s determination based on the full and un-redacted documents.
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I confirmed the above at the link HERE:
Ice Border Agent Shares Classified Info With Cartels Ice Border agent shares classified drug information with family members, relatives working for Mexican drug cartels. Http://blogs.phoenixnewtimes.com/valleyfever/2011/06/ice_agent_accused_of_leaking_s.php
CIA Smuggling drugs into Country Rodney Stich
Rodney Stich is one of our World War II navy heroes. He joined the U.S. Navy in December 1940 at 17. He served as a radioman on PBY seaplanes until 1942 then became a navy pilot. He probably was the youngest Patrol Plane commander in a 4 engine aircraft during World War II.
After the war he became an international pilot flying for Pioneer Airlines, Transocen Airlines, Japan Airlines along with many other airlines. During the 1950ties he flew Muslim pilgrims to Mecca and was in Iran when the CIA overthrew the government and installed the Shaw.
In 1962 he joined the Federal Aviation Administration and was given the job to oversee safety operations after a spat of airline crashes. He conducted flight checks of airline pilots and made safety recommendations. Sometime during this job he began to see and try to correct corruption he saw in the FAA. He also became aware of corrupt practices in other government agencies such as the CIA. If you google his name you will be taken to several websites that claim to have government documentation of CIA involvement in drug smuggling as well as names of formal CIA agents whom smuggled drugs as well as drug dealers whom were employed by the CIA. He has written several books on the subject as well as talked on hundreds of t.v. and radio shows. It is said that many federal judges tried to intervene to stop his activities.
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This material colored brown is also contained in the section called emerging sources of funding for the New World Order because some believe that Globalists are using drug profits as one of their sources of
CIA Links To Drug Trafficking and 9/11
This link is the start of a treasure trove of government documents and government officials whom discuss how the CIA funded drug operations are done to provide liquid assets in the U.S. He covers how stocks were traded prior to 9/11 resulting in huge profits for those whom he believe knew of 9/11. Here are some facts from some of the videos. There are 15 ten minute you tube video segments. They start by discussing CIA drug connections but then covers the 9/11 cover up
Video 3
· Memorandum written 2/11, 1982 to The Honorable William Casey signed by the Attorney General William French Smith. It is discussed that coke production would soon increase in U.S and CIA wanted to be in control of flow of drugs. The following is a link that discusses the procedures that the CIA is expected to follow when its employees conduct criminal acts. It has evolved over time. www.cia.gov/library/reports/general-reports-1/cocaine/contra-story/findings.html You can also google the quote below and go to a website called Findings: The Contra Story – Central Intelligence
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Agency. Here is one of the quotes in this document. “In light of the provisions and in view of the fine fine cooperation, The Drug Enforcement Administration has received from the CIA no formal requirement regarding the reporting of narcotics violations has been included in these procedures.” Here is a link to the memorandum https://www.cia.gov/library/reports/general-reports-1/cocaine/contra-story/ex1.html
· Basically the Attorney General told the CIA, they no longer had to report when anyone but a case officer was dealing drugs. From this point on the CIA undertakes drug operations in the country to support the United States economy. To see this for yourself google Findings: The Contra Story – Central Intelligence Agency. Scroll down about a quarter of the way down to the 1982 DoJ-CIA Memorandum of Understanding. After reading the 1st paragraph there are bullets describing what the CIA needed to do to report crimes to the Justice Department. Basically agents, former agents or persons paid by the CIA that commit crimes need to be reported to the Justice Department. However those who work on behalf of the CIA who commit a crime don’t have to be reported to the Department of Justice as long as the CIA is not paying them. If you read down a bit to where it says, On February 11, 1982, Attorney General Smith sent a letter to DCI Casey, it is repeated stated that the CIA does not need to report narcotics violations to the Justice Department. This is right from a CIA website. Up to around 2000 when this report was given, the CIA directors and highest officials were composed of Wall Street business people and bankers whose primary concern was the flow and control of money in the U.S.
Video 4
· History of the Bush Family. Prescott Bush was the Father of George Bush the father and the Grandfather of G. W. Bush. Prescott Bush was the managing
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director of a firm called Brown Brothers Harriman which is the oldest and largest private bank in the U.S. During the 1930ties and 1940ties the bank financed the Nazis before and during the Second World War. So egregious were the bank’s support in providing the Nazis with various metals to carry on their military campaign that the United States seized the assets of the bank that Prescott Bush directed.
· In January of 2000 or 2008, the IMF published a report that 1.5 trillion dollars was laundered through the world banking system a year. Of that according to the U.S. Department of Justice, 500-600 billion arose directly from the drug trade.
· Drug money is important for the economy because it is liquid cash. Liquid cash is what keeps the economy working.
