Overall Contents for All Blogs and Posts
Most posts are alphabetized by subject starting at the bottom of each blog except for the first one. To get a feel of the overall intent of the blogs and posts please read the first post below.
Introduction and an Idea of how to navigate through the blogs and posts.
Contents for Sources of Funding for New World Order
From Soft to Hard Tyranny
Government Officials Speak out on Corruption and/or the New World Order Part 1
Government Officials Speak out on Corruption and/or the New World Order Part 2
Contents for Health Care Trends
Contents for Hidden Powers, Hidden Interests
Links to Corruption, Tyranny and Trends Toward A New World Order Part 1
Links to Corruption, Tyranny and Trends Toward A New World Order Part 2
Links to Corruption, Tyranny and Trends Toward A New World Order Part 3
National Debt
The above 3 posts Links to Corruption, Tyranny and Trends Toward a New World Order, Part 1, 2 and 3 contain just the links from all the posts with very little political commentary or analysis.
News About the Fed, Banking and Finance Part 1
News About the Fed, Banking and Finance Part 2
Quotes Over Time About Monetary Policy and Banking and Finance in Relationship to Liberty and Tyranny
Slow Response/Gulf Oil Spill
Social Security and Other Entitlements
Symbols of Occult Power
The Modern Art and Science of Enslaving Others
The Constitution Verses Tyranny
The Relationship Between The Military Industrial Media Complex, Defense Spending, Semi-permanent and Permanent War and the Rise of Tyranny
Trends Toward a Tyrannical New World Order Part 1
Trends Toward a Tyrannical New World Order Part 2
Trends Toward a Tyrannical New World Order Part 3
The United Nations in Relationship to the New World Order Part 1
The United Nations in Relationship to the New World Order Part 2
Barter and Local Currency Survey
Members, Activities and Meeting Times
The War on Food
The War on Food Part 2 This section has a lot more in depth scientific studies.
In all the blogs the titles for each of the articles are colored coded red, orange, green or black based on my subjective belief of how likely they are to be true.
Red title and bold font means I believe the article is very likely to be true and is very important!
Red title and regular font means I believe the article is very likely to be true but is less important.
Orange title and bold font means the article is likely to be true and is important!
Orange title and regular font means the article is likely to be true but is less important.
Green title and bold font means I believe the article could be true and is very important!
Green title and regular font means I believe the article could be true but is less important.
Black title and bold font means I have no opinion on the article because I have not researched it so I have no opinion on its veracity. However it is important!
Black title and regular font means I have no opinion on the article because I have not researched it so I have no opinion on its veracity or truthfulness. It is of lesser importance.
Overall Contents for All Blogs and Posts
Most posts are alphabetized by subject starting at the bottom of each blog except for the first one. To get a feel of the overall intent of the blogs and posts please read the first post below.
Introduction and an Idea of how to navigate through the blogs and posts.
Contents for Sources of Funding for New World Order
From Soft to Hard Tyranny
Government Officials Speak out on Corruption and/or the New World Order Part 1
Government Officials Speak out on Corruption and/or the New World Order Part 2
Contents for Health Care Trends
Contents for Hidden Powers, Hidden Interests
Links to Corruption, Tyranny and Trends Toward A New World Order Part 1
Links to Corruption, Tyranny and Trends Toward A New World Order Part 2
Links to Corruption, Tyranny and Trends Toward A New World Order Part 3
National Debt
The above 3 posts Links to Corruption, Tyranny and Trends Toward a New World Order, Part 1, 2 and 3 contain just the links from all the posts with very little political commentary or analysis.
News About the Fed, Banking and Finance Part 1
News About the Fed, Banking and Finance Part 2
Quotes Over Time About Monetary Policy and Banking and Finance in Relationship to Liberty and Tyranny
Slow Response/Gulf Oil Spill
Social Security and Other Entitlements
Symbols of Occult Power
The Modern Art and Science of Enslaving Others
The Constitution Verses Tyranny
The Relationship Between The Military Industrial Media Complex, Defense Spending, Semi-permanent and Permanent War and the Rise of Tyranny
Trends Toward a Tyrannical New World Order Part 1
Trends Toward a Tyrannical New World Order Part 2
Trends Toward a Tyrannical New World Order Part 3
The United Nations in Relationship to the New World Order Part 1
The United Nations in Relationship to the New World Order Part 2
Barter and Local Currency Survey
The War on Food
The War on Food Part 2 This section has a lot more in depth scientific studies.
In all the blogs the titles for each of the articles are colored coded red, orange, green or black based on my subjective belief of how likely they are to be true.
Red title and bold font means I believe the article is very likely to be true and is very important!
Red title and regular font means I believe the article is very likely to be true but is less important.
Orange title and bold font means the article is likely to be true and is important!
Orange title and regular font means the article is likely to be true but is less important.
Green title and bold font means I believe the article could be true and is very important!
Green title and regular font means I believe the article could be true but is less important.
Black title and bold font means I have no opinion on the article because I have not researched it so I have no opinion on its veracity. However it is important!
Black title and regular font means I have no opinion on the article because I have not researched it so I have no opinion on its veracity or truthfulness. It is of lesser importance.
Contents for Health Care Trends
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi: Even if everyone in America had great health care, we'd still have passed Obamacare.” Read more at the Washington Examiner: http://washingtonexaminer.com/blogs/beltway-confidential/2011/01/pelosi-even-if-everyone-america-had-great-health-care-wed-stll-ha#ixzz1AGoeHagr See the You tube video with quote on her last day as Speak of the House
Pelosi: We have to pass the bill so you can find out what is in it. www.youtube.com/watch?v=KoE1R-xH5To
Doctors and Drugs May Be Leading Cause of Death In U.S. 3
Death By Medicine 783,936 per Year According to Some Scientific Studies 3
Risky Medical Devices Untested In Patients Account For Many Recalls/Deaths 4
To see other examples of where Federal Government Does Not Have Enough Workers or resources to enforce laws and regulations go to File or Post, Trends Toward a New World order to article Federal Government Does Not Have Enough Workers To Oversee Private Contractors Who Oversee Most Federal Programs NPR’s Market Place 9/9/10. See also Lack of Accountability For private contractors in the file or post, The Relationship Between The Military Industrial Complex, Defense Spending, Semi-permanent or Permanent War and Tyranny. In the file or post, Health Trends see also on page 2, Risky Medical Devices Untested By FDA In Patients Account For Many Recalls/Deaths
Chronic Health Conditions Especially Those Involving Immune System Increasing 4
Go to the post, The U.N. in the New World Order from pages 50-55. The article is titled, Could Increasing Use of Vaccines, GMO Foods and Chemicals Cause Rise in Chronic Illness and Other Chronic Disabling Illneses
Modern Lifestyle Maybe Killing Us/NPR 4
Reasons Grains Maybe Bad for Most of Us 4
The History of Medicine From a New World Order Perspective 4
U.S. Has Most Youth that Use/Abuse Prescription Drugs in Free World 4
Health Care Bill May Not Apply to Those Who Wrote The Bill and their Staff Members 4
Obama Health Care More Expensive than We Have Been Told 5
62% of all 2007 Bankruptcies Due to Catastrophic Illnesses 6
New York Considers Making Organ Donation Mandatory 6
China’s Executions Vastly Expand Organ Trade 6
Peter Orszag Obama Budget Director Indicates Special Panels Not Doctors and Patients Will Make Health Decisions 7
Page 2
New Medicare Rules by Czar Berwick 7
Doctors Turning Away Medicare Patients Because Of Lower Reimbursements 9
Dick Morris From Clinton Administration Lambasts Canadian Health Care System 9
How Health Care Killed My Father 10
Comprehensive Health Care Hides Skyrocketing Health Care Cost for Most People 17
Health Overhaul May Mean Longer ER waits Crowding 18
A Different Response To Above Article 19
We May Not Keep Health Plans/ Wall Street Journal 20
VA Hospital May Have Infected 1,800 With HIV 20
Health Care Burdens Small Business/Gives Vast Powers to IRS 20
25% U.S. Children Hungry or Malnourished/NPR 21
Antibiotic Fed Cattle Cause 100,000 Thousand Deaths a Year/Union of Concerned Scientists 22
Democratic Representative Pete Stark and a Constituent: Health Care, The Constitution and Violation of the 13th Amendment Against Slavery 21
Health Care Cost Will Rise/Medicare Cut and Insurance Choice Limited According To Medicare Actuary With New Health Care Law 22
Is Our Health Care System Really a Health Care System or is it a Population Control or Population Reduction System? 23
Pesticide Exposure Linked to Significant Intelligence Decline in Children/NPR 26
TSA Radiation Scanners May Lead to Higher Cancer and Sterilization Rates 27
Did Vaccine Producers And Government Regulators Knowingly Contaminate Polio Vaccines With A Monkey Virus Known to Cause Cancer In Animals? 28
201 Critical Prescription Drugs, Shortages in 82% of Hospitals/CBS News 28
201 Critical Prescription Drugs, Shortages in 82% of Hospitals/CBS News 28
Alcoholism another Chronic Health Condition 28
Graphs Related to Health Care Spending/Social Security Advisory Board 28
Page 2A
GMO Foods/What Are They? Could They Adversely Impact Our Health 30
FDA Scientists Concerns With GMO Foods 30
Specific Objections to use of Antibiotic-Resistant Marker Genes 33
Safety Question Raised by Test on the Flavr Savr Tomato-the Most Thoroughly Tested Bioengineered Food 34
More than 70% of Process Food Has GMO
Ingredients 38
AMA/GMOs Should Be Safely Tested Before
Entering Food Supply/Chicago Tribune 38
Increases in Allergies and other Chronic Conditions Over Time Centers For Disease Control Data 38
LA Times Asthma Rates
Increasing 39
Other Chronic Conditions 39
Increased Prescription Drug Use and Other Addictions/Could it be Related to GMO Foods? 44
Alarming Increase in Prescription Drug
Use 44
U.S. High Rates Carbonated Soda
Consumption 46
Other Related Genetic Modification Events 47
Animal Human Hybrids National Geographic 47
Genetically Modified Cows Produce Human
Milk 47
Human Animal Hybrids
Details of Hybrid Clone Revealed
Human to be Cloned by 2001
Of Mice Men and In Between
Plant/Animal Hybrids and Plant/Bacteria
Hybrids/PBS 50
USDA Backs Production of Rice With Human
USDA Won’t Impose Restriction on GMO
Alfalfa/WSJ 50
Can Corn With HIV DNA Infect People? 51
Scientist Alter DNA to Produce Chicken
With Alligator Snout 51
FDA/No Need to Label GMO Salmon/Washington
Post 52
Senate Debates Pros/Cons of GMO Salmon 52
Scientists Closer to Creating Life –
Biotech Companies Own 1/3 Human Genes/60
Minutes 52
Government Involvement With GMOs
Michael Taylor Secretary of FDA Former
Monsanto Lawyer 53
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas Former Monsanto Lawyer 53
FDA Asks Companies to Voluntarily Label GMO Food 54
Congress Passes Bill Allowing 1 Person to
Control What We Grow and Eat 54
CDC Growing Popularity Raw Milk
Pesticide Exposure and Declining
Market Place NPR/ Organics and MGO’s Must
Co-exist 59
Fooling Around With Food/Arizona Daily
Star 59
Scientists Dream of Creating Plants that
Can Separate From Their Roots and Other Amazing Things 60
Conclusions 60
Scientific Studies Showing the Dangers of GMO Soy/Huffington Post60
Scientific Studies Showing the Dangers of GMO Soy/Huffington Post
Utilizing GMO Foods to Reduce Population A Scary Scientific Explanation of How it Can Be Done! 61
Population Reduction 2012 Codex Alimentarius 61
Infertility in Europe to Double next
Decade/BBC 61
Population Control and the
National Security Memorandum 2000/Kissinger 61
CIA/Fertility Rates
By Country/2011 61
The Medicaid Expansion Under Obama Care Probably Won't Work 64
The Opposite View Mortality and Access to Care Among Adults After Medicare Expansion 65
Graphs Comparing Health Care Costs to Inflation 65
James T Harris Interviews Frank Antenori About Steve Pierce and Brewer Care 68
Hospital Infections 4th Leading Cause of Death in the U.S. Behind Heart Disease Cancer and Strokes. Ideas to Protect yourself. 72
The Medicaid Expansion Under Obama Care Probably Won't Work 64
The Opposite View Mortality and Access to Care Among Adults After Medicare Expansion 65
Graphs Comparing Health Care Costs to Inflation 65
James T Harris Interviews Frank Antenori About Steve Pierce and Brewer Care 68
Hospital Infections 4th Leading Cause of Death in the U.S. Behind Heart Disease Cancer and Strokes. Ideas to Protect yourself. 72
New Insights into
Statin-Cholesterol Controversy 73
Doctors and Prescribed Drugs May Be Leading Cause of Death In U.S.
When in comes to trauma and heroic medicine care the United States is second to none! Yet, care for chronic conditions and prevention of disease is a different story. Some studies indicate that iatrogenic care or care induced in a patient by a physician’s activity, manner, or therapy may result in death! Depending on who you talk to, doctors and drugs could be the first, third, fourth or fifth leading cause of death in the U.S. according to prominent medical journals. jama.ama-assn.org/content/284/17/2184.2.extract To actually get this article one needs to pay $30 dollars.
These are just a few of the literally hundreds of studies exposing this problem. According to one article over 250,000 deaths occur a year because of these types of medical errors. http://www.yourmedicaldetective.com/drgrisanti/dangerous_medicine.htm
Death By Medicine 783,936 per Year
According to Some Medical Scientific Studies http://campaignfortruth.com/Eclub/230304/CTM-cancer%20death%20by%20medicine%20frames.htm
Here is one table from the study accenting the gravity of the situation
Table 1:
Estimate Annual Mortality and Economic Cost of Medical Intervention
| ||||||
Adverse Drug Reactions
$12 billion
Lazarou(1), Suh (49)
| ||||||
Medical error
$2 billion
| ||||||
$55 billion
Xakellis(7), Barczak (8)
| ||||||
$5 billion
Weinstein(9), MMWR (10)
| ||||||
Nurses Coalition(11)
| ||||||
$77 billion
Starfield(12), Weingart(112)
| ||||||
Unnecessary Procedures
$122 billion
| ||||||
$9 billion
| ||||||
$282 billion
| |||||||
| |||||||||
Sixty Minutes Large Drug Company Adulterates Drugs. articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2011/01/18/sixty-minutes-exposes-why-you-cant-trust-drug-companies.aspx
Sources backing up the data found in this table can be found in references at the end of the article I believe this question must be asked about our present health care system. Is our health care system really a health care system or is it more of a population control or population reduction system? Please see my comments in the article near the end of this file called, Is Our Health CareSystem Really a Health Care System or is it Really a Population Control
Page 4
or Population Reduction System.
Risky Medical Devices Untested By FDA In Patients Account For Many Recalls/Deaths/NPR 2/14/11 http://www.npr.org/blogs/health/2011/02/14/133756391/risky-medical-devices-untested-in-patients-account-for-many-recalls?ps=sh_sthdl
According to the article because of limited staff and funding, FDA is unable to fully test all devices submitted to them.
Modern Life Style May Be Killing Us/NPR
Even if you exercise the recommended intensity and amount and eat properly, sitting and not moving around during the day or evening may negate any prior benefits. http://www.npr.org/2011/04/25/135575490/sitting-all-day-worse-for-you-than-you-might-think?sc=tw&ft=1&f=1128 http://journals.lww.com/acsm-msse/Fulltext/2010/05000/Sedentary_Behaviors_Increase_Risk_of.6.aspx The second link is to a study in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise May 2010, Volume 42, Issue 5, pp 879-885
For Many Reasons Grains Maybe Bad for Most of Us
History of Medicine From a New World Order Perspective
Doctors, Cancers, Medically Monopolies and the NWO.
VERY interesting video. Learn about the medical monopoly in this country with costs spiraling out of control AND THE MONEY BEING STOLEN, the SADIST behind modern cancer treatment, how fluoridation of our water became widespread, how the famous "Research Triangle Park" was created, founding of the American Cancer Society, the history of Sloan-Kettering hospital, etc.
You will hear ROCKEFELLER, ROCKEFELLER, ROCKEFELLER. Gee, what a shock!! NOT!
U.S. Has Most Youth that Use/Abuse
Prescription Drugs in the Free World
Chronic Health Conditions Especially Those Involving Immune System Increasing In the file U.N. in the New World Order from pages 50-55, I provide links and facts and data relating to various chronic conditions
Obama’s Health Care Bill May not Apply to Congressional Members Who Wrote the Bill and Their Staff Members According to Senator Chuck Grassley
Page 5
Obama Health Care Plan More Expensive then We Have Been Told 4/26/10 spectator.org/archives/2010/04/26/what-lies-beneath
Obama Health Care Far More Expensive than Expected 5/12/10
Oops! Obamacare Will Cost $115 Billion More and Counting
by Connie Hair
The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released a new estimate yesterday of the cost of Democrats’ government takeover of health care. The new estimate shows Obamacare will cost at least $115 billion more than first claimed.
The CBO continues to sort through the consequences of the Democrats' smoke and mirror accounting just as the White House launches its campaign to try to convince the public that Obamacare is not as bad as it really is.
“Before trying to ‘sell’ the new health care law, the Obama administration may want to be honest about how much it’s going to cost American taxpayers,” said House Republican Leader John Boehner (Ohio). “This new CBO analysis showing that the new health care law will cost at least $115 billion more than advertised provides ample cause for alarm. This comes just weeks after the Obama administration itself released an analysis confirming that the new law actually increases Americans’ health care costs.”
Late last month, in yet another blow to the Democrats’ credibility on health care (if there was any left), Obama’s own Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released a report showing that the new law actually increases national health care costs after President Obama pledged it would not.
“The American people wanted one thing above all from health care reform: lower costs, which Washington Democrats promised, but they did not deliver,” Boehner added. “The American people don’t want soothing soundbites, they want the truth.”
The new estimate pushes the pricetag for Obamacare over the $1 trillion mark. And counting. This latest estimate still includes the half-trillion dollars in cuts to Medicare Democrats figured into the mix. It also represents only six years of spending supported by 10 years of new taxation.
Initially it was denied or down played that government bureaucrats would take over decisions regarding health care perhaps denying some needed care to save costs. Obama’s Budget director indicates in this video sent on 4/30/10 that under the health care plan special panels called The Independent Payment Advisory Board might be the rationing system that the conservatives and libertarians abhor born out of financial necessity given the astronomical cost of the so called Health Reform. www.examiner.com/post-partisan-in-national/video-obama-budget-director-peter-orszag-boosts-sarah-palin-deal-panels-claim
Page 6
According to an article in the August issue 2009, of the American Journal of Medicine, 1.5 million Americans at that time were declaring bankruptcy per year. Of that number 62% of them were declaring bankruptcy because they were unable to pay their medical bills due to catastrophic illness. Of that subgroup 75% of them had health insurance but because of loop holes in the coverage medical bills piled up.
According to the article and I quote, “Bankruptcies due to medical bills increased by nearly 50 percent in a six-year period, from 46 percent in 2001 to 62 percent in 2007, and most of those who filed for bankruptcy were middle-class, well-educated homeowners, according to a report that will be published in the August issue of The American Journal of Medicine.”
Here is a link to the article on a CNN website. http://www.cnn.com/2009/HEALTH/06/05/bankruptcy.medical.bills/
New York state Considers Making Organ Donation Mandatory
Accoring to this article sent to me in April 28, 2010 a bill was being considered by the state legislature to make organ donation mandatory. Now I do not have anything against organ donation but when you make something mandatory the likelihood of graph and fraud raise dramatically. Just look at medicare, medicaid, social security and other entitlements that have been instituted.
China Executes Hundreds or Thousands to Harvest Organs
China's hidden policy of executing prisoners of the forbidden quasi-Buddhist group Falun Gong and harvesting their organs for worldwide sale has been expanded to include Tibetans, "house church" Christians, and Muslim Uighurs, human rights activists said Monday.
New Rules by Czar Berwick, Chief Denier and Redistributor of Medical Care
July 11th, 2010
By Jane M. Orient, M.D.
Transformer-in-Chief Obama is rolling right over Congress to appoint his pick to head CMS, the agency that runs Medicare and Medicaid, without opening a discussion of the New health care agenda.
Dr. Donald Berwick is not a newcomer; he’s been hovering with the academic elite “reformers,” biding his time, for more than a decade. His book New Rules, with coauthor Troyen Brennan, was published in 1996.
The Old Rule, in the Oath of Hippocrates, is that each physician should prescribe for the good of each patient, according to his own best judgment. The New Rule is that medicine is an industry, doctors are assembly-line workers, and patients are interchangeable widgets.
On an assembly line, individual craftsmen do not trim individual wheels and axles to fit. Any wheel taken off the shelf must fit any axle. Allowing individual workers to solve problems at the point of production would cause variation and waste. Hence, the workers’ behavior must be standardized, Berwick writes.
To his dream of using the industrial model of Total Quality Management to standardize medical care, the biggest impediment is the old-fashioned doctor. Such a doctor wants to tailor the treatment to the patient, for the maximum benefit of the patient, not jam the patient into a protocol, for the good of the collective. The decision making of independent physicians, Berwick says, is the “critical element in health care inflation.” In other words, caring about patients costs too much.
In addition, with its emphasis on individuals, America “lacks sufficient redistributive impulse to guarantee access to care for the poor.” That means we need to take care away from those who are getting “too much” to give to others deemed more needy or worthy.
Does it appear that ObamaCare will drive independent doctors out of business? That’s the whole idea. Berwick wants us all in an “integrated” institutional model, which some call “an HMO on steroids.” This is designed to shift the power from physicians—and their patients—to a higher level.
Berwick likes the view from 30,000 feet. He can’t bomb the system from there and start over, as he reportedly has advocated, metaphorically speaking. From the pinnacle of CMS he can, however, shift resources around to eliminate “disparities,” demand mountains of electronic data on his desired “outcomes,” and use the data to “cull” the noncompliant or “outliers”—the patients and doctors who don’t fit into the Plan.
Page 8
From this height, one can rhapsodize about the “fair” and “scientifically grounded” 60-year-old British model without seeing the ugly details: blood-soaked patients lying in the accident room unattended for hours; elderly patients literally starving to death on hospital wards because nobody feeds them; or cancer patients undiagnosed for months and denied the latest treatments.
It isn’t quite accurate to call Berwick “Dr. Death.” That sounds like Dr. Kevorkian, who “helped” give lethal injections to individuals when they decided they wanted to die. Berwick’s method is to redistribute the patient’s life support, including wealth that might be used to buy medical care, to others, when Berwick, or his scientific calculator, decides the appropriate time has come.
Maybe he should be called “Dr. Pain.” The rationing agency of the British National Health Service—which he calls a “global treasure”—decided last year to cut annual steroid injections for severe back pain to 3,000 from 60,000. That takes pain shots away from 57,000 patients.
Berwick knows that rules and regulations stymie innovation, and generate a huge burden of meaningless busywork, without any proof of better quality or safety. His prescription, nonetheless, is more regulation. Only this time, the regulation will be “responsive”—he never says to whom. But now he won’t have to respond to congressional inquiries before he gets installed.
As a book reviewer pointed out in the New England Journal of Medicine in 1996, the New Rules can’t pass their own tests. They are not evidence based.
That is, there is no evidence that they will decrease costs or improve care.
But transform society? If there was any doubt about the true agenda for “health care reform,” Berwick’s appointment has erased it. The New Rules will bring about the New System that Berwick’s ideological comrades have been trying to force on America since the 1940s—with government dependency and subjugation for all.

Page 9
degrees in chemistry and mathematics from the University of Arizona, and her M.D. from Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons. She is the author of Sapira’s Art and Science of Bedside Diagnosis; the fourth edition has just been published by Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins. She also authored YOUR Doctor Is Not In: Healthy Skepticism about National Health Care, published by Crown. She is the executive director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, a voice for patients’ and physicians’ independence since 1943. Complete curriculum vitae posted atwww.drjaneorient.com.
Doctors Beginning to Turn Away Medicare Patients Because of Lower Federal Government Reimbursement Rates
Seniors squeezed with new threatened 21% cut in Medicare rates after rates have already been cut in recent years. One eye doctor claims that the rates that his Medicare patients pay are half the rate that his regular patients pay. The video in the link below describes how organized crime is realizing lucrative profits defrauding Medicare.
According to a publication of the National Center for Public Policy Research the following facts are true.
· In 10/09 over 3,000 patients at Arrowhead Mayo Clinic in Glendale AZ received letters stating the clinic would no longer treat Medicare patients because they received only 50% of the treatment costs from the Federal Medicare Program.
· Mayo clinics in other regions of the country are dropping or considering dropping Medicare patients. According to 1 Mayo spokeswoman during 1 year the clinic lost 840 million on Medicare patients.
· In 2007 Koat 7 News in Albuquerque New Mexico reported that the re-imbursement fiasco has devastated senior’s access to primary care physicians especially in rural areas.
If you wish to delve deeper into this area the footnotes of this link below has access to government sights regarding Medicare payment policies, the News station in New Mexico as well as various Mayo Clinic sights. www.nationalcenter.org/NPA602.html
Dick Morris Lambasts Canadian Socialized Health Care System
A longtime friend and advisor to Bill Clinton during his time as Governor of Arkansas, Morris became a political adviser to the White House after Clinton was elected president in 1992. Morris encouraged Clinton to pursue third way policies of triangulation that combined traditional Republican and Democratic proposals, rhetoric, and issues to achieve maximum political gain and popularity. He worked as a Republican strategist before joining the Clinton administration, where he helped Clinton recover from the 1994 midterm elections by convincing the President to adopt Republican policies.
There are howls of outrage coming from the liberal community in Alberta, Canada. It seems that some doctors, desperate to protect their patients from the overcrowded and failing socialized medical system in their country, have set up private clinics to treat them. To circumvent Canadian laws, which prohibit charging for medical care, they have set up private, membership clinics where, for $2,000 a year, patients can access well staffed and equipped clinics and avoid the long waits and compromised care of the public system.
How Health Care Killed My Father By David Goldhill Notes
This article was written in the September 2009 Atlantic Magazine by a Democrat businessman. Here are some highlights. I took some quotes directly from the article which are underlined in yellow
· 100,000 a year die from hospital acquired infections. This is more than double the number dying in automobile crashes, five times the number killed in homicides, and 20 times the number killed in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
· An article by Atul Gawande profiled the efforts of Doctor Peter Pronovost to reduce the incidents of hospital caused infections utilizing a protocol of procedures such as hand washing and other sterilization techniques. Hospitals adopting his practices experienced a 66% reduction of hospital caused infection within the first 3 months but most hospitals and physicians are resistant to implementing these practices.
· In April of 2007 a Wall Street Journal article suggested that blood clots after surgery is a leading cause of preventable deaths in 200,000 surgeries a year.
· Why do hospital industry get away with above, plus dreary surroundings, long lines and constantly rising prices? No private industry would survive displaying such characteristics. What poor business practices brought us to this point?
· Poor Business Practices
Ø All the actors in health care work in a highly regulated massively subsidized industry full of structural distortions. Most of them have patient interest at heart but they act rationally in response to the incentives that these distortions create.
Page 11
ü Incentives that emphasize health care over other aspects of health and well being. Incentives emphasize treatment over prevention. They emphasize complexity and not competition based on price or quality.
ü Here is an example showing how we favor treatment over prevention. (In 2005, almost half of all deaths in the U.S. resulted from heart disease, diabetes, lung cancer, homicide, suicide, and accidents—all of which are arguably influenced as much by lifestyle choices and living environment as by health care.)
ü The following are issues with our health care system: A wasteful insurance system; distorted incentives; a bias toward treatment; moral hazard; hidden costs and a lack of transparency; curbed competition; service to the wrong customer. This slow rot causes prices to go up and up and will eventually result in its collapse. Moral Hazard is explained in more detail starting on page 10.
ü Medicaid and Medicare pay more to doctors who order more diagnostic tests, do more procedures and schedule more follow up appointments yet studies don’t show a difference in patients well being or survival rates between doctors that do the above and those that are more conservative in ordering tests, doing procedures scheduling more follow up appointments.
Ø Most important, consumers are not the ultimate insurer of value.
· Spending on health care, by families and by the government, is crowding out spending on almost everything else. We spend almost 18 percent of our GDP on health care. In 1966, Medicare and Medicaid made up 1 percent of total government spending; now that figure is 20 percent, and quickly rising. Already, the federal government spends eight times as much on health care as it does on education, 12 times what it spends on food aid to children and families, 30 times what it spends on law enforcement, 78 times what it spends on land management and conservation, 87 times the spending on water supply, and 830 times the spending on energy conservation. Education, public safety, environment, infrastructure—all other public priorities are being slowly devoured by the health-care beast.
· In 2007, employer-based health insurance cost, on average, more than $12,000 per family, up 78 percent since 2001.
· In recent years health care costs have grown 2 to 3% faster than the economy.
Page 12
Ø It’s no different for families. From 2000 to 2008, the U.S. economy grew by $4.4 trillion; of that growth, roughly one out of every four dollars was spent on health care. Household expenditures on health care already exceed those on housing. And health care’s share is growing.
· Health care keeps gobbling up our National Resources. As new tests and procedures are developed they are incorporated into our health care system with out regard to their costs. If health care costs kept pace with inflation, then healthcare costs would be $5000 dollars less for each American. That could be $5000 dollars that could be spent in education, or other important priorities.
· When government intervenes to try to help so that everyone can afford something, under today’s system somehow prices rise drastically and things get distorted somehow and eventually the whole system collapses. Starting under the Carter administration and continuing up to the final housing collapse government intervened so that all Americans can realize the dream of owning their own house. By making housing investments eligible for special tax benefits and subsidized borrowing rates, the government has stimulated not only the construction of more houses but also the willingness of people to borrow and spend more on houses than they otherwise would have. This is discussed in greater detail under the banking file called News about the Fed showing how this good intention eventually lead to the great recession starting in 2007. In Arizona our state began tax credits and other incentives to support private education. Soon after these incentives were put in place, the price of private education rose. Government passed Social Security in 1933 and it has been utilized to pay for other programs. In 1965 the entitlements Medicaid and Medicare were passed and the cost of health care has outpaced inflation ever since!
· Between 1970 and 2006, annual Medicare payments to hospitals grew by roughly 3,800 percent, from $5 billion to $192 billion. Total annual hospital-care costs for all patients grew from $28 billion to almost $650 billion during that same period. Since 1975, hospitals’ enormous revenue growth has occurred despite a 35 percent decline in the number of hospital beds, no meaningful increase in total admissions, and an almost 50 percent decline in the average length of stay. High-tech equipment has been dispersed to medical practices, recovery periods after major procedures have shrunk, and pharmaceutical therapies have grown in importance, yet over the past 40 years, hospitals have managed to retain the same share (roughly one-third) of our nation’s health-care bill.
· Hospitals have sought to use the laws and regulations originally designed to serve patients to preserve their business model. Their argument is the same one that’s been made before by regulated railroads, electric utilities, airlines, Ma Bell, and banks: new competitors, they say, are using their cost advantages to skim off the best customers; without those customers, the incumbents will no longer be able to subsidize essential services that no one can profitably provide to the public.
· Hospitals are indeed required to provide emergency care to any walk-in patient, and this obligation is a meaningful public service. But how do we know whether the charitable benefit from this requirement justifies the social cost of expensive hospital care and poor quality? We don’t know. Our system of health-care law and regulation has so distorted the functioning of the market that it’s impossible to measure the social costs and benefits of maintaining hospitals’ prominence.
· The Obama administration has suggested a cost to taxpayers of $1 trillion to $1.5 trillion over 10 years to add 46 million more Americans to the insurance rolls That is money that won’t be spent on education, infrastructure, the environment, defense, energy, research and development, nutrition or or a myriad of other important priorities. Remember also that projections for health care along with other government programs have always historically been low.
· Health Care Verses Insurance, Health Care a Different Kind of Insurance
Ø Politicians often get the two mixed up. They claim millions don’t have health care when in fact millions don’t have health insurance. Usually patients without health insurance will still get health care although someone else may have to pay for it and the quality of care may be less.
Ø Health care is different than any other care in that a huge amount of it is covered by insurance. We don’t pay for our gas with auto insurance or pay the bills for our utility bills through our home insurance. We also don’t submit our grocery bills to insurance yet insurance now pays for most of our routine health care check ups and dental visits. Having insurance figuring out how and what to pay for is very expensive. According to the article, for every 2 doctors there is one health insurance employee. To administer this insurance it cost $500 dollars per American per year just to cover administrative costs.
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Ø Comprehensive Health Insurance is a recent phenomenon. It started in 1929 but took off during World War II when companies offered Health Insurance to attract workers because wage and price controls did not allow them to raise wages. Still through 1954, a minority of Americans had health insurance. That is when Congress passed a law allowing employers tax deductions for providing health care coverage for their employees without taxing the employees for their benefits. For the employers, this subsidy was the cheapest way to offer their employees benefits. Prior to this law most health insurance covered catastrophic illness and accident but after this health care began expanding its coverage to more routine care. This law had the accidental consequence of allowing employers to fund many types of health insurance including insurance to fund even routine health care.
Ø In 1965 the Federal Government adopted the Comprehensive Health Care Insurance Model for it’s Medicaid and Medicare Programs instantly enrolling and paying for 12% of the populations medical needs. Health care costs started rising faster than inflation shortly after that.
· The Moral Hazard Economy: “Moral hazard occurs when a person or party insulated from risk behaves differently than he she or it would behave if it were fully exposed to the risk. Moral hazard occurs because an individual or institution does not take the full consequences and responsibilities of its actions so tends to act less carefully than it otherwise would since another party holds some or all of the responsibility for the consequences of those actions.” This definition was quoted from Wikipedia. For example, a teenager might be more likely to wreck the car knowing that his parents would pay than if he or she knew that he would have to pay for the car.
Ø The author believes the costs associated with this phenomenon far exceed the administrative cost described earlier.
Ø Pharmaceutical and other medical companies spend 6 billion dollars on advertizing. If the demand for health care is purely a response to unavoidable medical need, why do these companies do so much advertising? The costs are not simply unavoidable. Doctors and patients have a tendency to spend more believing that their patients don’t have to pay for it but insurance companies do. In the short term this may be true but in the long term, health costs rise and we all do pay for it.
Ø When we go to a doctor’s office and receive certain treatments we pay less attention than we otherwise would because we believe someone else (insurance) will pay for it.
Ø Most physicians, meanwhile, benefit financially from ordering diagnostic tests, doing procedures, and scheduling follow-up
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appointments. Combine these two features of the system with a third—the informational advantage that extensive training has given physicians over their patients, and the authority that advantage confers—and you have a system where physicians can, to some extent, generate demand at will.
Ø Medicare spends almost twice as much per patient in Dallas, where there are more doctors and care facilities per resident, as it does in Salem, Oregon, where supply is tighter. Why? Because doctors (particularly specialists) in surplus areas order more tests and treatments per capita, and keep their practices busy.
· Technology’s Impact on Health Care Costs
Ø One argument for the increasing costs of health care is that technology is becoming more complicated and costly. Why would this be true in healthcare but not true in other areas? Normally new technology is more expensive but over time costs drop and the quantity, speed and quality of performance improves. Looking at any nonmedical technology produced by competitive industries whether it be computers, microwave ovens, DVD’s, cell phones, big screen televisions, self serve market scanners, solar cells, etc. the prices over time come down and work quality, performance and quality improves. Yet in the highly regulated uncompetitive, healthcare industry different conditions exist which David Goldhill explains more fully in his article showing why technology prices go up in medical fields.
Ø For instance if I get an MRI it cost over $1,200 dollars for 20 minutes of electricity and the services of a technician and radiologist. Why are the prices so high? Most MRI services are reimbursed through Medicare or insurance whose pricing policies are nontransparent and these companies have limited competition. Further, few people bother to investigate prices that are set through insurance. Contrast this with the cost of LASIK surgery which is rarely covered by insurance. By 2007 LASIK surgery cost about $500 per eye which is a drop of about 80% from when it was introduced.
· Outrageous
Ø Ten days after my father’s death, the hospital sent my mother a copy of the bill for his five-week stay: $636,687.75. He was charged $11,590 per night for his ICU room; $7,407 per night for a semiprivate room before he was moved to the ICU; $145,432 for drugs; $41,696 for respiratory services. Even the most casual effort to compare these prices to marginal costs or to the costs of off-the-shelf components demonstrates the absurdity of these numbers, but why should my mother care? Her share of the bill was only $992; the balance, undoubtedly at some huge discount, was paid by Medicare.