· In March 2000 or 2008 more evidence of this drug laundering came up from Senator Carl Levin’s minority report to the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations and it was a report on Correspondent Banks and Money Laundering. According to the author you can type in the title on the web and the report will come up. In a related article in the Washington Post on February 5, Senator Carl Levin said that 500 billion dollars is laundered through the U.S. banks every year. Here is a quote from him. “In attention to its interests by U.S. banks in screening the foreign banks they take as clients, it has allowed rogue foreign banks and their criminal clients to carry out money laundering and other criminal acts in the United States and to benefit from the protections afforded by the safety and the soundness of the U.S. banking industry…” The document specifically mentions J.P. Morgan Chase and 4,000 offshore banks that launder money in the U.S.
· Ruppert stated that 1 trillion is actually laundered through the banks. Estimates range between 500 billion to 1 trillion. Clinton declared a national security
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threat however Wall Street considers the drug money a national asset.
· Ruppert claims that it is the CIA’s role in the U.S. economy to oversee illegal drug activities to provide liquid drug cash to the banks. Liquid cash provides money needed for economic transactions. Since according to him our economy has been in trouble for many decades the liquid cash keeps our economy from imploding.
· Catherine Austin Fitts the former Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development and a past managing director of Dilton Read, a Wall Street investment bank states much of the growth in our economy is due to the impact of drug money. “One of the ways we have financed the growth of multi-national corporations and big banks and the rise of the Dow Jones is by selling narcotics to our children. It is one of the most profitable businesses in America.
Video 5
· About a year ago I gave a speech called, How Money Works in Organized Crime to a wonderful group of people in Philadelphia.” She stated that the Department of Justice estimates that the United States is the leader in laundering organized crime profits of 500 billion to 1 trillion dollars a year.
· She asked the people, “What would happen if you could instantaneously stop the money laundering? How would it affect the economy?” The value of our mutual funds would decrease significantly. The Stock Market would crash. With the decreased supply of money we would have great difficulty financing our increasing debt and checks for retirees would be much less. There would be a lot less liquid money in the economy so a recession or depression would likely occur because of the scarcity of money needed for economic transactions. Unfortunately according to both these sources the U.S. economy is addicted to
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the drug money.
· If a person goes into the bank and deposit $10,001 the bank must fill out a report that the person might be a money launderer. However, certain classes of businesses are exempt from these rules. Any banks, agencies or departments of the U.S. government or listed entity other than a bank whose common or analogous equity interests are listed on the New York Stock Exchange, American Stock Exchange or designated as Nasdaq market security are exempt. If you have a company that trades on Wall Street you can legally launder all the money you want.
· In 2000, Janet Reno at the Justice Department met with a group of companies along with Deputy Treasury Secretary Stewart Eizenstat according to a PBS source. Representatives from Hewlett Packard, Ford, Sony, General Motors, Whirlpool, General Electric and Phillip Morris were told to cut back on the amount of laundering of drug money.
· At the time of the production of the present video, John Deutch who was the CIA director under Clinton who Huppert confronted in the video in the link above, at this time is the director of City Bank. He recited 3 drug operations called Pegasus, Amidias, and Watch Tower. On that bank’s board was Robert Ruben who before that time was the Secretary of the Treasury. During this time City Bank bought the second largest bank in Mexico Banamex a well documented drug laundering bank in Mexico. Roberto Hernandez a well known Cocaine dealer and producer who worked at the Mexican bank in return got a seat at the Board of Directors of City Bank. These actions seem to show that American Bankers feel they need to launder drug money.
Below is the link to the first of 15 videos that Michael Ruppert produced describing the role of illegal drugs in the U.S economy, 9/11 and other issues. As I stated he
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provides many government officials, articles and government documents to support his case. In the video he has a standing offer to give anyone $1000 dollars who can disprove any allegations that he has made. At the time of the making of the video no one has come forward to disprove any of his allegations.
According to Alex Jones on many occasions on his Alex Jones radio show, The New World Order gains some of its wealth through drug operations through the CIA or by laundering drug profits through banks. I was sent a video link to Bloomberg which was unavailable. I found another video from NPR Need To Know on June 1st, 2010 produced by Catherine Upin. From 2003-2008 420 billion dollars much of it drug money was laundered through Wachovia bank the fourth largest bank in the United States. Much of this money purchased airplanes to smuggle cocaine across the Mexican border into the United States.
Wachovia now owned by Wells Fargo bank admitted all wrong doing. It received a fine of 160 million dollars. This is a very small fine that is not likely to deter banks from holding large sums of money such as 420 billion in drug money. Several banks have admitted wrong doing relating to laundering drug money such as American Express, Union Bank of California and Bank Atlantic which all paid fines. Riggs Bank and Bank of America have also been cited for laundering money for different reasons.
Some jailed bankers questioned why they have been picked on for doing what all the major international bankers are also doing. So where are the Federal regulators? Foreign and national banks are suppose to be regulated by the O.C.C., The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, a division of the Treasury Department. Critics claim they are not doing their job. Part of the problem maybe that the fines and other
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penalties are not enough to deter the banks. Unfortunately regulators are often part of the bank’s money making operation. There needs to be a separation between the people who make their money through the banks and the those who regulate the banks
http://www.pbs.org/wnet/need-to-know/economy/getting-dirty-money-clean/1121/ The following is the Bloomberg video link however it is not currently available. http://www.bloomberg.com/video/61169668/
Other Government Officials Accuse CIA of Smuggling Drugs into U.S.
In this one Michael Ruppert confronts CIA director John Mark Deutch over his allegations that the CIA smuggled drugs into the U.S. Ruppert was a former Los Angeles Police Detective. You can find it on youtube by typing
Michael Ruppert confronts CIA Director over Drug Smuggling. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4t3pl5Wxgyg
Judge Robert C Bonner, the former head of The Drug Enforcement Agency from 1990-2001, told Mike Wallace of 60 Minutes that the CIA has shipped illegal drugs into the country. The only person who can legally allow illegal drugs into the country is the head of The Drug Enforcement Agency.
Catherine Austin Fitts the former Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development under the first Bush administration and also the past managing Director of the Dillon Read a Wall Street Investment Bank, describe her theory why the CIA and other government officials support selling NARCOTICS TO OUR YOUNG. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDPiyVfcCpc
CIA Mind Control and MK-ULTRA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i46RI2twVao has many videos exploring this subject See also HAARP Could this Be The Ultimate Weapon of Control on page 4 in the File Trends Toward a New World Order. See also Mind Control Possibilities on page 57 of this same file.
CIA Former Agent describes her development of a Heart Attack gun in front of Senator Church’s investigative committee officially known as The United States Senate Select Committee To Study Government Operations With Respect to Intelligence Activities in 1975. This secret weapon used for assassination uses a very small poison dart penetrating the victims clothing and dissolving quickly once it enter the victims body leaving a very tiny red dot on the skin. The poison dissolves quickly causing a heart attack but once the damage is done the poison dissolves leaving no traces. An autopsy would show that the heart attack occurred from natural causes. In 35 years since that time one can only imagine what other methods of secret assassination have been developed. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzIw44w00ow
Banks Filing Fraudulent Foreclosure Notices. FBI
Director Robert Mueller States Fraudulent Loans Rise
5% in 2009. 14 Billion in Fraudulent Loans Originate in
2009 Info printed 6/18/2010
Mortgage fraud in the United States increased 5 percent in 2009 with an estimated $14 billion in phony frauds last year, the FBI said on Thursday.
According to FBI, it received 67,190 reports of mortgage fraud activity during 2009, a year in which foreclosure filings increased 120 percent from 2007 with 2.8 million properties involved.
FBI Director Robert Mueller said, "Mortgage fraud is an insidious crime that has devastating economic effects on families, communities and the nation."
This information was taken from Top New in. News You can use at the following link. www.topnews.in/cases-mortgage-fraud-increased-5-percent-2009-2264951
Alex Jones Interviews Lou Dobbs Discuss North American Union, Banking and World Wide
Government 4/15/2011
I obtained the following information from the online Wikipedia Encyclopedia.
Page 21
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lou_Dobbs Lou Dobbs graduated from Harvard, then worked in government and banking before working in media outlets. He started working at CNN at its founding in 1980 and worked as a reporter and a vice president for the organization before resigning in 1999. He rejoined in 2000 and resigned again in 2009. For his reporting he has won Emmy, Peabody and Cable Ace awards. He has also written several books since 2001.
He is an American journalist, radio host and a television host on the Fox Business Network. Prior to this he anchored CNN’s Lou Dobbs Tonight. Lou describes himself as a populist independent and has been an outspoken opponent to NAFTA and in ardent supporter of immigration reform.
He agrees with Alex Jones assessment that the elites that rule our country are attempting to integrate Canada, the U.S. and Mexico into an entity called the North American Union where troops from any of the mentioned countries can intervene in the other countries. He believes the banking interests and ruling elites financial actions are being taken so that a one world government can be formed. They also discuss the Libyan War, inflation and other topics. See the interview at the following podcast. For some reason if I try to click on the link it takes forever for my computer to load the link. If I copy and paste it to the internet browser then it goes to the website. http://pakshowbizonline.blogspot.com/2011/04/alex-jones-show-15th-april-2011-lou.html
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