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Ø But let’s forget about money for a moment. Aren’t we also likely to get worse care in any system where providers are more accountable to insurance companies and government agencies than to us?
Ø Imagine my father’s hospital had to present the bill for his “care” not to a government bureaucracy, but to my grieving mother. Do you really believe that the hospital—forced to face the victim of its poor-quality service, forced to collect the bill from the real customer—wouldn’t have figured out how to make its doctors wash their hands?
· Solutions
Ø The author believes one of the primary problems with our present health care system is that consumers do not play the central role in determining their health care providers or their treatments. Instead insurance companies and government agencies determine what treatments can be given and their prices. This is strange because consumers determine in other areas, the fate of businesses through their spending decisions. Until this central feature become part of any health care plan nothing else is sustainable. Some reformers including Harvard Business School professor Regina Herzlinger have written extensively on consumer centered health care systems.
Ø The author believes that health insurance should only cover catastrophic illness and expensive chronic illness in the same way that home owners and automobile insurance covers catastrophic events and not electric bills or bills for gas or auto maintenance. The premiums would catastrophic health care would be fixed depending on age. This insurance would replace existing Medicaid and Medicare programs. The consumer should out of pocket pay all other medical expenses. Without the government needing to pay resources into comprehensive health insurance, it is likely that general health care costs would come way down becoming more affordable for most people. In addition, with people having to spend their own wages on doctors visits much of the moral hazard issues would disappear. Finally over time consumers through their spending will determine the best health care providers.
Ø David Goldhill believes government still needs to play a role in insuring that the poorest among us are provided both medical care and catastrophic and chronic health care insurance. However its role must be drastically reduced from what it is doing now. He believes that citizens can help with this by opening up health care accounts that would help pay for end of life care which is the most expensive part of health care.
To read the full article that goes into a lot more detail concerning the above as well as offering other links for study go to the following link. http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2009/09/how-american-health-care-killed-my-father/7617/ If that link does not work, the following link will take you to the contents of the September 2009 Atlantic magazine. Once there click on the link, How the American Health Care System Killed my Father. Policy September 2009 ATLANTIC MAGAZINE
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Comprehensive Health Insurance Hides Skyrocketing Health Care Cost for Most People
Sometime about 1972 I got tired of having a constant cold so I thought who could help me figure out a way to get rid of this constant cough and runny nose that I had for several months. Suddenly it occurred to me, “Why don’t I go to doctor Stoker so I called him up and scraped up $20 from my paper route money and rode my bike the 3 or 4 miles to his office. After patiently listening to me he informed me nobody had found any cure for the common cold and he did not know how anyone could get rid of colds other than eating well and getting plenty of rest. Disappointed I slapped down the $20 and left my faith in the medical world for the first time shaken. Strangely enough I still pay $20 today when I go visit the doctor. Oh wait that is just the co-pay. I just asked my son’s doctor, how much would I pay for a doctor’s visit if I did not have insurance. I was told for a check up it would be $120 dollars and for a sick visit it costs $140. I believe if you go by 120 you are looking at a 600% increase. If you go with the 140 we are talking a 700% increase. Do you think maybe something needs to be fixed?
Health Care Plan Less Money Seniors More Emergency Room Vistis
I received the following email on July 2, 2010 describing how with the New Health care plan visits to the emergency rooms will increase and wait times will increase. Also as a consequence of government payouts for Medicaid and Medicare decreasing, less physicians are taking on these types of patients. Thus the only place these patients have to go for treatment will be the emergency care facilities. The other problem is with the new Health Care laws is that 12 million new patients will be entered onto the Medicaid and Medicare rolls. Since government payouts to doctors that treat them keep decreasing the ERs maybe the only place many of them can get treated. This was beginning to happen in Mass where the Health Care is similar to the one we are entering.
Here is a nine minute video where the author spoke at the Cato Institute about this experience. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kcd5Bi6KzY
Health overhaul may mean longer ER waits, crowding
By CARLA K. JOHNSON, AP Medical Writer Carla K. Johnson, Ap Medical Writer – Fri Jul 2, 7:31 am ET
CHICAGO – Emergency rooms, the only choice for patients who can't find care elsewhere, may grow even more crowded with longer wait times under the nation's new health law.
That might come as a surprise to those who thought getting 32 million more people covered by health insurance would ease ER crowding. It would seem these patients would be able to get routine health care by visiting a doctor's office, as most of the insured do.
But it's not that simple. Consider:
_There's already a shortage of front-line family physicians in some places and experts think that will get worse.
_People without insurance aren't the ones filling up the nation's emergency rooms. Far from it. The uninsured are no more likely to use ERs than people with private insurance, perhaps because they're wary of huge bills.
_The biggest users of emergency rooms by far are Medicaid recipients. And the new health insurance law will increase their ranks by about 16 million. Medicaid is the state and federal program for low-income families and the disabled. And many family doctors limit the number of Medicaid patients they take because of low government reimbursements.
_ERs are already crowded and hospitals are just now finding solutions.
Rand Corp. researcher Dr. Arthur L. Kellermann predicts this from the new law: "More people will have coverage and will be less afraid to go to the emergency department if they're sick or hurt and have nowhere else to go.... We just don't have other places in the system for these folks to go."
Kellermann and other experts point to Massachusetts, the model for federal health overhaul where a 2006 law requires insurance for almost everyone. Reports from the state find ER visits continuing to rise since the law passed — contrary to hopes of its backers who reasoned that expanding coverage would give many people access to doctors offices.
Massachusetts reported a 7 percent increase in ER visits between 2005 and 2007. A more recent estimate drawn from Boston area hospitals showed an ER visit increase of 4 percent from 2006 to 2008 — not dramatic, but still a bit ahead of national trends.
"Just because we've insured people doesn't mean they now have access," said Dr. Elijah Berg, a Boston area ER doctor. "They're coming to the emergency department because they don't have access to alternatives."
Crowding and long waits have plagued U.S. emergency departments for years. A 2009 report by the Government Accountability Office, Congress' investigative arm, found ER patients who should have been seen immediately waited nearly a half-hour.
"We're starting out with crowded conditions and anticipating things will only get worse," said American College of Emergency Physicians president Dr. Angela Gardner.
Federal stimulus money and the new health law address the primary care shortage with training for 16,000 more providers, said Health and Human Services Department spokeswoman Jessica Santillo.
But many experts say solving ER crowding is more complicated.
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What's causing crowding? Imagine an emergency department with a front door and a back door.
There's crowding at both ends.
At the front door, ERs are strained by an aging population and more people with chronic illnesses like diabetes. Many ERs closed during the 1990s, leaving fewer to handle the load. The American Hospital Association's annual survey shows a 10 percent decline in emergency departments from 1991 to 2008. Meanwhile, emergency visits rose dramatically.
At the back door, ER patients ready to be admitted — in hospital lingo, ready to "go upstairs" — must compete for beds with patients scheduled for elective surgeries, which bring in more money. "If you've got 10 ER patients and 10 elective surgeries," Kellermann asked rhetorically, "which are you going to give the beds to?"
That's why easing crowding will take more than just access to primary care. It also will take hospitals that run more efficiently, moving patients through the system and getting ER patients upstairs more quickly, Kellermann said.
Ideas that work include bedside admitting, where a staffer takes a patient's insurance information as treatment starts.
That and other strategies are being tried at St. Francis Hospital and Health Centers in Indianapolis. There, the performance of nurse managers is measured by how long admitted patients wait in the emergency department for a bed upstairs.
And to stave off inappropriate ER visits, the hospitals have opened after-hours clinics staffed by primary care doctors to handle patients who can't leave work to see a doctor, said Indianapolis hospital executive Keith Jewell. ER wait times have fallen.
A Chicago hospital, too, is readying for the onslaught of ER patients. On the city's South Side, Advocate Trinity Hospital handles 40,000 emergency visits a year and is expecting more because of the new law.
Greeter Stephanie Bailey makes sure patients don't get frustrated while they're waiting. She can take their vital signs and inform staff if the patient is about to leave without treatment.
Inside the emergency department, a giant sheet of paper hangs on a wall. It's hand-lettered in orange and purple, and tracks daily progress on hospital goals: How many patients left before they were treated? How many minutes did patients stay in the ER?
On a recent day, the note said "0.0 percent" of the patients left without treatment. Someone had added a smiley face. But there was no smiley face next to the average ER length of stay for the same day — nearly four hours. The hospital's goal is three.
A Socialist Gave the Following Response Concerning the Above Article and Why ER’s are Crowded.
In the US, Health Care is almost entirely privatized. During WWII, as a reaction to the war's price and wage controls, health care became a non-taxable "perk" provided by some employers in order to increase their bottom line...BIG MISTAKE. Nowhere else in the world is one's health care dependent on one's employer!
As for the delivery system, it's primarily in the hands of corporations whose prime directive is to the bottom line NOT provision of Health Care. Since huge corporate "medical" towers filled with expensive extraordinary interventions make more profit than neighborhood clinics (the model preferred by the civilized world) or locally delivered preventive care and education, that's the way "Sick Care" is primarily delivered in the U.S. The E.R. is the ONLY entry point for "health care" for most USAmericans since they cannot afford nor find a regular doctor.
There is also an artificial doctor shortage in this country thanks primarily to the AMA. There are fewer slots in medical schools than there could be. This situation exists in order to make sure that doctors are highly paid -- more demand, less supply = more $$$ per doctor -- the Profit Motive!
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Also, whoever sent you this (the one who added the irrelevant right-wing crap at the end) is more than deluded and should step away from the Faux-Noise machine since it's rotting his brain!
From the article:
"People without insurance aren't the ones filling up the nation's emergency rooms. Far from it. The uninsured are no more likely to use ERs than people with private insurance"
<Cause there's nowhere else to go! It's hard to find a primary care doctor who will take Medicare, Medicare is designed to NOT cover a lot of the care that people need (in order to discredit Single-Payer systems and subsidize the for-profit insurance industry and corporate "sick care" system) and it's CHEAPER for Medicare recipients to go to the ER than to go to a doctor's office!!!>
"And many family doctors limit the number of Medicaid patients they take because of low government reimbursements." <AMA and doctor's greed -- $200,000 per year isn't enough for them, they have to make $400,000+ >
"Just because we've insured people doesn't mean they now have access," said Dr. Elijah Berg, a Boston area ER doctor. "They're coming to the emergency department because they don't have access to alternatives."
"At the front door, ERs are strained by an aging population and more people with chronic illnesses like diabetes. Many ERs closed during the 1990s, leaving fewer to handle the load. The American Hospital Association's annual survey shows a 10 percent decline in emergency departments from 1991 to 2008. Meanwhile, emergency visits rose dramatically."
<'Cause there's not enough access to preventive care and because corporate ERs in underserved areas, those with too many patients WITHOUT insurance, are closing>
At the back door, ER patients ready to be admitted — in hospital lingo, ready to "go upstairs" — must compete for beds with patients scheduled for elective surgeries, which bring in more money. "If you've got 10 ER patients and 10 elective surgeries," Kellermann asked rhetorically, "which are you going to give the beds to?"
We May Not Keep Health Plans/Wall Street Journal
Article in Wall Street Journal explains why we will not be able to keep health plans. Hospitals are buying up doctor’s practices. Individual policies will become more expensive. Waits for routine visits will be longer
The bottom line: Defensive business arrangements designed to blunt ObamaCare's economic impacts will mean less patient choice.
VA Hospital May have Infected 1,800 Veterans With HIV CNN July 1, 2010 http://www.cnn.com/2010/US/06/30/va.hospital.hiv/index.html
Health Care Bill Burdens Small Businesses
According to July 13, 2010 article in the Wall Street Journal and criticisms from several Senators, Obama’s Health Care package burdens small businesses with much more regulations and gives IRS sweeping new powers. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704518904575365223062942574.html?mod=rss_opinion_main
I sent the following email out today after listening to Diane Rehm Show about hungry children in the United States. The Tucson Weekly had a related article discussing the relationship between feeding antibiotics to our food animals and deaths from antibiotic resistant bacterial infections.
Today 25% of U.S. Children Are Hungry or Malnourished/National Public Radio
A while back I sent you a page and a half single space paper called, Monetary Policy’s Impact on Our Economy and Form of Government. Boiled down to its essence it hypothesizes that when we give the power to create and control money to the banks and or private interests, eventually the country will go bankrupt. It has happened over and over throughout history according to some people. I will continue to document the dismantling of our nation which I believe is occurring because of this fundamental monetary policy.
On the 10:00 segment of the Diane Rehm show on NPR today, Thursday July 22, 2010, the claim was made that 25% of the nation’s children are now hungry some of the time or subsist on cheap less nutritious fattening food. The guest claimed that the numbers in this group are still going up.
Obesity and malnutrition are co-morbid conditions according to the participants. This means that often obese children are also malnourished!!! These conditions are highest in lower economic areas where parents are forced to buy cheap filling but less nutritious food. This was definitely the case in the Sunnyside District where I worked. It is obvious if this problem is not addressed and malnutrition and hunger persists then not only is it a moral issue but a national security issue as well especially if malnourished brain damaged children later assume leadership positions.
Diane and her guest described some good governmental programs, one I particularly like, emphasizes consumption of highly nutritious fruits and vegetables. During my last 2 years of teaching, we got extra money for our schools as long as we spent about an hour a week discussing good nutrition. However, I sensed most callers to the show, assumed the government must step in and solve the problem. As an emergency stop gap measure, yes but government has not been good with our entitlement programs, nor with disaster relief and also have a mixed performance regarding education. I don’t understand why people are so trusting that the national government will solve their problems. My view is we need to solve them.
This program ties into our potential bankruptcy because most participants on the show assumed that the government must step in to solve this horrific problem when in fact the government is broke and now is printing money to pay for many programs that they can not pay through taxes which over time makes the situation worse!
Anyway below is a link to the 50 minute discussion. Once you click on the link on the far left side under Diane’s picture, is a tab called listen. Clicking on that allows you to hear the discussion.
Antibiotic Fed Cattle Cause 100,000 Deaths a Year/Union of Concerned Scientists
On a related subject in the July 22-28, Tucson Weekly on page 6 is an article describing how 100,000 people a year now die from antibiotic resistant bacterial infections in our hospitals today. It is well known that doctors used to over prescribe antibiotics but according to the article that is not the main reason we are in trouble now. Actually according to The Union of Concerned Scientists and the Centers for Disease Control, large meat producing industries feed their animals large amounts of antibiotics to stimulate weight gain and growth adding to their profits. Thus most people are ingesting antibiotics constantly causing the bacteria to become resistant to them. There is a bill in the national legislature to prohibit this practice but of course the meat industry is lobbying against it. Here is a link to the Union of Concerned Scientists articles with links to other sources.
A different perspective on Health Care claiming it might violate 13thAmendment against slavery. Representative Pete Stark claims Federal Government can do whatever it wants. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W1-eBz8hyoE
Health Care Cost Will Rise/Medicare Cut and Insurance Choice Limited According To Medicare Actuary With New Health Care Law
Here is a copy of the Actuaries report from the Health and Human Services Department. You can look at the conclusions and see that the proponents of the Health Care Bill were either mislead or lying when they claimed that the new bill would bring down health care costs and they did not mention that Medicare would be cut to help fund the new Health Care Bill. http://abcnews.go.com/images/Politics/OACT_memo_on_financial_impact_100423.pdf
The following link takes you several links including the Congressional Testimony and Meeting between President Obama and Congress. http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Medicare+Actuary+Testifies+Before+Congress+About+Health+Care+Bill&aq=f
Is Our Health Care System Really a Health Care System or is it a Population Control or Population Reduction System?
If you read the first four articles in this file and the articles titled How Health Care Killed my Father page 7, and Antibiotic Fed Cattle May Result in the Deaths of 100,000 Per Year page 19, you might begin to wonder if our health care system does more harm than good. This view is most powerfully conveyed in the article on page 2, Death By Medicine 783,936 per Year According to Some Scientific Studies. One’s first impression might be that these numbers are appallingly high however it is my contention that the true numbers maimed and killed by our health care system run into the millions per year and the system is consciously or unconsciously a system designed to slowly reduce population over time!
This is simply conjecture on my part but I can powerfully support my position relying on my experiences and logic. I would like to start with several incidents I experienced involving health care.
During my junior year in high school I found from about October until March I almost constantly had colds. I asked my doctor what did I need to do so I was not sick all the time. He told me, I don’t know? At that point I knew the health care system might not be able to take care of me. Also in the fall of that year I got sucker punched and beaten and kicked in the head for 15 minutes or so while I was unconscious but I did not find this out until 20 years later. 6 weeks after that incident I began suffering health problems lasting the rest of my life including cramps in my right side, several bouts with pneumonia, tonsillitis, meniere’s syndrome, bruxism or grinding of the teeth, severe food allergies and incredible rage. During my first or second year of college I almost died from tonsillitis. After four days in the hospital the doctor told me I had to remove the tonsils out because the next time they became infected I would probably die. I started seeing a chiropractor shortly after that and tonsil infections went away. However I spent the next 30 years visiting doctors, psychiatrists and alternative healers with my other health issues with little impact. Some were honest and said they did not know what to do with me. Others claimed they could help and gladly took my money but didn’t help. About 10 years ago it occurred to me if I was to get my health back I would have to do it on my own. Using diet, yoga, meditation and exercising I have slowly put myself back together.
Three specific powerful examples relating to health occurred in this long journey. Because I found little help out there I tried lots of radical diets including a strict vegetarian raw food diet. After being a strict raw food vegetarian for about 2 years I encountered a class of kindergarteners with 7 severe discipline problems. At the time I went to a homeopathic doctor who took one look at me and said, “What blood type are you? I told him O and he told me about the Blood type diet book and implored me to get it, follow it and told me I had to start eating meat. Up to that point I didn’t get near the stuff for ethical reasons. I knew I would lose my job however so I ate meat
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once again and noticed a profound increase in energy level. That doctor did not help my other problems but he saved my job.
The next incident occurred just a few years ago. Up to that point I stopped eating all fruits except water melon because a allergy test done 15 years earlier indicated I was allergic to all fruit. It also showed that I could not eat meat and grain together, meat and potatoes together and potatoes and grain together. It was highly accurate in that when I ate the offending foods my cramping in my right side intensified with a vengeance. So in other words, although even when I admitted the offending foods my cramps did not go away but when I ate the offending foods they were much worse! Then one day I thought, those guys beat me while I was unconscious so they may have caused bleeding in my internal organs such as my stomach or intestines. From my reading I discovered that the sugars from the fruits were considered important for restoring ones intestinal lining to eliminate a condition called leaky gut syndrome that often resulted in food allergies like mine. I figured, what the hell. I was vacationing with my family in Rocky Point at the time so for two days I ate watermelon, cherries and little else especially eliminating salt because I figured if I had ulcer like lesions, salt would aggravate it. Much to my delight the pain and tightness in my side actually disappeared for brief periods of time for the first time in many years. I continued eating fruit and gradually over time I became almost normal having the tightness return maybe for an hour or less in any given day.
Last year because of extensive rains earlier I experienced severe allergies during the spring. By this point I had little trust in the health care system and decided to eat salads and fruit until the allergies cleared. After a day or two they were gone and I was working out in the yard with 45 mile an hour winds with pollen blowing everywhere. One of my alternative doctors claimed fruits and vegetables contain a lot of digestive enzymes that tend to clean out the blood and clear out mucus conditions.
After this I started eating lots of fruit. After a while I developed incredible itching on my shins and on my sides. Some of my reading indicated that some individuals have difficulty genetically digesting and assimilating the high amount of sugars found in fruits like grapefruit, oranges or cherries. In fact, because of their inability to metabolize large amounts of fruit sugars they succumb to yeast and other fungal conditions that can lead to various odd symptoms. I decided to eliminate fruit from my diet for about 2 weeks and the itching gradually went away.
My final powerful example occurred this year although it was related to an incident 25 years ago. At that time, I tore cartilage in my right knee. 20 years later I needed surgery to get it out. However, after the surgery the knee still swelled up from time to time. Starting last year it started acting up a lot and I began wondering would I end up with a cane or a walker. I got orthopedic soles and they only slightly relieved the condition. I stumbled upon my Kundalini Yoga book and decided to try the exercises thinking maybe there was a muscular imbalance. I found I was unable to do some of the exercises because my shins were incredibly painful and tight. It took me almost a month to stretch out these muscles enough to do the exercises but the problem with the knee disappeared.
I present all of these examples because in our traditional health care system doctors often prescribe medicine to alleviate symptoms but not address root causes. For the major cramping in my side I was given valium by one doctor for a spastic colon while another prescribed prilosec for GERD. Upon later consultation he decided that was not my problem but he could not figure out what it was. Nutrition, exercises, yoga, meditation or visualization all which I have found affective never were suggested or mentioned
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So how does this relate to my idea that our health care system may be a conscious or unconscious system for population reduction? Lets start with nutrition. Not only do we eat a lot of denatured process cooked unloving food but much of the soils that the food is grown on may be lacking in proper vitamins and minerals. I wonder what % of our diseases such as headaches and other chronic conditions may have a very important nutritional component. What about the water we drink? There are numerous studies questioning the safety of fluoride and other chemicals in our water. These chemicals are also sprayed on the fruits and vegetables that we eat to provide them water along with pesticides and herbicides. How does that impact us? Of course the role nutritional deficiencies may play in all matter of illness is not well studied in our present health system. This is so strange to me. Go talk to the care takers of the animals at the zoo about the science of feeding their various animal charges. Each of their charges eats only certain foods supplemented with specific vitamins and minerals. Perhaps what they do is working. Many animals in captivity live far longer than their counterparts in the wild. Talk to professional athletes and sports doctors. They know the value of food and nutrition for peak performance. The importance of exercise posture, body mechanics meditative techniques, care for the soil, pro-biotics are all generally ignored by the traditional health care system. Yet logically all these aspects plus others I did not think about need to be factored into maintaining wellness and preventing illness. In addition the jury is still out on the impact that genetically engineered food has on humans and the rest of the environment. See articles related to that in the file, The U.N. in the New World Order.
Our present health care system is based on the notion that we are all basically alike because we share most of the same genes as a species. So the assumption is made that if a drug works on most everyone in clinical trials then it is good for everyone. To a large degree this is true but not completely. We don’t look alike, different people have different reactions to different drugs and foods and we just aren’t all alike. Our system is beginning to recognize this and we are beginning to tailor cancer drugs to people based on their genetic structure. For instance some philosophies talk about differing body types, differing metabolic types etc. Individuals are beginning to realize that not everyone should eat the same foods or eat the same quantities of various foods and figuring that out is part of determining how to maintain optimum health.
I wonder if doctors knew some of this in the past but now choose to forget it or unconsciously ignore this because to pursue this avenue is not a money making process or if in some cases people ignore the above because they are covertly trying to limit population. To me it makes little difference whether people consciously or unconsciously behave this way to limit and control the population because either way the result is the same. The poor quality health care still results in millions of deaths.
I want to emphasize if this is true it is not just the fault of the health care system. People that pollute the air, farmers that grow the food on poor soils using harmful chemicals, consumers that buy degraded food, governments and politicians that indorse harmful practices along with many others share the blame for implementing this population reduction system.
In the last part I want to let go of the health care system and focus on how the population control system that in my mind actually includes the health care system, actually works. Imagine a modern family having Jane, her husband Jim and her daughter Sue. Jane works everyday then picks up her child Sue from day care and cooks dinner and by the time she is done she tries to help Sue with any school work but is often very tired. Jim works and comes home sometimes late from work because of the demands of his job but when Jane insists he helps Sue with her homework or picks her up or drops her off at daycare. The family usually shops at Fry’s or Safeway and the food
Page 26
they eat is grown on commercial farms and as such, all of them lack certain essential vitamins and minerals. They try to eat somewhat balanced meals but also eat a fair amount of processed foods. Therefore, sometimes Sue doesn’t quite get the attention she needs or desires and sometime the homework is not done as well as it should be. Sometimes Jane and Jim or just dirt tired and just watch T.V. and sometimes Sue watches the T.V. with them or she plays video games on a computer. Like most Americans Jane and Jim’s jobs are sedentary so neither of them exercise or get out into the sun as much as they need in order to maintain optimum health so this also adds to their stress.
Long ago when T.V. first came out shows revolved around families. Today there are few family like shows. There is a lot of sex on T.V. but not much relating to families, responsibilities of families life etc. They is much more emphasis on the excitement of the modern lifestyle. Jane and Jim don’t see much of a point in having any more children. They don’t have as much energy, get irritated with each other a lot and Jane doesn’t feel like Jim helps her as much as he should so their marriage is strained and they don’t have sex much anyway.
My point with the above example is that our society is structured in such a way now that so many people don’t have children or just have 1 child. Many people in our culture don’t plan on marrying and having children they prefer to be single and only responsible for themselves. Media through radio and television support this lifestyle. For years NPR and other news stations openly worried about over population. I think the message finally got through especially in the industrialized world. When I was young this was not the case. There is an interesting study that shows that women in advanced industrialized societies who feel stressed and not supported simply choose not to have children. In countries like Spain and Italy they feel stressed and unsupported so many women are choosing to have 1 or no children. There are not enough children to replace the existing population so in most industrialized countries the populations are shrinking. In countries like Sweden that are far more supportive of women on maternity leave, their populations are much closer to replacement levels. U.N. population statistics bear out the fact that advanced industrialized nations are no longer replacing their populations. I wonder if this occurred by accident or was this by design.
Lets go back to health care. I don’ know how many people I know with chronic health conditions of one sort or another. If you don’t feel good and have low energy because of a poor system of health, nutrition and the media glorifies sex with out responsibility you are less likely to want to have sex or if you do you don’t want the responsibility of having children. If it was consciously constructed in that way in is a pretty ingenious covert system. Looking at the U.N. data however it is breathtaking how the industrialized nations of the world are producing so few children they are in danger of imploding in just a few decades!
Pesticide Exposure Linked to Significant
Intelligence Decline in Children/NPR 4/21/2011
If these studies are actually reliable and valid then their implications are frightening for all of us. Here are some highlights below.
· Scientists report that children exposed to pesticides in the womb can have a reduction of 7points of IQ at the age of 7. This works out to about a 6 month delay at that age so exposed children are about 6 months behind their peers at that age. This is according to 3 independent studies reported in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives.
Page 27
· One study involved several hundred women and children who lived near farms where pesticides were sprayed. They found that women that had the highest levels of pesticides in their systems had children with lower IQs at the age of 7. These children’s IQ’s were 7 points lower than their non-exposed counterparts.
· 2 scientists at Columbia University in New York show that the risk of pesticide exposure occurs in city children as well. They studied a specific pesticide used to kill roaches in New York City. They found this pesticide in almost 100% of the air samples in the apartments. They also measured the amount of the pesticide in the umbilical chord blood of 265 children in low- income households. Those with the highest levels of the pesticide in their umbilical chord blood scored the lowest on amount of working memory and scores on IQ test at the age of 7. Although the affects are small, children are at the age where they are starting school and these affects impact their learning, ability to attend and their ability to read. This particular pesticide has been banned for indoor use but it is still sprayed outside along roads and other places and many people still have it in their systems.
· Another study found that some people genetically are more at risk to pesticides or certain pesticides. The best way to avoid these pesticides is to buy organic food. If that is not possible then wash fruits and vegetables even oranges and other fruit that you peel to eliminate the traces of pesticides. DOW who creates this pesticide wants to look at the studies before it comments.
Since pesticides are all around us how are any of us impacted. Perhaps all of us are slightly dulled by the pesticides. There’s no way of knowing but even a slight dulling in intellect in the aggregate could be profound. http://www.npr.org/2011/04/21/135605139/mothers-pesticide-exposure-linked-to-kids-iqs
I pray God will help those who help themselves. The rest I fear shall be enslaved and consumed by predators and parasites! John Jay Underhill
TSA Radiation Scanners May Lead to Higher Cancer and Sterilization Rates http://epic.org/privacy/backscatter/radiation_cluster_dosimeter.pdf
According to the above website cancer and sterilization risks are unknown and cannot be scientifically tested under exposure risk of 10 rem. However many scientists believe there is risk at lower levels depending on the amounts of exposure.
Did Vaccine Producers And Government Regulators Knowingly Contaminate Polio Vaccines With A Monkey Virus Known to Cause Cancer In Animals? http://www.nvic.org/vaccines-and-diseases/Polio-SV40/BLFTestimonySV40.aspx
Barbara Loe Fisher, Co founder and President of The National Vaccine Information Center testified before the Subcommittee on Human Rights and Wellness; U.S. House Government Reform Committee; U.S. House of Representatives on September 10, 2003. At this link she claims the above and that for many decades until the 1990ties the tainted polio vaccines were known to cause cancers in humans but neither the producers or regulating agencies acted. Non government affiliated scientists estimates range as high as 100 million cancers have been caused by this virus. U.S. government scientists deny this. At this link she presents a 2 page very easy to read public statement listing studies from distinguished medical journals as well as statements and concerns from scientists at the FDA and other sources. I did not list the sources here because of organization’s copyright policies.
If her sources do back up her statement it would lead credibility to those people who claim that vaccinations are being used to sterilize and or kill us.
201 Critical Prescription Drugs, Shortages in 82% of Hospitals/CBS News
201 prescription drugs, mostly used in hospitals for treatment of cancer and heart patients are in critically short supply. An FDA spokesperson also stated that there were shortages of anesthesiology drugs critical for taking care of individuals in critical care. The FDA spokesperson also stated that these shortages have tripled over the last 5 years. 82% of hospitals according to the CBS news report delayed treatments for patients because of supply shortages.
Unfortunately individuals are not likely to be aware of this problem unless they suffer catastrophic illnesses. CBS News Report September 26, 2011. http:///video/watch/?id=7382449n www.cbsnews.com
Given that our health care industry undergoes greater government regulation over time yet health care continues to deteriorate and become more expensive. Why are we opting for more government regulation and control of health care?
Alcoholism another Chronic Health Condition http://www.cdc.gov/vitalsigns/BingeDrinking/index.html
The addict is the natural ally of the Tyrant for the addiction gradually weakens the individual until others must care for him. A constitutional republic cannot survive unless the people are willing and able to care for themselves.
Here are some interesting statistics from this CDC government website.
· 38 million adults binge drinks consuming 4 drinks or more in a short period of time 4 times or more during each month. The largest number of drinks per binge on average is 8 drinks. About 1 in 6 adults binge drink.
· The average number of drinks on any given binge is 5.
· Drinking too much including binge drinking causes approximately 80,000 deaths a year in the U.S. In 2006 alcoholism cost the economy 223.5 billion.
· The age group with the most binge drinkers is 18-34 years.
· The age group that binge drinks most often are 65 or more.
· The income group with the most binge drinkers is more than $75,000
· The income group that binge drinks the most often and drinks most per binge makes less than $25,000
· Most alcohol-impaired drivers binge drink.
· However, most people who binge drink are not alcoholics.
Graphs Related to Health Care Spending/Social Security Advisory Board
The following information on chronic
conditions and chronic diseases was taken from the CDC website. www.cdc.gov/chronicdisease/overview/index.htm
Below are more interesting articles related to GMO issues. The titles of the articles sound like something you would read in a supermarket tabloid but these articles came from credible news sources.
Page 52
Genetically Modified Food as a Weapon to Reduce Population A Scary
Scientific Explanation http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2011/12/10/dr-don-huber-interview-part-1.aspx?e_cid=20111210_DNL_art_1
Graphs Related to Health Care Spending/Social Security Advisory Board
The Unsustainable Cost of Health Care
published by The Social Security Advisory Board in September 2009 and can be
found at the following link, http://www.ssab.gov/documents/TheUnsustainableCostofHealthCare_graphics.pdf
The primary concern of this
independent bipartisan board, created by Congress and appointed by both the
Congress and president, is the impact of rising health care costs on retirees
over the long term. Here are
interesting graphs and parts of the study. If a picture tells a thousand words, the same can be said for
a graph.
· Summary of Concerns, scroll down 5 pages
from the top
· Graph 1:
Cumulative growth rates of GDP and health care spending: United States,
1960-2007 and projected for 2008-2018.
The graph is on page 1.
· Graph 2:
Health care spending as a percent of GDP: United States, 1960-2007 and
projected for 2008-2018. See page
· Graph 3:
Geographic variation in Medicare spending: Total Medicare payments per enrollee
in 2006 [blue columns, left axis] and total payments during the last two years
of life, for deaths 2001-2005 [grey dots, right axis], by selected Hospital
Referral Regions. See page 5
· Table 2:
Annual cost to workers of funding retirement and health care: 1960, 2005,
2030. See page 8.
Page 29
· Graph 4:
Medicare costs as a percentage of GDP, by revenue source, 1970-2083. See page 9.
· Conclusions,
see page 27.
· Appendix
B International Comparisons of Health Care Costs. According to this document U.S. has the highest costs and
the rise in costs over time is the greatest in the U.S. See pages 33-39 to see several graphs
illustrating their view.
Page 30
GMO Foods And Their Possible Impact on Health
This data was obtain because the FDA was sued in
court and data released to Alliance for Bio-integrity (Alliance
for Bio-Integrity et al., vs. Shalala, et al.)
For the FDA material, my comments are in red. If the links
to the documents don't work because of the email you can find this information
online at http://unclesamenterstheendgamepart4.blogspot.com/2011/09/trends-toward-tyrannical-new-world_5649.html Go to pages 55-60.
A. FDA Scientists Discuss Various Safety Concerns
Comments from Dr. Linda Kahl, FDA compliance
officer, to Dr. James Maryanski, FDA Biotechnology Coordinator, about the Federal Register document "Statement
of Policy: Foods from Genetically Modified Plants." Dated January 8,
1992. (3 pages) View Our Summary - View Document - Print Document This article
as far as I can tell states their is no way to compare the risk of traditional
breeding verses genetic engineering because at the time their is no data on the
impact of genetically engineered foods. If what this scientist is saying
is true then the powers that be are conducting a giant experiment with us and
the environment with no idea about what could happen.
Memorandum from Dr. Edwin J. Mathews to the Toxicology Section of
the Biotechnology Working Group. Subject: "Analysis of the Major Plant
Toxicants." Dated October 28, 1991. (2 pages) View Our Summary - View Document - Print Document This
scientist stated that when you change genetic material in a plant, there are
two conditions that can make the toxins in the plant either more dangerous or
less dangerous than their natural counterpart plants.
7. Memorandum
from Dr. Samuel I. Shibko to Dr. James Maryanski, FDA Biotechnology
Coordinator. Subject: "Revision of Toxicology Section of the Statement
of Policy: Foods Derived from Genetically Modified Plants." Dated
January 31, 1992. (3 pages) View Our Summary - View Document - Print Document
He also
states there is no way to know how genetically altered plants will impact
humans or the environment.
Comments from Dr. Louis J. Pribyl
re: the "Biotechnology Draft Document, 2/27/92." Dated March 6, 1992.
(5 pages) View Our Summary - View Document - Print Document Page 31
He felt that
FDA draft document glossed over potential risks of genetically engineered
plants favorable to bio tech industry. The document tended to see the
risks in natural breeding and genetically engineering as the same. He
felt that each technique presented different risks. He was not commenting
which type of risk were more dangerous.
Comments from Dr. Louis J. Pribyl re:
"... the March 18, 1992 Version of the Biotechnology Document." Dated
March 18, 1992. (1 page) View Our Summary - View Document - Print Document
Here the
doctor explains how genetic changes can modify the plant in unexpected ways.
16. Comments from Division of Food Chemistry and Technology and Division of
Contaminants Chemistry. Subject: "Points to Consider for Safety Evaluation
of Genetically Modified Foods. Supplemental Information."
Dated November 1, 1991. (3 pages) View Our Summary - View Document - Print Document
I found
interesting that with natural plant breeding breeding occurs with sexually
compatible species. With genetic engineering organisms do not have to be
sexually compatible so plants can receive genetic material from animals,
insects or bacteria or viruses with unknown impacts on the new plant or
Memorandum from Dr. Mitchell Smith, Head,
Biological and Organic Chemistry Section, to Dr. James Maryanski, Biotechnology
Coordinator. Subject: "Comments on Draft Federal Register Notice on
Food Biotechnology, Dec. 12, 1991 draft." Dated January 8, 1992. (2
pages) View Our Summary - View Document - Print Document
This person
had two primary concerns. First the draft seemed to support the biotech
industry's right to insert genetically modified food and GMO ingredients into
the food supply without the consumers knowledge. Second he disagrees with
the draft's position implying very little difference in risks associated with
traditional plant breeding techniques verses newly developed genetic
modification techniques.
Page 32
Letter from Dr. James Maryanski, Biotechnology
Coordinator, to Dr. Bill Murray, Chairman of the Food Directorate,
Canada. Subject: the safety assessment of foods and food ingredients
developed through new biotechnology. Dated October 23, 1991. (2 pages) View Our Summary - View Document - Print Document
As well as
commenting on potential toxic affects of GMO technology he mentions possible
increases of allergic reactions6 when this food is
25. Comments from Dr. Carl B. Johnson
on the "draft statement of policy 12/12/91." Dated January 8,
1992. (2 pages) View Our Summary - View Document - Print Document
He goes
through document page by page. The following caught my attention.
On page 28 he states the nature of unintended effects of gene expression
may vary depending on 4 factors. On page 34 he claimed the document
provided situations where studies would not be needed for the development of
certain types of genetically modified foods. If I understand this
scientists thought process, I think he is stating that the document states that
under some conditions if the modified genes is inserted only in one place then
the impact on the environment can be more easily studied. On the other
hand if genes are inserted in multiple cites then it will be very difficult to
determine the cause of detrimental impacts that may result. I think that
the document is implying that FDA is not likely to approve genetically modified
food that involves insertion of genes at multiple sites. However the
document does not provide scientific evidence to justify their position.
On page 38 he questions the idea that the crop developer prove that his
food is nonallergenic. He believes such a plan is impossible to
implement. Comments regarding page 38 indicate to me that FDA scientists
understood the potential for GMO foods to increase allergic reactions.
His comments on page 87 make it clear to me that he believes the
document states that toxicology studies are not necessary for genetically
Page 33
plant foods where foreign genetic material is inserted into the plant
genome only at one site. He definitely disagrees with the
documents position and provides scientific evidence to support his
Memorandum from Dr. Gerald B. Guest, Director
of the Center for Veterinary Medicine, to Dr. James Maryanski, Biotechnology
Coordinator. Subject: "Regulation of Transgenic Plants--FDA Draft
Federal Register Notice on Food Biotechnology." Dated February 5,
1992. (4 pages) View Our Summary - View Document - Print Document
Dr. Guest's
primary concern is that unlike humans, some animals such as cattle obtain 50 to
70% of their food from 1 plant or food source.
Therefore if the corn, soybeans or alfalfa in their animal food is
genetically modified as much of it is now, perhaps detrimental effects on the
animal or human health would be more profound. He suggests that
veterinarian scientists play a major role in determining which GMO foods are
allowed in animal feed.
B. Specific Objections
to Use of Antibiotic-Resistant Marker Genes
34. Memorandum from Dr. Murray Lumpkin to Dr. Bruce Burlington.
Subject: "The tomatoes that will eat Akron." Dated December 17, 1992.
(7 pages) View Our Summary - View Document - Print Document
Dr. Lumpkin
came out squarely against the approval of this genetically modified tomato.
37. Memorandum from Dr. Albert
Sheldon to Dr. James Maryanski, Biotechnology Coordinator. Subject:
"Use of Kanamycin Resistance Markers in Tomatoes." Dated March
30, 1993. (3 pages) View Our Summary - View Document - Print Document
He reviewed studies finding that the Kanamycin Resistance marker
did not interfere with the effectiveness of antibiotics fed to cattle and other
food animals and it did not change in an adverse way the bacteria in the guts
of animals. These studies indicate that the scientists are aware that
genetically modified food can adversely impact gut bacteria. However he
felt that if this marker is
Page 34
introduced on a wide spread scale in tomatoes,
cotton seed and other plants there is no way to know the potential impact it
would have on our environment.
C. Safety Questions
Raised by Tests on the Flavr Savr Tomato--the Most Thoroughly
Tested Bioengineered Food
Memorandum from Dr. Fred Hines to Dr. Linda
Kahl. Subject: "FLAVR SAVR Tomato:" ... "Pathology
Branch's Evaluation of Rats with Stomach Lesions From Three Four-Week Oral
(Gavage) Toxicity Studies" ... "and an Expert Panel's Report."
Dated June 16, 1993. (3 pages) View Our Summary - View Document - Print Document
Some studies
indicate detrimental changes in the stomachs of some rats fed GMO tomatoes.
Memorandum from Robert J. Scheuplein, Ph.D.
to the FDA Biotechnology Coordinator and others. Subject: "Response to
Calgene Amended Petition." Dated October 27, 1993. (3 pages) View Our Summary - View Document - Print Document
The sponsors
of the GMO product conducted studies evaluating the safety of the product.
A rare number of rats fed the product developed stomach lesions.
Some evidence indicated that the rats developed the legions due to
fasting but it is not clear. Overall the product seems to be safe but this is
not entirely clear from the data presented
Memorandum from Dr. Carl B. Johnson to Dr.
Linda Kahl & Others. Subject: "Flavr Savr(TM) tomato; significance of pending
DHEE question." Dated Dec 7, 1993. (1 page) View Our Summary - View Document - Print Document
The sponsors
of the Flavr Savr tomato studies did not conclusively prove that their tomato
is safe.
D. Additional
Evidence of Improprieties In The Formation Of FDA Policy On Bioengineered Foods
Page 35
Memorandum from Dr. James Maryanksi,
Biotechnology Coordinator, to the Director of the Center for Applied
Nutrition. Subject: "FDA Task Group on Food Biotechnology: Progress
Report 2." Dated August 15, 1991. (1 page) View Our Summary - View Document - Print Document
document is interesting for two reasons. First Dr. Maryanski admits that
the FDA under certain conditions will allow GMO foods to be produced even
though the effects of the food are unknown. In those specific cases the
sponsor of such a product will have to go through some kind of petition process
with the FDA to get the product approved. Second he suggests that once
such food is introduced into the food supply that it be clearly labeled so consumers can
choose if they would like to consume the product. However according to
present FDA rules companies that produce such genetically altered products are
encouraged to voluntarily label their products for the consumers. They
don't because they realize that such labeling will harm their sales.
61. Memorandum from
David Kessler, Commissioner of Food & Drugs. Subject: "FDA
Proposed Statement of Policy Clarifying the Regulation of Food Derived from
Genetically Modified Plants--DECISION." Dated March 20, 1992. (4 pages) View Our Summary - View Document - Print Document
Here the FDA
is discussing how to regulate GMO foods and ingredients. Interestingly
they consider the regulating of genetically modified food and extension of the
regulations provided for regulating foods created by traditional plant breeding
techniques. The mention in the last paragraph many groups insisting that
any such foods produced be clearly labeled for consumers. However they
state they have not developed a position on labeling.
64. Letter from
Terry Medley, J.D. (of USDA's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service), to
Dr. James Maryanski, Biotechnology Coordinator. Subject: "Comments
on FDA Draft Statement of Policy on foods derived from new plant varieties,
including plants derived by recombinant DNA techniques. Dated April 2, 1992. (5
pages) View Our Summary - View Document - Print Document
Page 36
Mr. Medly
felt the document overall was well written and comprehensive, however the tone was too alarmist
concerning the risks of biotechnology with GMO foods although theoretically the
dire predictions could occur. His comment on page 3 concerning page 17 of
the document regarding possible toxicants produced in GMO foods I liked.
He noted that many foods that we eat contained toxicants. My note,
that is why we have a liver to remove poisons and toxins. His comment
on page 20 of the document and page 4 of his letter, states that the FDA has no
way of determining the extent that GMO plants may induce or increase allergic
reactions. He suggests post testing the newly created plants to see if
they increase allergic reactions and/or label the plants or ingredients that
come from them if they become part of our food supply, so that consumers know
what they are ingesting.
Note from Eric Katz (Dept. of
Health & Human Services) to John Gallivan. Subject: "Food
Biotechnology Policy Statement." Dated March 27, 1992. (2 pages) View Our Summary - View Document - Print Document
The author was
impressed with the document. He felt more studies needed to be done with
other species that might ingest the altered plants. Also the waste of the
animals that eat the altered plants need to be analyzed for changes and how
might the changes in the animals waste impact the environment.
Memorandum from James B. MacRae, Jr. (of the
Office of Management and Budget), for C. Boyden Gray (President Bush’s White
House counsel). Subject: "FDA Food Biotechnology Policy."
Dated March 21, 1992. (2 pages) View Our Summary - View Document - Print Document
I find Mr.
MacRae's thoughts interesting. In paragraph 4 he down plays the differences
in food production between traditional breeding and biotech methods of food
production. He says the focus of the FDA needs to be simply the safety of
the food not the method of production. On a surface level what he says
makes sense. You dig a bit deeper it does not. Creation until
recently normally occurs through sexual reproduction for millions of species.
Page 37
tomatoes, cod and other unrelated species can not exchange DNA.
However we can create an infinite number of differing plants or animals
using DNA of any of the above in infinite combinations. What is not known
is what impact such creations will have on the environment. It is
completely up in the air. However preliminary data indicates that perhaps
this technology is already causing unintended consequences which I will describe below. In
paragraph 8 on the second page of his letter he states that bio-technolgy's
precise techniques can produce safer more predictable foods. Again in the
short run this may be true but how about the long run? What impact can
these genetic changes have on our gut flora, on the micro-organisms in the
soil, on other creatures throughout time.
millions of species reproduce sexually not all DNA is transferred this way.
Bacteria and micro-organisms can reproduce in other ways. Mutations
can be caused by viruses that enter the system and take over the DNA of cells.
They can also exchange DNA with other microorganisms. Can
genetically altered plants and animals alter the gut bacteria or soil micro-organisms.
FDA scientists seen to think the above is possible if some of the above
studies are accurate. There are probably thousands of ways that
genetically altered organisms can alter the environment and I bet the FDA, USDA
and other government agencies have only studied some of the ways that
interaction could occur.
If you go through the FDA documents
above you will note that some of the scientists speculated that the
introduction of GMO foods might cause an increase in allergies. Starting
in the 1990ties GMO food has increasingly become a part of our diet.
During this time allergies and other chronic conditions have skyrocketed.
I don't know if anyone has directly implemented GMO products to these
illnesses but it is an interesting possible causal relationship. The AMA
recognizes this potential and now requests that GMO foods be safely tested
before entering the market.
Page 38
More than
70% of Process Foods Has GMO Ingredients/Smithsonian http://blogs.smithsonianmag.com/ideas/2012/06/food-modified-food/
GMOs should
be safety tested before they hit the market says AMA
Here are links to various articles
below documenting increasing rates of allergies and chronic conditions.
Increase in Allergies and Other Chronic
Conditions Over Time
Before discussing the data, some
cautions need to be explored when considering the rates of allergies over
time. First, societal and scientific definitions of allergies differ and
also governments are slow to implement policies concerning allergies.
Part of the cause for allergies might be the availability of food from all
around the world. Since international standards for allergies have not
been set many researchers focus on cases of severe life threatening allergies
(anaphylaxis) instead of less severe forms of allergies so this also affects
the types of data in studies. Here is a link to this pubmed article
called Food allergies on the rise? Determining the prevalence of food
allergies, and how quickly it is increasing, is the first step in tackling the
problem. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1679775/
Keeping the above in mind, according
to CDC data, food allergies among children have increased over time and this trend is also occurring in other
countries. The CDC stated that part of the reason for this increase could
be better diagnostic capabilities and or it could be that people are more
knowledgeable about allergies so children are more likely to be referred to
doctors. I include the data also because according to the CDC, allergies
of all forms are an immune disorder. Here are some findings
· In 2007, approximately 3 million
children under age 18 years (3.9%) were reported to have a food or
digestive allergy in the previous 12 months.
Page 39
· From 1997 to 2007, the
prevalence of reported food allergy increased 18% among children under age 18
· Children with food allergy are
two to four times more likely to have other related conditions such as asthma
and other allergies, compared with children without food allergies.
· From
1998 until 2006 the number of children admitted to hospitals with allergy
conditions more than tripled from approximately 2,016 average cases from 1998
to 2000 to and average of 9,537 cases per year from 2004-2006!! Here is the
title and link to the CDC website. Food Allergies Among Children Becoming
More Common Over Time http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/databriefs/db10.htm
Asthma rates increasing in U.S., despite less smoking and decreased air
pollution [Updated/Los Angeles Times/5/4/2011 http://www.latimes.com/health/boostershots/la-heb-asthma-rates-increasing-05032011,0,866950.story
Here are some significant findings according to the CDC.
· 1 in 12
people in the United States now have asthma approximately 24.6 million people
and increase of 4.3 million people since 2001.
· By 2007
costs for treatment of people with the condition totaled approximately 56
· The
quality of the outside air is improving and there is a decrease in smoking so
we do not know why the rates for asthma are going up according to Ileana Arias,
the principal deputy director of the CDC said at a news conference.
· Researchers
have changed the way they measure the incidence of asthma in the 1990ties but
they still know, there has been an increasing incidence of asthma over the
last several decades according to Paul Garbe, chief of the CDC's air
pollution and respiratory health branch.
Below are
other chronic conditions
· ½
of all adults have at least 1 chronic condition. In this case some
Page 40
these conditions may be asymptomatic so people don’t know they have the
condition. It did not specify how many have symptomatic verses
asymptomatic chronic conditions.
· 1/3
of adults are obese. 1/5 of children are obese between the ages of 6-19.
Obesity is a prominent factor in diabetes as well as other conditions..
· Arthritis
is the most common disability in the U.S. 19 million Americans have
limitations in their ability to move as a result of arthritis. Many
scientists believe that arthritis is an auto-immune disorder!
· Diabetes
is the leading cause of kidney failure.
· Most
chronic conditions can be avoided or their severity lessened by life style
changes. Exercise, proper nutrition, and limited or no tobacco or alcohol
By 2020, about 157 million Americans will be afflicted by chronic
illnesses, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Chronic Care in America.
From 1980-2009 crude prevalence of
diagnosed diabetes increased by 164% www.cdc.gov/diabetes/prev/national/figage.htm
U.S. Diabetes rate climbs above 11%;
it could hit 15% by 2015 according to Gallop-Healthways Well Being Index.
Americans who are obese are 3X more likely to be diagnosed with diabetes.
I have read that some scientists believe that diabetes is also an autoimmune
disorder where the immune system eventually destroys the part of the pancreas that
produces insulin. This destruction results in diabetes.
Increases of Feline hyperthyroidism http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1681113/pdf/canvetj00559-0023.pdf
Thyroid Cancers Increasing, in fact, according to new data from the
National Cancer Institute (NCI), thyroid cancer diagnoses have increased at a
rate of 6.5 percent a year from 1997 to 2006. Scientists don't know
why. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/05/090504205917.htm
The incidence of Crohn’s Disease increasing over time. http://www.medpagetoday.com/MeetingCoverage/DDW/14463
Above I raise the question if the introduction of GMO foods could have
caused the rise of allergies and other chronic conditions? This link
below claims that vaccines are the culprit.
Page 41
New Zealand has one of the lowest vaccination rates among the
developed world. It also has one of the lowest allergy rates in its
population. http://www.stuff.co.nz/4829150a4621.html https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/print/nz.html -
broken linkNew Zealand has one of the lowest vaccination rates among the
developed world. It also has one of the lowest allergy rates in its
population. http://www.stuff.co.nz/4829150a4621.html https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/print/nz.html -
broken link
I read some other abstracts indicating that auto-immune disorders are
increasing in the developed world. Some believe that our cleanliness
habits may contribute to the disorders. Here is one that stated that
auto-immune disorders are increasing in the developing world especially Europe
and the United States. http://www.endocrine-abstracts.org/ea/0016/ea0016s3.1.htm
The Changing Rate of Major Depression It seems to be increasing over time http://jama.ama-assn.org/content/268/21/3098.full.pdf
This article is probably a summary of the above articlehttp://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1200/is_n23_v142/ai_13237604/
Rate* of Hospitalization for Depression† Among Persons Aged 5--19 Years, by Sex --- United
States, 1990--1992 and 2002—2004 http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm5526a5.htm
CDC study available SOURCE: National Hospital
Discharge Survey annual data files for 1990, 1991, 1992, 2002, 2003, and 2004.
Available at http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/about/major/hdasd/nhds.htm
If you cannot access the links to the information on allergies and
chronic illnesses in the email you can go to http://unclesamenterstheendgamepart4.blogspot.com/2011/09/united-nations-in-relationship-to-new_26.html The links from above plus
many more can be found starting on page 61 through 66.
This raises some interesting thoughts? What are
possible causes of this rise in various chronic conditions and allergies?
To be fair, autoimmune disorders are increasing in both Europe and the
U.S. So since Europe does not have
much GMO foods this makes a direct link between the
Page 42
introduction of GMO and
autoimmune disorders hard to prove.
However, what I find fascinating about our system is the employment of
plausible deniability. Let's consider two cases. First the above, they
have tested various foods like the Flavr Savr tomato. The company
producing the tomato provided studies that showed that the tomato was probably
safe with rats so it is likely safe with people. However, what about long
term effects? Who knows?
Let's consider depleted uranium weapons that our soldiers
have been using in various recent wars. Studies indicate that moderate
exposure to the dust from these weapons don't do any harm. They don't
know if any harm can come from long-term exposure or whether even short term or
moderate term exposure might be bad for some over the long term. To look at some research concerning
depleted uranium, go to http://unclesamenterstheendgamepart3.blogspot.com/2011/09/relationship-between-military.html Go to pages 41-55 to review several studies regarding
depleted uranium.
So lets say you get cancer or your child suffered a
major birth defect, is autistic or suffers severe allergies. What caused
it? It might be the pesticides, or chemicals in our food, air and water.
It might be the exposure of one of his parents to depleted uranium in one
of the wars. Perhaps a stray molecule of radiation got into you or your
child through the air or food from Fukushima. It might be the genetically
modified corn or soy ingested from some of the processed food that you or your
child ate? Perhaps the genetically altered alfalfa fed to the cattle now
caused some kind of change in the meat and that somehow impacted you or your
wife when she was pregnant with your child. Maybe the electro-magnetic
radiation from the microwave oven, cell phone or the smart meter next to your
house tipped the scales. Perhaps it was some combination of the above
that combined tipped the scales.
The point is the depleted weapons, cell phones,
pesticides, smart meters, genetically modified food and countless other
chemicals have been tested on animal subjects and rarely cause severe reactions
so they have been deemed safe for human subjects. Of course nothing is
completely safe there will be somebody that has a bad reaction just like in
animal trials. The point is what happens when you are exposed to more and
more chemicals, electro-magnetic radiation, genetically modified food or pesticides.
Is there a tipping point where different chemicals, radiation, vaccines,
Page 43
genetically altered foods etc start interacting with each other in a
synergistic way so although any one of these inputs by themselves are not
harmful to very many people but together their interactions are very toxic.
Unfortunately there is no way to test this hypothesis.
scientists say that GMO foods are more beneficial than harmful. I do know that they are fairly
prevalent in our food supply.
Maybe they are not that good for us if you look at data concerning
prescription drugs. We consume
more prescription drugs than any place on the globe. Does that mean we are less healthy than other nations? I don’t know. Could GMO foods play a role in our feelings of disease? Consider the following data.
The addict is the
natural ally of the Tyrant for the addiction gradually weakens the individual
until others must care for him. A
constitutional republic cannot survive unless the people are willing and able
to care for themselves.
Here are some
interesting statistics from this CDC government website.
· 38 million adults binge drinks consuming 4
drinks or more in a short period of time 4 times or more during each
month. The largest number of
drinks per binge on average is 8 drinks.
About 1 in 6 adults binge drink.
· The average number of drinks on any given
binge is 5.
· Drinking too much including binge drinking
causes approximately 80,000 deaths a year in the U.S. In 2006 alcoholism cost the economy 223.5 billion.
· The age group with the most binge drinkers
is 18-34 years.
· The age group that binge drinks most often
are 65 or more.
· The income group with the most binge
drinkers is more than $75,000
· The income group that binge drinks the most
often and drinks most per binge makes less than $25,000
· Most alcohol-impaired drivers binge drink.
· However, most people who binge drink are not
Page 44
Increased Prescription Drug Use and Other Addictions/Could it be Related to GMO Foods?
U.S. Has Most
Youth and Adults that Use/Abuse
Drugs in the Free World
According to the CDC, the percentage of Americans that say that they have taken
a prescription drug within the last month has risen to almost 50 percent.
#2 The
percentage of Americans that say that they have taken two or more prescription
drugs within the last month has risen to 31 percent, and
the percentage of Americans that say that they have taken five or more
prescription drugs within the last month has risen to 11 percent.
#3 If you
can believe it, the CDC also says that approximately 9 out of every 10
Americans that are at least 60 years of age say that they have taken at least
one prescription drug within the last month. http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/databriefs/db42.htm
#4 According to the Wall Street Journal, more
than 25 percent of all kids in the United States take prescription drugs on a
regular basis. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970203731004576046073896475588.html?mod=WSJ_hpp_editorsPicks_1 CNN had a similar article. http://www.cnn.com/2011/HEALTH/05/23/kids.overmedicated/index.html
#5 One brand new study has found
that more than 20 percent of all
American adults are taking at least one drug for "psychiatric" or
"behavioral" disorders. http://www.naturalnews.com/034278_psychiatric_drugs_adults.html http://www.usatoday.com/news/health/healthcare/health/healthcare/story/2011-11-16/Report-1-in-5-of-US-adults-on-behavioral-meds/51241236/1
#6 A recent Government
Accountability Office report shockingly discovered that approximately one-third of all
foster children in the United States are on at least one psychiatric
drug. In fact, the report found that many states seem to be doping up
foster children as a matter of course. Just check out these stunning
statistics.... http://abcnews.go.com/US/study-shows-foster-children-high-rates-prescription-psychiatric/story?id=15058380#.UBY64I7R0lL
Page 45
In Texas, foster children were 53
times more likely to be prescribed five or more psychiatric medications at the
same time than non-foster children. In Massachusetts, they were 19 times more
likely. In Michigan, the number was 15 times. It was 13 times in Oregon. And in
Florida, foster children were nearly four times as likely to be given five or
more psychotropic medications at the same time compared to non-foster children.
#7 The percentage of women taking
antidepressants in America is higher than
in any other country in the world. http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=the-medicated-americans
#8 Children in the United States
are three times more likely to be
prescribed antidepressants than children in Europe are. http://www.businessinsider.com/depressing-facts-about-healthcare-system-2011-6#american-kids-are-three-times-as-likely-to-be-prescribed-antidepressants-than-kids-in-europe-9
#9 The total number of Americans
taking antidepressants doubled
between 1996 and 2005. http://www.usatoday.com/news/health/2009-08-03-antidepressants_N.htm
#10 According to the CDC, approximately three
quarters of a million people a year are rushed to emergency rooms
in the United States because of adverse reactions to pharmaceutical drugs.
#11 It has been reported that
approximately 200,000 Americans a year
are killed by prescription drugs. http://www.vanityfair.com/politics/features/2011/01/deadly-medicine-201101 More than 2 million Americans become seriously ill
every year because of toxic reactions to correctly prescribed medicines taken
properly, and 106,000 die from those reactions, a new study concludes.
#12 According to the Los Angeles Times, drug
deaths (mostly caused by prescription drugs) are climbing at an astounding
Drug fatalities more than doubled among teens and
young adults between 2000 and 2008, years for which more detailed data are
available. Deaths more than tripled among people aged 50 to 69, the Times
analysis found. In terms of sheer numbers, the death toll is highest among
people in their 40s. In their
calculations over 34,000 die a year now more than die in traffic accidents. http://articles.latimes.com/2011/sep/17/local/la-me-drugs-epidemic-20110918
Page 46
#15 The CDC says that spending on
prescription drugs more than doubled
between 1999 and 2008. http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/databriefs/db42.htm
U.S. Has Most Who Use and Abuse Illegal Drugs
16% vs
4% in New Zealand in Second Place/CBS News. http://www.cbsnews.com/2100-500368_162-4222322.html If you google country with highest amount of illegal drug
use, the U.S. will come up over and over.
Why do Americans Consume 80% of the World’s Painkiller Drugs?/BBC
News http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-17963222 According to The American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians,
in testimony before Congress, Americans consume 80% of the pain medicine
produced throughout the world. In
2010 pharmacies distributed enough Percocet to give each person in the United
States 40 5mg pills.
Americans consume 80% of opiate painkillers produced in
the world, according to congressional testimony by the American Society of
Interventional Pain Physicians.
More overdose death from prescription drugs occur than from cocaine and
heroin combined
Below are statistics
related to carbonated soda. I have
suspected that a hidden addiction afflicting many is the addiction to
sugar. Also one of the primary
ingredients found in most sodas is high fructose corn syrup. Most of the corn grown and fed to our
livestock is GMO corn and the fructose corn syrup found in the soda is
genetically modified. Many serious
chronic health conditions are associated with the over consumption of these
carbonated sodas.
American Soda
Consumption: Half of Us Drink it Everyday, Study Says
Of the
49% of us who drink soda the average consumption per day is 2.6 glasses a
day. Soda’s high potassium content
causes calcium to be depleted resulting in higher tooth decay, osteoporosis and
other health
Page 47
issues. Sodas also
contain high amounts of high fructose corn syrup that not only is associated
with many health problems but is also a genetically modified ingredient.
soda consumption in the U.S. is declining.
Drink Consumption: The Frightening Statistics and Associated Health Risks! http://www.everyday-wisdom.com/soft-drink-consumption.html
Below are more interesting articles related to GMO issues. The titles of the articles sound like something you would read in a supermarket tabloid but these articles came from credible news sources.
Other Biotech Events Related To GMO’s
Hybrids Spark Controversy/National Geographic News 1/25/2005 http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2005/01/0125_050125_chimeras_2.html
In 2003, Chinese scientists fused rabbit eggs with human
cells. The chimeras or creatures that have parts of 2 or more animals
within one body, are considered the first created in the world using genetic
manipulation. Persons that have valves from pigs or cows for their hearts
would also be chimeras because they have parts from 2 or more animals in one
Modified Cows Produce Human Milk
Human Animal
Although mixing
human and animal genes is frowned upon and is probably illegal except under
stringent conditions in U.S., it still probably occurs and is not illegal
elsewhere. See the articles starting on page 29. Here are a couple
of links but if you google the title you will get a lot of articles.
Page 48
Since such animals
exist it throws a curve ball on what it means to be a human. What legal
rights would such creatures have? What responsibility would we have
toward such creatures? Do we really want to go down this road?
Details of
hybrid clone revealed
It is believed that a cell from a man’s leg and a cow’s egg were used to
generate the clone. The DNA from the cow egg was removed and the DNA from
the man’s cell was inserted into the cow egg. The modified egg was exposed
to chemicals stimulating it to grow as an embryo. The cells divided for
12 days before the scientists killed it, stating that was not really alive
because it takes a human embryo about 14 days to attach itself to the uterine
Of Mice, Men
and In-Between
Scientists Debate Blending Of
Human, Animal Forms
A lot of info in
this article is covered in other places but here are further interesting facts
taken directly from the article.
· In Nevada, there are
sheep whose livers and hearts are largely human.
· In California mice have
human cells firing in their brains.
· No Federal guidelines
exist for the question, how human must an animal be before stringent guidelines
are observed for research.
· For many years scientists have added human genes to
bacteria and farm animals that allow the animals to create human proteins such
as insulin for use as medicines.
· Scientists have injected human cells into pig fetuses and
these cells multiply within the pigs so the pig is part human and part
pig. Also some of the human and pig cells fuse creating hybrid cells
containing both human and pig material
Page 49
· The upside of such activities is organs can be harvested
from these creatures and used for human transplants. The downside is that
viruses that only attack pigs can lodge in these fused cells and adapt and
modify themselves so they can attack humans. According to the Washington
Post scientists consider this a real danger for any type of animal human hybrid
produced for these purposes.
· Irving Weissman, director of Stanford University’s
Institute of Cancer/Stem Cell Biology and Medicine, helped create the first
mouse with a nearly complete human immune system. Such animals in his
view are invaluable in testing drugs for AIDS virus since regular mice do not
succumb to this disease.
· He is studying how human cells evolve and connect to mouse
cells over time and hope to discover early development flaws that occur in
human infants or children which might later lead to brain diseases such as Lou
Gehrig’s, Parkinson disease and other brain disorders. His group has
created mice with varying percentages of human brain cells within their brains.
· He is contemplating creating mice with 100% human
brains. If the brains organize themselves in a human way he would kill
the mice. He is asking the University’s ethics department for an opinion.
http://www.infowars.com/articles/brave_new_world/chimera.htm Contains a synopsis of the 4 or 5 articles, listed above,
from Washington Post, New York Times, CNN and BBC describing scientific
research on human cloning and creation of human animal chimeras!
Page 50
Plant Animal
Hybrids and Plant Bacterial Hybrids/PBS
According to this
PBS article, scientists attempted to splice a gene from an arctic flounder into
tomatoes to produce tomatoes that were frost resistant. The scientists
were not successful in this endeavor but they have produced corn and soy beans
resistant to herbicides using genes from bacteria. http://www.pbs.org/wnet/dna/pop_genetic_gallery/index.html
USDA Backs
Production of Rice with Human Genes/Washington Post Friday, March 2, 2007. The
genetically modified rice produces human proteins found in our immune system in
the seeds. Doctors would like to use these proteins to help cure diarrhea
that kills over 12 million children in the world every year.
USDA Won’t Impose
Restrictions On Biotech Alfalfa/Wall Street Journal 1/27/2011
The Obama
Administration abandoned the proposal to restrict genetically modified alfalfa
that tolerates high levels of the herbicide Roundup in its view to eliminate
regulations that are burdensome to business. The vast majority of the
nation’s corn, soybeans, and cotton are grown from genetically modified
varieties. Some biotechnology officials have predicted that U.S. farmers
will use genetically modified seeds to grow ½ of the nation’s alfalfa. In
the week following this article the USDA is expected to decide whether to
approve the planting of genetically modified sugar beets in time for this
year’s planting. Below are concerns. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703399204576108601430251740.html?mod=wsj_share_twitter
· According to Federal rules relating to organic foods,
organic farmers cannot sell any foods as organic if the food has any DNA in the
food that is genetically modified. Even the Secretary of the USDA Tom
Vilsack, admits in an open letter to stakeholders in this conflict, stated that
the risk that pollen from genetically modified plants contaminating natural
varieties is substantial rendering their seeds no longer natural. http://www.usda.gov/documents/Open_Letter_Stakeholders_12-30-2010.pdf This law applies to any organically raised cattle
as well. If these cattle acidently consume genetically modified alfalfa
then the meat of these cattle according to Federal rules could no longer be
sold as organic meat.
Page 51
· The following concerns do not come from the Wall Street
Journal article. According to Dr. Joseph Mercola three organic producers
including Whole Foods, caved into Monsanto’s demands to allow genetically
modified alfalfa to be grown along side organically grown natural
alfalfa. http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2011/03/05/whole-foods--major-betrayal-of-organic-movement.aspx
· I have not documented the following here but some of the
concerns can be found in this file, other files or on the internet.
· The primary concern about the introduction of genetically
modified foods is that their has been no long term experiments studying their
impact on humans, other plants and animals in the environment. The fact
that they are here now, illustrates that we and the rest of life are part of
this great experiment to determine the long term impact of genetically modified
· Preliminary comments from internet sources claim the
following. Many animals fed genetically modified food suffer from
infertility, hormonal disruptions, allergies and other auto-immune
disorders. Others claim that these disorders are rising in the human
population in direct correlation to the increasing exposure of our species to
genetically modified products. See the following articles in the
post, The U.N. in relationship to the New World Order Part II.Could
Increasing Use of Vacines, GMO's and other Chemicals Cause rise in Chronic
Illness on page 61.
· One particularly frightening theory proposes that the
Colony Collapse Syndrome recently affecting honeybees may be caused by their
ingestion of genetically modified pollen. Honeybees are critical to human
food supplies for they are the main pollinators of our fruits and vegetables.
Can Corn With Part
of HIV Virus Infect People
evolution: Scientists alter chicken DNA to create embryo with 'alligator-like'
FDA Rules
Won't Require Labeling of Genetically Modified Salmon Washington Post by
Lyndsey Layton, Saturday, September 18, 2010
Senate Debates Pros
and Cons of Introducing Genetically Modified Salmon Into U.S. Food Supply
You need to
go to minute 29 on the link. This is where the Senate testimony starts. Genetically modified salmon
Senate Testimony http://commerce.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?p=Hearings&ContentRecord_id=09660b72-d9b2-4144-81a9-3ac9943b417f&ContentType_id=14f995b9-dfa5-407a-9d35-56cc7152a7ed&Group_id=b06c39af-e033-4cba-9221-de668ca1978
60 Minutes/4/4/10/Should Biotech Firms Be Able to Own Human Genes
In European
countries, genes cannot be owned by businesses. In U.S. law, companies that discover human genes can take
out patents on the genes. 1/3 of
our genes have been claimed in this way.
One women who
had an aggressive form of breast cancer in her family asked for a test related
to a gene. The company that owned
the rights to the defective gene charged $3,000 for the test. Since the women’s insurance company did
not cover the test, the lab refused to give the patient the test.
Page 53
If women happen
to get a positive result for the test, they would probably want a second
opinion which in medicine has been their right for hundreds of years, in this
case too bad. This is the only
company that owns the patent for the test so no other lab owned by a different
company can provide the test!
Government Involvement
Michael R Taylor
Secretary of Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Formally Lawyer for Monsanto
Michael R. Taylor's
appointment by the Obama administration to the Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) on July 7th sparked immediate debate and even outrage among many food and
agriculture researchers, NGOs and activists. The Vice President for Public
Policy at Monsanto Corp. from 1998 until 2001, Taylor exemplifies the revolving
door between the food industry and the government agencies that regulate it. He
is reviled for shaping and implementing the government's favorable agricultural
biotechnology policies during the Clinton administration.
Yet what has
slipped under everyone's radar screen is Taylor's involvement in setting U.S.
policy on agricultural assistance in Africa. In collusion with the Rockefeller
and Bill and Melinda Gates foundations, Taylor is once again the go-between man
for Monsanto and the U.S. government, this time with the goal to open up
African markets for genetically-modified (GM) seed and agrochemicals. http://www.organicconsumers.org/articles/article_18866.cfm
Here is a run down
on some history concerning Michael Taylor from Wikipedia. After
graduating in law Michael became a staff attorney for the FDA for a few
years. He then represented Monsanto leading the firm’s Food and drug law
practice for 10 years. He again did a short stint under Clinton in the
FDA as the newly created post of Deputy Commissioner of Policy. Later he
returned to Monsanto to become the vice president for Public Policy. On
July 7, 2009, he was appointed by Obama as a senior advisor to the FDA
The Food and Drug
Administration put out a blurb about him when Obama rehired him back to work at
the FDA. There was no mention of his work with Monsanto. http://www.fda.gov/NewsEvents/Newsroom/PressAnnouncements/ucm170842.htm
Page 54
Conflicts of Interest Per Supreme Court Justice and FDA Secretary Put You and
Your Family at Great Risk www.celsias.com/article/ex-monsanto-lawyer-clarence-thomas-hear-major-mons/ The above link illustrates that Chief
Justice Clarence Thomas and Stephen Breyer may have direct conflicts of
interests regarding this case involving Monsanto.
The FDA suggests that
companies voluntarily label any genetically modified food products but most
don’t realizing that such labeling would adversely limit sales! http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/09/18/AR2010091803520.html
The following 3
articles can be found on line at http://unclesamenterstheendgamepart4.blogspot.com/2011/09/united-nations-in-relationship-to-new.html starting on
page 23
Soon One Person May
Control What Foods We Grow and Eat According to a Bill Passed By Congress in
Although this does not directly
relate to the U.N., I put this article here because there is a worldwide
movement to establish international norms and rules for many things that now
are controlled by national governments. The article below this article at
Page 55 http://unclesamenterstheendgamepart4.blogspot.com/2011/09/united-nations-in-relationship-to-new.html makes
an incredible claim that food will one day be used as a weapon to reduce
population. This would be easier if 1 person or a small group of people
controlled all regulations pertaining to the growing and consumption of
food. Is this the intent of the recently passed Senate bill 510?
This links directly
to the bill S-510 referred to as the, To amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act with respect
to the safety of the food supply. To some the
most dangerous bill ever conceived because a person in the government will have
complete control over what food is grown and what food is banned as well as how
food is processed!
The following link
discusses concerns with the bill. www.govtrackinsider.com/articles/2010-10-15/s510
This is the text of
the bill that passed the Senate. www.govtrack.us/congress/bill.xpd?bill=s111-510 Just click on the link that says full text.
If you’re a little leery of the source, because it may seem too focused on “New
World Order” here is a link to the bill passed by the Senate from the Library
of Congress Thomas. http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/F?c111:3:./temp/~c111BmvRTy:e4244:
One of the most
glaring things about the bill is that different parts are slashed out of the
existing law and other parts are added to it then it tells you to refer to
section such and such and paragraph such and such so if you are not specially
trained then how is a layman suppose to figure out what the bill says! In
addition, much of it is written in legalize so that makes it hard to
interpret. However:
If you look
at the first section 101 you find the following quote. (2) USE OF OR EXPOSURE TO FOOD OF CONCERN- If the Secretary believes
that there is a reasonable probability that the use of or exposure to an
article of food, and any other article of food that the Secretary reasonably
believes is likely to be affected in a similar manner, will cause
serious adverse health consequences or death to humans or animals,
each person (excluding farms and restaurants) who manufactures,
Page 56
packs, distributes, receives, holds, or imports such article shall, at the
request of an officer or employee duly designated by the Secretary, permit such
officer or employee, upon presentation of appropriate credentials and a written
notice to such person, at reasonable times and within reasonable limits and in
a reasonable manner, to have access to and copy all records relating to such
article and to any other article of food that the Secretary reasonably believes
is likely to be affected in a similar manner, that are needed to assist the
Secretary in determining whether there is a reasonable probability that the use
of or exposure to the food will cause serious adverse health consequences or
death to humans or animals.
First, the Secretary of the
Food and Drug Administration will have complete control over the process of
growing and processing food in the country. It is he who will
determine what a reasonable probability that a food is unsafe.
What does cause serious adverse
health consequences mean? Does it mean that 1 out of a hundred, thousand,
ten thousand or one hundred thousand get sick to their stomach for a night or
what? What criteria is this one human being going to use to decide
whether I grow, process or consume a food?
What about death? If in a
year 5 people whose immune systems are damaged for whatever reason die because
they consumed raw cow’s milk, does that mean that I and the maybe 3,000 other
people who have drank raw milk for years with no apparent adverse health
impacts in Arizona now have to stop drinking raw milk? So what is going
to be the criteria on deaths? If I swallow too large a piece of steak and
get it lodged in my windpipe does that mean the consumption of steak will be
outlawed some day because people can choke on it. Perhaps the consumption
of tomatoes, broccoli, and chicken should be band because of salmonella.
Let’s look at another aspect of
this just passed bill. It states at a later date after the passage of the
bill, the FDA not our elected officials will create and flesh out the scope of
the final regulations. If the past is any guide, whom do you think will
be lobbying at the table hammering out these rules? Do you think it will
be the small family
Page 57
farmers or your local CSA’s and organic farmers or will it
be the huge agri-businesses present to protect their interests?
Let’s bring this down to a
personal level. About ten years ago people in Arizona could buy raw milk
from stores. Now very few places sell it. Even farmers can get in
trouble for giving or selling raw cow or goat milk. I drank raw milk for
many years without any ill effects. I happen to believe if you use common
sense raw milk is far better for you than pasteurized milk. Come to think
of it I have eaten raw hamburger, chicken, steak and fish for years without
adverse health effects. Everybody says that is dangerous but I have been
doing it for years.
But there is a growing movement
for people to buy their milk fresh from trusted farmers. The CDC and FDA
advise against it. Some day someone with a compromised immune system will
probably die from fresh milk and it will be banned. You will only be able
to get it from highly regulated factories.
To add insult to injury and to
rub salt in a fresh wound the present secretary of The Food and Drug
Administration appointed by President Barack Obama is Michael R Taylor formally
a lawyer for Monsanto one of the bioengineering companies creating genetically
modified food. There are no long term studies showing what impact
genetically engineered food will have on us, the animals we feed it to or our
environment! Under the Clinton administration Michael Taylor actively
lobbied to introduce genetically engineered crops to farmers in Africa.
See the articles directly below this article for more on Monsanto and Michael Taylor.
Here is related information from
a CDC Survey in 2006-2007.
CDC FoodNet Surveys
Found that Approximately 3% of Population of 10 States Consumed Raw Milk Within
7 Day Period During 2006-2007
The interviews
occurred with 17,372 people, representing a total population of 45,883,553 in
the states of California, Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Maryland, Minnesota,
New Mexico, New York, Oregon and Tennessee at taxpayers expense. Page 13
of the link contains the data concerning the raw milk consumption in the 10 states.
http://www.cdc.gov/foodnet/surveys/FoodNetExposureAtlas0607_508.pdf Officials were comfortable because of the size of the sample,
projecting that approximately 3% of the nation’s population was consuming raw
milk at that time.
Page 58
According to the
following websites, the laws against consumption of raw milk have been on the
books for quite a few years before the FDA began it’s systematic crackdown on
its consumption in 2006-2007. These websites allege that until this time
the consumption of unpasteurized raw milk was increasing rapidly causing the
major diary companies to pressure the FDA to begin a crackdown. In
addition, there have been cases of individuals becoming sick from the
consumption of raw milk but no deaths and little said about the numbers of
consumers that consumed raw milk. If the above data from the CDC surveys
is accurate maybe 1 or 2 in a thousand actually experience intestinal sickness
and reported the sickness from consuming it. Balance this against the
possible benefits for the other 999 out of 1,000 that consumed it. Many
of the prescription drugs that doctors prescribe are also known to cause side
affects in small numbers of the population but these drugs have still been
approved by the FDA. http://www.farmtoconsumer.org/open-letter-to-fdas-dairy-head-john-sheehan-bemis.htm http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2011/07/06/ron-paul-vs-the-fda-milk-police.aspx
I thought the
following study from NPR is interesting because many of the GMO plants produce
their own pesticides so it is related to the topic at hand.
Pesticide Exposure Linked to
Intelligence Decline in Children/NPR
If these studies
are actually reliable and valid then their implications are frightening for all
of us. Here are some highlights below.
· Scientists report that children exposed to pesticides in the
womb can have a reduction of 7points of IQ at the age of 7. This works
out to about a 6 month delay at that age so exposed children are about 6 months
behind their peers at that age. This is according to 3 independent
studies reported in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives.
· One study involved several hundred women and children who lived
near farms where pesticides were sprayed. They found that women that had
the highest levels of pesticides in their systems had children with lower IQs
at the age of 7. These children’s IQ’s were 7 points lower than their
non-exposed counterparts.
Page 59
· 2 scientists at Columbia University in New York show that the
risk of pesticide exposure occurs in city children as well. They studied
a specific pesticide used to kill roaches in New York City. They found
this pesticide in almost 100% of the air samples in the apartments. They
also measured the amount of the pesticide in the umbilical chord blood of 265
children in low- income households. Those with the highest levels of the
pesticide in their umbilical chord blood scored the lowest on amount of working
memory and scores on IQ test at the age of 7. Although the affects are
small, children are at the age where they are starting school and these affects
impact their learning, ability to attend and their ability to read. This
particular pesticide has been banned for indoor use but it is still sprayed
outside along roads and other places and many people still have it in their
· Another study found that some people genetically are more at
risk to pesticides or certain pesticides. The best way to avoid these
pesticides is to buy organic food. If that is not possible then wash
fruits and vegetables even oranges and other fruit that you peel to eliminate
the traces of pesticides. DOW who creates this pesticide wants to look at
the studies before it comments.
Since pesticides
are all around us how are any of us impacted. Perhaps all of us are
slightly dulled by the pesticides. There’s no way of knowing but even a
slight dulling in intellect in the aggregate could be profound. http://www.npr.org/2011/04/21/135605139/mothers-pesticide-exposure-linked-to-kids-iqs
Place/5/4/2011/GMO’s and Organics Must Co-exist The Rationale for Increasing GMO Foods. According
to the host, gmo’s and organic foods most coexist
because it won’t be long before we have 9 billion people and organic methods of
farming just don’t have the capacity to feed that many people. Here is a transcript to part of
the interview. http://www.marketplace.org/topics/life/non-organic-future?page=10
Fooling With Food
Arizona Daily Star or Modifying Food with Genetics
Page 60
http://azstarnet.com/lifestyles/food-and-cooking/article_87665f6f-15fc-5dd6-b6ad-4e10f02c8ce2.html This article
gives a pretty good overview of the rationale and pros and cons of GMO
foods. It describes in some detail
how extensive GMO foods are in our food supply today!
Here is my
question. The FDA is probably rigorous in testing each GMO product in
detailed animal studies to ascertain that any product is safe for the vast
majority of us. But more and more GMO products are being added to
processed foods over time so that almost any processed food now has several
genetically modified ingredients such as beet sugar, corn syrup, soy oil,
canola oil, or cotton seed oil. Gradually more fruits and vegetables are
being added to the food supply and a company is attempting to put GMO salmon on
the market. In addition, genetically modified corn and alfalfa are fed to
cattle. I'm curious if any studies have been done feeding animals various
GMO foods in their diet or does the FDA just test each material in isolation?
When I was a child
I relied on my parents to provide me the most nutritious foods available.
I am no longer a child so I take on that responsibility for myself and my
family. I have the right to know if my food has been genetically modified
and I have the right to choose whether I or my family eats such food. I
no longer have that right if the ingredients in my food are hidden from me.
Scientists Dream of Creating
Plants that Can Separate From Roots to Get to Sun and Other Incredible
Ideas. To find the article about
plants separating from roots go to the biotech-medical link below and search
for the article printed June 25, 2010 called New Plant Paradigms (Part IV: a
Return to Roots) in the archives.
the above information, it is a bit harder to completely dismiss those that
claim, “The powers that Be”, intend to covertly reduce human population by malevolent
means. Considering what I know I
am keeping an open mind. The links
below support the above hypothesis.
Reviews several studies in Russia, India, Italy, and the United States
showing a drastic drop in fertility and increase in infant mortality in animals
fed GMO soy. 7/25/2012
Page 61
The Hidden Epidemic Destroying
Your Gut Flora This agricultural
scientist explains how many GMO plants are nutritionally inferior to natural
plants but also inhibit gut flora’s ability to assimilate nutrients.
Reduction 2012 Codex Alimentarius
For several
decades the fertility of humans has been declining in the industrialized
nations. No one has proved
why fertility overall is declining.
Differing sources blame, propaganda, chemicals, vaccines and or GMO
Foods. These people believe that there is a covert plan utilizing these strategies to covertly reduce human fertility.
to Double in Europe in Next Decade According to BBC Report http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/4112450.stm
www.ResponsibleTechnology.org www.OrganicConsumers.org http://www.gmolabeling.org/ http://www.foodstamped.com/
Page 68
Population Control
and The National Security Memorandum 200/Kissinger
Speaking of Population Growth
Consider the document The National Security Memorandum 200 authored partly by
Henry Kissinger. By 1974 when
President Ford signed on to the document over 10 million people in the world
were dying of hunger every year. The authors
felt if nothing was done by 2,000, 7 billion would inhabit the globe. If they could implement some programs
then by that time perhaps the growth could be reduce to 6.4 billion. Implementing drastic plans would cut
the growth to 5.9 billion. At the time
officials of many nations thought the control of population growth was the most
critical issue of the time if mass starvation, disease and war were to be
avoided. Yet how to get nations of
the world to sign on to such a program no one could figure out how to do
it. Never in modern historical
times has man ever united to achieve any one goal. Skimming over most of the document it suggested various
voluntary means of controlling growth of population.
Page 62
two pages discussed involuntary actions that might need to be imposed upon
countries because of the urgency of the problem. Some of these involuntary methods included forced abortions, adding anti-fertility chemicals to food or water and covertly administering anti-fertility vaccines. If you look at the post The U.N. in the New World Order in the blog Unclesamenterstheendgamepart4, evidence is provided that these covert strategies may have been implemented in some parts of the world. Many experts studying the problem claimed in these two pages
that it was already too late for voluntary methods to work. To see the entire document go to http://www.population-security.org/28-APP2.html
The remarkable thing is that in the year 2000 the
population barely reached 6 billion people. Remember the memorandum stated that if they could
implement the most rigorous
programs they could cut the growth to 5.9 billion people by 2000. My question is how did they almost achieve
their goal? To see some
interesting information from the document and get the gist of how various
leaders of the world may have pulled this off, go to the article “The U.N. and
Population Control Memorandum The National Security Study 200/Henry Kissinger. It is on page 19 in the link, http://unclesamenterstheendgamepart4.blogspot.com/2011/09/united-nations-in-relationship-to-new.html
Intelligence Country Comparison/Total Fertility Rate/2011 https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/rankorder/2127rank.html
offers interesting statistics on Fertility rate throughout the world. Alarming rates of declining populations
are occurring in most industrialized nations.
State Initiatives Petitions to Label GMO Foods California Text of
the California Iniative http://d3n8a8pro7vhmx.cloudfront.net/labelgmos/pages/31/attachments/original/CA-Right-to-Know-Initiative12.pdf?1324916176
Washington State Senate/House Bill to Label GMO Foods
Connecticut Vermont failed to Pass GMO labeling Bills Perhaps we can learn from the failures.
Monsanto has influenced legislation in
other nearby states such as Pennsylvania and Ohio to back off labeling such
foods threatening these states with expensive lawsuits.
Action Groups
www.ResponsibleTechnology.org www.OrganicConsumers.org http://www.gmolabeling.org/ http://www.foodstamped.com/
Page 63
The Medicaid Expansion Under Obama
Probably Won’t Work
The Patient
Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) is designed to extend health
insurance to millions of Americans.
According to the study below more than half of that insurance will be
provided by expanding Medicaid.
However there are flaws in the program. Studies show that patients with Medicaid and those without
insurance have lower quality care than those on private insurance. This is understandable considering that
the government pays less and less over time for Medicaid patients
http://www.manhattan-institute.org/html/ir_8.htm The Medicaid Mess: How Obama Care Makes
it Worse. Studies from the New
England Journal of Medicine, the University of Pennsylvania, Columbia-Cornell,
University of Pittsburg, John Hopkins, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid and
other studies came to the following conclusions.
Ø Patients on Medicaid face
significantly worse outcomes for colon cancer surgery, vascular disease and
lung transplants than patients with private insurance.
Ø Medicaid patients were more likely to
be diagnosed with late stage prostate, breast, melanoma, and throat cancers
than those with private insurance.
Ø According to a report published in
2008 by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Medicaid pays
physicians 58% of what private insurance pays.
Ø “In summary” according to the link: “Medicaid
patients were almost twice as likely to die as those with private insurance;
their hospital stays were 42 percent longer and cost 26 percent more. Compared
with those without health insurance, Medicaid patients were 13 percent more
likely to die, stayed in the hospital for 50 percent longer, and cost 20
percent more.”
Ø As Medicaid payments are reduced over
time more and more doctors are refusing to take, or limiting their number of
patients on Medicaid. In a study
in the New England Journal of Medicine, individuals posing as mothers having
children with serious medical conditions were denied appointments 66% of the
time if they said they were on Medicaid.
Those claiming to be on private insurance were denied appointments 11%
of the time, a 6 to 1 ratio.
Ø The link has an interesting graph
comparing physician prices paid for their services from the past and projected
into the future under currant law for people paying privately or through
private insurance, through Medicaid and Medicare from 2000 and projecting
forward to 2080. Of course people
paying privately or through their insurance pay 100% for services. Except for an increase occurring now
perhaps lasting a few years, Medicaid payments will remain about 58%. However Medicare payments now slightly
below 58% will gradually reduce to 30% by 2080.
As Medicaid Rates Shrink, Patients
are Abandoned
Medicaid.gov Keeping Americans Healthy Financing & Reimbursement
This article
explains how the state and Federal governments cooperate when reimbursing
physicians for medical services.
The Federal government has a formula to determine the reimbursements it
gives to each state based on criteria such as per capita income. The national average is 57% but can be
as low as 50% in wealthier states and as high as 75% in poorer states. The highest possible rate is 82%.
Trends In Medicaid
Physician Fees, 2003–2008 http://content.healthaffairs.org/content/28/3/w510.full Medicare traditionally pays more in
fees than Medicaid. This is why
Medicaid patients have a harder time finding quality care. Physicians are paid between 69-72% of
the fees that they would receive from Medicare for the same service.
P.J. Cunningham and J.H.
May, “Medicaid Patients Increasingly Concentrated among Physicians,” August
http://www.hschange.com/CONTENT/866/ At this point according to the
article at least 20% of physicians do not take Medicaid patients although most
still take Medicare patients.
Reimbursement rates for Medicare patients are somewhere in the 80 to 85%
range out of 100% doctors get from patients from private insurance. See Report to Congress Medicare
Payment Policy March 2008 below.
Medicaid reimbursements average 69 to72% of the actual Medicare
reimbursements. Far more Medicaid patients are seen by larger group practices
and institutional based practices such as hospitals, academic medical centers
and community health centers.
Fewer physicians in solo or small group practices are taking Medicaid
Page 64
The Opposite View
Mortality and Access to Care Among
Adults After Medicaid Expansion
This article in
the New England Journal of Medicine studied 3 states that expanded Adult
Medicaid Eligibility after 2,000, Arizona, Maine and New York. They studied mortality among over 68,000
adults both before and after the expansion and found there was a 6.1% decrease
in deaths after the Medicaid expansion was put into place. The most dramatic decrease in deaths
occurred among the most vulnerable populations.
Medicaid Expansion Is Delicate Maneuver
for Arizona’s Republican Governor
According to
the article the Arizona governor and other Republican governors in the
southwest are embracing Medicaid expansion because Latino voting blocks are in
favor of Medicaid expansion!
Report to the Congress Medicare
Payment Policy March 2008 medpac
Medical Advisory Payment Commission http://www.medpac.gov/documents/mar08_entirereport.pdf Are medical payments adequate for
physician service in 2008 on pages 82-89.
They conducted surveys of beneficiaries and physicians. At that time most Medicare beneficiaries
reported that they had easy access to care and were quite happy with their care
and there was little difference between their responses and those with private
insurance just a few years younger than they. Medicare patients and private insurance patients had little
problem changing doctors or finding specialists when needed. At the time there was a small subset of
Medicare patients who had some problems finding new doctors or specialists.
As far as
physicians, the Medicare reimbursements averages somewhere in the low 80ties in
terms of % that Medicare paid for services as opposed to the 100% paid by
private insurance. At that time
physicians over all accepted new Medicare patients. There was a small number of physicians who capped the number
of Medicare patients or who stopped taking Medicare patients but this did not
concern the authors. They also did
not know whether it was the lower payout for patients or other factors that may
have influenced these doctors.
Graphs Related to Health Care and Inflation
Exponential Doubling Function Graph

If you graphed the doubling function where you start at 1, go to 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 etc the line on the graph would look like the above. Here is some research you could do on your own. Google the chart of the CPI from 1800-2005 provided by the Minneapolis Fed. The graph looks like the line in the above graph. Remember CPI measures the increase in prices over time or inflation. The line starts out almost horizontal but as the growth of inflation over time intensifies it looks just like a doubling graph. While you are at it google the following then go to images. You will see lots of graphs that look like the above. Look at the following: National debt over time, Federal government spending versus revenue, and entitlement spending over time. Here is one more thing to look at. Looking at our country's history, what is the average tax rate over time?

Page 67
Page 65
Graphs Related to Health Care and Inflation
Exponential Doubling Function Graph
If you graphed the doubling function where you start at 1, go to 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 etc the line on the graph would look like the above. Here is some research you could do on your own. Google the chart of the CPI from 1800-2005 provided by the Minneapolis Fed. The graph looks like the line in the above graph. Remember CPI measures the increase in prices over time or inflation. The line starts out almost horizontal but as the growth of inflation over time intensifies it looks just like a doubling graph. While you are at it google the following then go to images. You will see lots of graphs that look like the above. Look at the following: National debt over time, Federal government spending versus revenue, and entitlement spending over time. Here is one more thing to look at. Looking at our country's history, what is the average tax rate over time?
Inflation Verses
Health Care Costs 1940-2010
Bureau of Labor
CPI = Consumer Price Index
Source Bureau of Labor Statistics

This graph can be found at http://jcbweblog.blogspot.com/2010/04/health-care-inflation-in-us.html
Above is a graph very similar to a graph that I created but I could not transfer it to this blog so I included the data for the graph I created in the table below. I also included the years 1935, 2012 and January of 2013 in the table below.. I directly took these numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Above is a graph very similar to a graph that I created but I could not transfer it to this blog so I included the data for the graph I created in the table below. I also included the years 1935, 2012 and January of 2013 in the table below.. I directly took these numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Consumer Price
Index All Urban
All Items
Consumer Price
Index All Urban
Medical Care
2013 Jan
2013 Jan
Page 66
Note the slope of the red line ends up so much steeper than the blue
line showing costs are rising much faster in medical care than in inflation
overall in the graph above the table. See the graph I am talking about at http://jcbweblog.blogspot.com/2010/04/health-care-inflation-in-us.html Look at the bottom of the
table above. In Jan 2013 overall
inflation increase by about ½ yet Medical care inflation increased by almost 6!
In order to access this data yourself, google The Bureau of Labor Statistics. Across top you will see the tabs, home, subject, area, data bases & tools etc. Click on data bases & tools. Go to All Urban Consumers (Chained CPI). Click on top picks. Click on U.S. All items, 1982-84=100-CWUR0000SA0. Then go to the bottom where it says retrieve data and click. On the top of the next table set your time constraints. I put 1935-2012. Then press go. You will get a table of the CPI by months and years. I got my CPI figures for the graphs from here. Then go through the same procedure as above clicking on top picks. ON the next page click on U.S. Medical Care, 1982-84=100 - CWUR0000SAM. Then continue to follow the same process to get the medical care data from 1935-2012 You can see health care costs now are growing much faster than inflation. To see how much see the graphs below.
While inflation has doubled since 1980, healthcare costs have
quadrupled! Does it make sense to
pour so much money into it when it is already so costly? The last 2 graphs show that higher
education costs have rose even faster than health care costs! What do health care costs and higher
education have in common? Federal
involvement in helping people pay for their college and their health care over
time I think causes prices to rise.
As prices rise more people need help and the Federal government spends
more money helping more people causing prices to rise further. This causes a destructive feedback loop
few understand.
James T Harris
Interviews Frank Anternori Concerning Steve Pierce and Brewer Care http://www.1041thetruth.com/podcast/harris/205005621.html
Antenori describes how both the Congress and the Arizona legislature can
implement procedures to pass legislation without discussion input from the
public or experts that support or oppose the legislation. He believes this week the governor and
the legislature will attempt to pass Brewer’s Medicaid proposal without debate
or discussion. He describes the
process in the clip above. Near
the end of the interview he names some of the Republican senators and representatives
that might help the Democrats in this process. Please call you’re representatives to let them know how you
feel about the Medicaid Bill.
Below is a transcription of the interview.
I cut out a few small portions of the interview and signaled that with
three dots like this… In some
spots I put what they said in my own words. In a couple of places I could not understand what was being
said so I put question marks around the parts I was guessing. Otherwise I believe I accurately
recorded the interview
. Page 69
James T Harris: Frank Antenori is
on the line from somewhere up in Phoenix.
He has graciously agreed to call into the show today. Frank how are you doing this afternoon?
Frank Antenori: Pretty good James. Always good to call in and do the job
the main stream media refuses to do.
Harris: And you know you really do… But first you were talking about the Arizona nuclear bomb.
Antenori: Nuclear option.
Harris: I’m sorry the nuclear option and you equated it to Nancy
Pelosi’s and how the democrats rammed through Obama care in 2010 and as I was
listening I got a chill down my back because what you were describing it seems
like it is imminent. So I would
like you to describe that to my audience then describe what we can do about it
if we can do anything.
Let me tell you really what
is going on. Last week there were
discussions in the Senate with 3 republicans and the democrat caucus about a
coup to remove Andy Biggs as the Senate president and install Steve Pierce in
his place so Steve would allow governor Brewer’s Medicaid bill to come to the
floor. Some republicans got cold
feet and decided that would be disastrous for a lot of people, the grass roots
would go bonkers which they would and then there would be hell to pay for those
who partook of the coup but also anybody involved in the establishment that
supported those candidates. So
somebody smart decided that’s not the way to go so let’s find a different way.
So the way they found to go is in the Senate rule there is a provision
in there that allows a bill to be yanked out of a committee and go straight to
the Senate floor into what is called The Committee of the Whole. It is a process where the Committee of
the Whole members are allowed to add amendments to bills. In this case they would find a bill
from a house member that made it out of the house and is languishing in a
Senate committee likely to die at the end
Page 70
of the session. They will find that bill and have a
vote on the floor where they will find 3, 4, or 5 republicans that will jump
sides and they would with most of the democrats in the majority vote to bring
that bill out of the committee and bring it to the committee of the whole.
Now at that point they would be free to amend that bill anyway they see
fit. Now that bill would have
nothing to do with Obama care and nothing to do with Medicaid. It’s a process called the ? ??
amendment. It is a process that is
not really suppose to be done in COW (Committee of the Whole) but they’re going
to do it and the reason they are not suppose to do it James is there would be
no committee hearing on this bill, none, no opportunity for law makers to
debate, no opportunity for the public or experts to testify for or against the
bill. It would go to the Senate
floor with Governor Brewers Medicaid proposal in it and the Senators would vote
on it. It is just a straight up or
down vote with no debate or discussion.
It would probably pass 16 to 14 then go over to the house. Then the sponsor of the original bill
would have to do what is called concur or nonconcur. They would say I agree or disagree with the amendments that
were made. If they say I disagree
that causes a lot of problems for the governor but if they agree, it goes
straight to the House floor James again no committee hearings, no public
testimony, no expert testimony, no debate. It goes straight to the floor for a vote.
It is basically the same process that Nancy Pelosi and the democrats in
the House used to pass Obama care.
They got a benign bill out passed it over to the Senate where they added
the Obama care provisions. It was
voted out and it went back to the house for an up or down vote and there was
never any opportunity for debate on it.
The governor and her supporters are calling for a similar process to be used
here to implement this aspect of Obama care here in order to avoid debate and
public input on the bill. This is likely to happen at 2:00 in the morning like
other such similar bills so the public cannot call their representatives and
threaten to vote them out of office.
James T Harris: When is this being planned?
Antenori: Next week. The
governor was out of town this week at the Bush Library dedication there out in
Texas. She’ll be back next
week. Word out on the street, she
be helping discuss this process with various members of the legislature, those
sympathetic to her cause and they will set up the process step by step in
intricate detail to ensure that it cannot be derailed and sometime next week
they are going to start this.
Page 71
But there is a chance, there is hope because people need to call their
Harris: Wait! Before we
go there, the hope, I got 2 questions for you. As it stands right now, there were some democrats that sort
of had cold feet because the bill could contain abortion. Did they flip flop?
Antenori: It is not in
there. There is no prohibition for
transferring dollars to Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood would still be funded as under the
governor’s proposal.
Harris: So those who are opposed including a handful of democrats,
wouldn’t they be opposed to the striker?
Antenori: What I understand
from my discussions with legislative leaders and members I have been in close
contact with over the last few days is they do not want to put in an amendment
to prohibit funding for Planned Parenthood because it would lose democratic
Harris: Right.
Antenori: The bill is going to go through without the prohibition so in
essence, the republicans that vote for this are voting for funding Planned
Parenthood and I heard a couple of republicans trying to justify their vote by
saying they don’t spend that money on abortion but on women’s health care, pap
smears and administrative costs.
If you go back and look at Planned Parenthood’s spending in about 2005,
you will see that about 70% was spent on surgical procedures which is related
to controlling ?pregnancy? which is a nice way of saying abortion. Only about 30% was used for other. Now they are claiming the reverse that
70% of the money is going to counseling, pap smears, birth control and
administration costs but they are performing more abortions than ever. So what Planned Parenthood is doing to
get around the Hyde amendment is claiming the majority of Federal monies they
are receiving is going to non-abortion related services because if they
admitted that they were using the money for abortion services they would not be
eligible for Federal funding. So
the funding for the nurses and doctors who perform the abortions but also
occasionally hand out prescriptions or perform other non-abortion services so
Planned Parenthood claims that they perform non-abortion services. So all their salaries have been shifted
over to the administrative costs…So any republican that votes for this bill not
believing they are funding abortions are lying or they are stupid. They are falling for the baloney or
deliberately lying to their constituents.
Page 72
Harris: Who are the republicans who are lining up with Brewer to jam
this through?
Antenori: Well in the Senate the three big ones right now are Senator Steve Pierce,
Senator Rich Crandall and Senator Bob Worsley and possibly Senator John McComish and Senator
Adam Driggs. In the House we
have Ethan
Orr, Tom Forese, Kate Brophy McGee and about 4 others I cannot remember. This
process is likely to pass in the Senate but it will be harder in the house…
Harris: What do we need
to do so we don’t get a Pelosi Obama midnight maneuver to open up the doors for
Obama care in Arizona?
Antennori: You need to contact all the republicans, and tell them there
will be repercussions if they vote for this diabolical plan and use Nancy
Pelosi tactics. You also need to
contact the governor and let her know your feelings. She is under the belief that this proposal is popular among
Arizonans. She is being insulated
and not told the truth by her handlers.
So if you can see her in person!
Harris: Thank you Frank
and we will talk to you on Monday to see how this is progressing.
Hospital Infections 4th Leading
Cause of Death in the U.S. Behind Heart Disease Cancer and Strokes. Ideas to Protect yourself.
you google hospital infections 4th leading cause of death a slew of
articles will turn up. I took If you google hospital infections 4th leading cause of death a slew of articles will turn up. I took my information from Betsy McCoy who was the former lieutenant governor of New York who also wrote a book on the subject called Unnecessary Deaths. More of this information can also be found at Hospitalinfection.org.
Here are a couple of notes of interest you can discuss with your doctor or hospital staff. Some hospitals have replaced the cloth privacy curtains with plastic ones that can be changed daily. In addition the now have washable keyboards!my
information from Betsy McCoy who was the former lieutenant governor of New York
who also wrote a book on the subject called Unnecessary Deaths. More of this information can also be
found at Hospitalinfection.org.
Before discussing the article further, scientists warned us years ago that the heavy use of antibiotics to keep cattle and poultry healthy and maintain profits could cause the creation of super bugs untreatable with antibiotics. To see how that process occurred refer to the article in the contents titled, Antibiotic Fed Cattle Cause 100,000 Deaths a Year/Union of Concerned Scientists. I am afraid as shown below the chickens are coming home to roost!
According to the website, when her organization began in 2004 and I quote “hospital infection rates were kept secret and government agencies did far too little to address the problem. Since then 26 states and the District of Columbia have enacted laws requiring hospitals to disclose their infection rate to the public.” She goes on to say that now Medicaid refuses to pay for infections that hospitals could have prevented.
She says patients and their loved ones are the best line of defense against these infections. Two major sources of infections are Mersa and C diff. Some infections including C diff are not killed off by alcohol based disinfectants so bleach wipes are more effective. According to the lieutenant governor to keep costs of Obama care down funding for hospital cleaning crews or hospital environmental services has been cut. She cited a study that found that C diff spores remained on 70% of hospital surfaces after the hospital staff had cleaned those surfaces. She mentioned another incident where C diff bacteria were hiding in a soap bar people were using to wash their hands in the hospital. In addition, such C diff spores can remain on hospital surfaces that are not properly cleaned for weeks. Common areas for these spores to reside are on surfaces around the patient’s bed, IV pole, door knobs, privacy curtains and in the key boards of the computers in the patient’s room.
Hand sanitizer stations are located In patient’s rooms for doctors and nurses to disinfect their hands when they enter. However, if doctors or nurses pull the privacy curtain for the patient, touch the keyboard to input information about the patient on the computer or touch any of the surfaces in the room that have not been properly cleaned and then touch the patient the patient could get infected. According to the Mayo clinic in recent years C diff infections are increasingly difficult to treat and more patients are dying because of their resistance to antibiotics.
This is where the patient and their loved ones come in especially if the patient is too incapacitated to watch the doctors and nurses like a hawk. The governor suggests that loved ones enter the hospital room armed with bleach wipes and clean the surfaces around the patient’s bed, and IV pole every night and clean the patients hands before eating. C diff spores are usually ingested by the patient, after touching infected surfaces and ingesting the spores.
If the doctors or nurses come in and disinfects their hands but then touch the cloth privacy curtains, other surfaces or the keyboard then insist they wipe their hands again using one of your bleached wipes before touching the patient. With the human created antibiotic resistant super bugs now residing in our hospitals it maybe the difference between your loved one leaving the hospital infected, dead or healthy.
discussing the article further, scientists warned us years ago that the heavy
use of antibiotics to keep cattle and poultry healthy and maintain profits
could cause the creation of super bugs untreatable with antibiotics. To see how that process occurred refer
to the article in the contents titled, Antibiotic Fed Cattle Cause 100,000
Deaths a Year/Union of Concerned Scientists. I am afraid as shown below the chickens are coming home to
to the website, when her organization began in 2004 and I quote “hospital infection
rates were kept secret and government agencies did far too little to address
the problem. Since then 26 states
and the District of Columbia have enacted laws requiring hospitals to disclose
their infection rate to the public.”
She goes on to say that now Medicaid refuses to pay for infections that
hospitals could have prevented.
says patients and their loved ones are the best line of defense against these
infections. Two major sources of
infections are Mersa and C diff.
Some infections including C diff are not killed off by alcohol based
disinfectants so bleach wipes are more effective. According to the lieutenant governor to keep costs of Obama
care down funding for hospital cleaning crews or hospital environmental
services has been cut. She cited a
study that found that C diff spores remained on 70% of hospital surfaces after
the hospital staff had cleaned those surfaces. She mentioned another incident where C diff bacteria were
hiding in a soap bar people were using to wash their hands in the
hospital. In addition, such C diff
spores can remain on hospital surfaces that are not properly cleaned for
weeks. Common areas for these
spores to reside are on surfaces around the patient’s bed, IV pole, door knobs,
privacy curtains and in the key boards of the computers in the patient’s room.
sanitizer stations are located In patient’s rooms for doctors and nurses to
disinfect their hands when they enter.
However, if doctors or nurses pull the privacy curtain for the patient,
touch the keyboard to input information about the patient on the computer or
touch any of the surfaces in the room that have not been properly cleaned and then
touch the patient the patient could get infected. According to the Mayo clinic in recent years C diff infections
are increasingly difficult to treat and more patients are dying because of
their resistance to antibiotics.
is where the patient and their loved ones come in especially if the patient is
too incapacitated to watch the doctors and nurses like a hawk. The governor suggests that loved ones
enter the hospital room armed with bleach wipes and clean the surfaces around
the patient’s bed, and IV pole every night and clean the patients hands before
eating. C diff spores are usually
ingested by the patient, after touching infected surfaces and ingesting the
the doctors or nurses come in and disinfects their hands but then touch the
cloth privacy curtains, other surfaces or the keyboard then insist they wipe
their hands again using one of your bleached wipes before touching the
patient. With the human created
antibiotic resistant super bugs now residing in our hospitals it maybe the
difference between your loved one leaving the hospital infected, dead or
are a couple of notes of interest you can discuss with your doctor or hospital
staff. Some hospitals have
replaced the cloth privacy curtains with plastic ones that can be changed
daily. In addition the now have
washable keyboards!
Page 73
New Insights into
Statin-Cholesterol Controversy by Timothy M. Marshall, Ph.D.
author is a functional physician practicing in Tucson. His specialty is knowledge of how drugs
impact us. He worked for several
years at Pfizer but decided he did not like their philosophy. He now uses food grade supplements to
treat various conditions.
This well documented
article published in the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons Volume 19
Number 2 Summer 2014 pp. 42-46, takes the position that reducing cholesterol except
in extreme cases, does more harm than good. According to him reducing cholesterol impairs the immune
system resulting in many serious and or chronic conditions such as cardio-vascular
disease, alzheimer’s, dementia, diabetes, cancer and many other disorders. He
uses supplements to counter the other potential harmful effects of high
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